Feedback - [Collection] Completionism Achievements

Hi Council members,

Feedback regarding this thread, as requested by Turkeycat.

Overall, I think rewards is a topic that Devs avoid, I feel this way because we got a response for big drama drops like Love Rocket in 2022 and then radio silence between Reward Dev and playerbase, I assume they just ignore the feedback in the CC , GD, PTR…etc proceed with a solution because they know “better” that us. (Solution that in my opinion didn’t fix the issues mentioned by the same Dev back in 2022).

Before talking about my point of view regarding achievements and collections, I already have to think about the excuses provided by Devs in past interviews or probably new excuses.

Right now, the one that’s the biggest excuse for Mount achievements, that could be used for other collections is that a lot of items were removed from the game. I know that trading post and other promotions brought some items back, however; if the item isn’t part of the game in a way that new / returning players could acquire it later, then it will impact the number of available items. I think achievements should be created around the items always available in game that you’re paying a sub. Example, the reward from Trading post " [Herald in the Heavens Astride Ash’Adar, Harbinger of the Dawn]" is now being moved to the Store, if someone joins the game in the new expansion release after this mount was already in the trading post and store, how that person can get this mount? We don’t have that insight. Therefore, removed items will always impact their philosophy around new achievements for X number of pets, mounts, transmogs…etc if they don’t take into account only items that are evergreen in the game.

Actually, this is going to some negative but due to grinds like the love rocket and removed items that we don’t know if there’s a plan for their return, I’ll never recommend WoW to new friends that like to collect items.

Well, after that intro, I’ll talk about different collections and completionist topics for each one.


I already did a thread back in 2022 regarding this, I explained that if X number of mounts was an issue as mentioned by Ion during an interview with MrGm, then maybe incentive players into collecting via another kind of goals, like families of mounts.

If you collect X number of specific demon mounts, then you’ll receive a new demon mount just like the “Awake the Drake” achievement, I can’t post images anymore but you can check that thread and find examples of unused colors in the database (

Or even expansion especific achievements for X amount of mounts from that expansion, there’s more ideas that just 600-700 mounts, I’d like to see those too at some point.

And Devs don’t always have to create something unique, actually most rewards are recolors.

Also, Devs use the big number as an excuse, because some new players could perceive a 700 mount achievement as a big wall, however; if you provide smaller achievements that also provide a new mount, new goals for collecting specific families…etc that leads to a new possible collector.


As you can see Pets already have that kind of achievements:

Pets from specific instances, expansions…etc and the X number of pets achievements are way ahead compared to other items. I’m not into pets too much but I’d assume that just like any other cosmetic RNG , lack of Bad luck protection systems is an issue for some pets.

I don’t have too much feedback here but I expect better improvements regarding rewads, that could impact pet drops like Arfus from Hallow’s end, it was a really fustrating experience for collectors and Devs keep the same pattern for the Love is in the air, I’m worry about thei idea of “Holidays update”, since only WoW has like these bad experiences for festivities, IMO.


I think there’s room for a experience regarding quest, maybe not all the quest in the game because its too much,however; Devs could provide new cosmetics after reaching X amount of quest or the achievements for the story lines of zones / a new meta achievement for the whole continent.


As mentioned in other C.C threads:

There’s items that should be toys and also transformation toys have a long CD.

First, I really like to collect items that transform my character, I wish we’ve an in game tool in order to use these at random, however; all the toys have different CDs.

I don’t get how this topic bny Ravig with 90 likes a lot for the C.C standards and a lot of comments doesn’t have a blue reply yet.

We don’t know the philosophy as mentioned by Reconbravo.

And I agree with Phenomenon, this thread is now almost 1 year old and 0 replies,if this gets attention maybe even the original poster Ravij won’t be part of the Council at that point.

There’s pleny of categories of toys and I think there’s a good space for Devs to provide their insight regarding possible issues and bnad use of those items, just like when a player abuse a big mount in order to block a NPC.

I think transformation toys CD should match their buff time, if the player wants to roleplay as Naga for 3 hoursd and the CD is 24 hours with a buff of 30mins…too bad and that should be changed, I don’t see the issue that could cause specifically for trasnformation toys, since Devs are even selling new ones in the Store like the Murloc toy.

Obviously Devs should check toys that cause issues with annoying sounds or possible server issues due to spam but transfmation toys usually are OK.

As a whole Toys had some goals for X amount of items, last one 500…Just like any collection, I’d like to see GOALS and reward devs just provide achievements too late, because you already reach that requirement.


As mentioned here by Artemisha ( my clown friend :clown_face:…we’re both clowns grinding that rocket)…

Transmog is another aspect in the game that could have this kind of X achievement, but besides that I’d like to see transmog incentive more, I mentioned this in old PTRs and even C.C members of previous waves tried to bring this topic.

We only have 2 trials per year during a single week that a lot of players could miss, if you compare that to other MMORPGs like FFXIV on which there’s a weekly quest for an outfit challenge…

Lets be real, Devs could allow us to use the trial style scenario for our own shows, our own community events, outside of those 2 weeks. Devs really don’t have interest in my opinion to improve transmog as an activity in the game besides including new assets via store, trading post. It’s kind of weird because the trading post brought so many ideas but the game doesn’t provide enough activities or incentives.


I don’t have too much to provide regarding this one, the last achievement is for 110 reps and it doesn’t provide anything, I got it already and I know that DataForAzeroth has 200+ Obtainable Reps, However; the reputation format changed a lot recently, now we’ve reputations, renowns, friends…etc

Besides that, there’s some reputations on which the grind doesn’t provide a good player experience…I don’t wan to get exalted by tomorrow, I already did the Insane title and 110+ reps, however; I don’t want to grind something boring.

Rewards overall its a big topic, I’ve done threads about a lot of things that I consider should change and there’s so many C.C. threads ignored with things that I’d like to see.

  • Bad Luck Protection

  • Rare spawns that requires the player to be AFK in the game instead of actually playing the game.

  • PvP casual rewards like the Honor System with a bad approach.
    ( Prestige PvP system and Rewards, forgotten?).

  • Legacy content updates, We’re still doing threads in GD, PTR…etc about BFA fights, mechanics like the legendary cloak…etc and nothing in game yet, last reply about legacy content in the C.C was June 13. (Legacy Raid Content)

I hope there’s more discussion about rewards overall but at the end Devs will decide what’s the best for them and sometimes is to keep us playing like an Hamster wheel, even if this leads to a fustrating experience.

I’d like to see more meaningful achievements, actually I expected a big update for Holidays not like a few quest and that’s all, I wanted something that involve casual pvp like a brawl, a world event like the ones created for DF zones…etc and then a new meta achievement like What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been part 2 for these new activities.

I know that everything mentioned here or C.C requires a budget, resource allocation, however; if we mentioned this now, maybe we’ll see changes in the future at some point, right?

I want to thank this Council batch for their inputs, I hope some threads get a reply or more attention, there’s a lot of threads on which C.C. members of previous years never got a reply and now there’s not anyone talking about and leads to the same topic open again by a new member. I really hope Blizzard do changes to their way to handle this feedback tool because there’s a lot of players with a lot of good feedback, examples…etc which could lead to small and big wins in the community besides the common focus on the High end M+, Raiding…maybe PvP that’s the usual Seasonal format that this game has now.

I don’t know the solution but I don’t think that their response to the current issue that’s C.C members doubting if they’re being listened is correct, it feels like they need new content in a PTR for start a conversation but there’s good threads that could be revisit since C.C creation. CM if you read this please start conversations with CC members.

PS: English isn’t my main language, so I hope the message is transmited properly, quote me if there’s any doubt.