[H/A] [WrA] <Metric> 3/8H AOTC-Focused Fri/Sun Group LF Heals!

evening bump! new players and socials always welcomed :slight_smile:

afternoon bump!

On the lookout for DHs and mages!

midday bump!

Also looking to expand the M+ side of things—don’t need to raid to be part of the guild :slight_smile:

evening bump!

another bump!

midday bump to the top

Just downed Sire tonight! Got that shiny AOTC :smiley:

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up to the top!

still looking for all! if we get our roster up to size, venturing into mythic may be in the cards!

still looking!

big need for healers :slight_smile:

still seeking out a mage and a DH!

once again, straight to the top! working double time to see if we can field a team for potential mythics (emphasis on potential) :eyes:

still looking!

In dire need of a DH and a mage!

stiill searching!

stiiiill searching :eyes:

Hi there! I’m looking to get back into raiding and really like what you’re advertising. I’ve always had a boomie main in the past but it’s just not doing it for me and am currently leveling a mage if you are still looking for one.

I don’t really have any credentials to share other than a some heroic raiding in a dying guild at the beginning of BfA, but I’m really hoping to find a guild that I where I can learn and grow as a player and start pushing content again. My discord is KuddlyKaiju#8832 if you’d like to get ahold of me.