Prestige PvP system and Rewards, forgotten?

As you can read what Näamah says on this topic, it just seems that this system has been forgotten.

Every time I think I even want to get my honor level up, I just quickly remove that idea from my thoughts because it’s such a slog to go through, and like Näamah says, many levels go without any reward at all.


Casual PvP could do with a complete overhaul of the reward system. The honour levels are way too far apart and take an age to get through. Back in Legion, when this system was first added, you got something quite frequently, be it AP, gold or a new PvP talent choice. Obviously some of those are no longer feasible.

I sometimes dabble in casual pvp although it tends to fail to hold much long term interest to me. Something along the lines of a seasonal reward track (ideally one that sticks around long-term and where past ones can be activated similar to how Halo Infinite does it, there is precedence for this with the Vicious Mounts) which rewards you for playing the game with various cosmetics which are created specifically for it. Ideally focussing on letting players pick whichever gamemode, be it Arena, BGs, Epic BGs, Brawls or Skirmishes.


I agree it could use more incentive structure. I did a lot more PVP in Legion and BFA. Legion had a lot of class specific skins (had to farm per character before it was merged prestige into honor levels). BFA had great cosmetics/gearing to get my characters ready to enter raids/m+, a set reward that every so often I got a nice purple for playing, and I would collect the sets in addition to farming honor levels. Now on live (have to cross check PTR) am at honor 154 would have to grind to 175 to get a toy. I can grind it but that’s a bit far without reward to grind, am sure there are worse gaps as you go up. Basically the mounts recolors are what I would have to look forward to. I haven’t done as much PVP this expansion tbh, miss the rewards frequency, dopamine wise.