Ret Pala Main SP ALT Main LFG

Hello all!

I am a Ret Pala main with 9/9 H exp looking for a Heroic and or Mythic Raiding guild. I heavily focus on M+ with a current IO of 2700 on pala and just under 2100 on alt main. Looking for a great team to run with. Currently just came from the EU side of things. Yes I am willing to Faction / Server transfer.

Hey Achenidarian,

Send me a friend request on discord - I’d love to chat with you.

(or @ Letholas#9851 - discord name change is weird)

Hey! If you can accommodate Fridays 9pm-midnight EST and Sundays 4-7pm EST, my guild on Wyrmrest Accord, <Metric> is looking for dps for our light mythic prog.

We have a focus on AOTC but doesn’t mind dabbling into mythic when the opportunity permits, and outside of regular raid days we also have alt nights on Saturdays at 8-11pm EST (optional, of course). You can add me on Discord at cloe.nd if you’re interested and wanted to chat more, or look at the link I’ve posted for the full guild spiel. Regardless, hope you have a great day and thank you for reading!