Do Transformation Toys really need the excessive cooldown?

We’re honestly at the point where there’s nothing more we can add to the thread in terms of trying to convince the developers to do something about the cooldowns. We’ve effectively crossed every known issue, point, and perspective as to why toys should have lower cooldowns and as it stands all we can do is continue to say “Hey! A response would be nice!” or when a new toy gets introduced we bump the topic just to say “Hey this new toys cooldown doesn’t sit right with us!”

It’s exhausting when this is such a hot debate both here and in the general discussion with multitudes of threads trying to bring attention to toys and there unreasonable cooldowns and we have zero response to show for it.

I’m aware they’ve probably seen the thread, but give us a sign that “Hey we see you, we’re discussing it, but we can’t comment at this time!” would be very nice.


It is pretty upsetting that they haven’t even responded to this issue that’s been going on for expansions at this point.


Not only are the Cool Downs inconsistent and more often grossly over-extended, the inconsistent limitations to them are frustrating to players who just, at the end of the day:

Want to look like and play as NPC’s.

You can give us dozens of Allied Races with Player Skeletons, but it will always feel subpar in comparison to just picking out an NPC and wanting to look like that, either for RP purposes, campaigns, or just for fun.

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve passed Venthyr models and said “I want to just walk around looking like that, what a cool creature that is.”

Rogue’s Pick-Pocket Disguise Glyph can only do so much and has random limitations. I would die for a Toy or Glyph or Potion that allows players to just look like anything for fun.

Sometimes you don’t care about your transmog or your gear or any of the meta reasons your base character is seen. Sometimes you just want to look like a Gnoll or Sire Denathrius because their models are cool.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


So the new toy for reaching Tier 2 Soridormi Reputation is a step in the right direction in terms of how it’s used.

The Minute Glass basically has a cooldown of however long you set it at. If you set the time for 5 minutes you have a 5 minute cooldown. I’d like to see all toys encompass this sort of logic. If you use a transformation toy and accidently click it off before it wears off, the cooldown on the toy resets.


Has there ever been an official stance posted by Blizzard in any means that would explain their philosophy with toy Cool down ranges being what they are?


To my knowledge, No.

And given that this thread is now 7 months old with no official reply given, we will probably never see one.

One would wish that we could see a massive reduction in these cooldowns or an outright removal. I can see keeping a cooldown, not exceeding 4+ hours, on ones that can be a “nuisance” to other players but ones that are purely cosmetic do not require a cooldown whatsoever.


Bringing this back up, a month after my last reply. Still no official response, but wanted to bring up:

Why does the Toy Shadescale have a 2 hour cooldown?
Why does the effect of making the world at it’s “midnight” light setting remove itself upon entry to an instance, raid, or upon death?

This effect is solely for the individual, does nothing to any other players on the realm, yet… 2 hour cooldown that is easily removed without the players interaction?

Edit: Apparently, I have already brought this up before… but hey, the question still stands. Lol.


I, too, find it strange and baffling that toys have such long cooldowns.

However… I do have to wonder. I recall back in BC and WotLK when toys had much shorter cooldowns, occasionally my guildies and I would get together and spam our toys to come up with the wildest combinations! We stumbled our way through a lot of glitches and game-breaking things. (This was pre-Cata. We had a meeting spot “off the map” — we’d wall-walk our way across a certain spot at the northwestern Stonetalon border, and wander off into the flat nothingness to hold our guild meetings. We’d have between 15 and 40 people, and do duels and pull out the toys. Pretty sure we accidentally caused a server crash once or twice.)

So, yes, I do occasionally wonder whether the long cooldowns are intended to prevent players from spamming 100+ toys at the same time and breaking the game.


I can, moderately, understand that limitation for toys that do have a visual effect for all players. But a good majority of the toys are simply for the player themselves and do not interact with others. Those, like Shadescale, I do not understand why they have such a long cooldown.


I decided to buckle down and finally finish the secret fish Achieve and much to my dismay the Hyper-compressed Ocean is a 1 hour cooldown with 15 min up time. Would feel better for it to have a 30 minute cooldown.


That hour-long cooldown is the reason I never worked on that achievement…

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The Atomic Recalibrator is regularly used in roleplay, especially within my community to give our ‘void elf’ PC a more high elven appearance via access to blood elf hairstyles. I wish the cooldown was shortened quite a bit so we did not need to bug each other to purchase the toy and help each other out over an unnecessary cooldown.


This post was made today in regards to the move from being a self-buff that was only applicable to one character for making your dragonriding mounts be randomized. The toy that replaced the self-buff now has a 1 hour cooldown, while providing the buff for only 1 hour.

This is a drastic change from how it was functioning just yesterday. Yesterday, while it was only available to the character that bought it for some reason, that character would be able to click it as a self-buff to themselves with only a GCD happening, remove it, and then immediately re-up it should they choose.

Now, you get it for a full hour with the toy also being locked into an hour cooldown. But unlike before with the self-buff, if a player dies with this “Toy” active on their character the “Randomizer buff” is lost. The player now has to wait for whatever remains of the 1 hour cooldown just to use it again.

SEriously, what is up with these long cooldowns on purely cosmetic toys? Do they hinder the game that much that the Blizzard team feels obligated to make them have such ridiculous cooldowns? Why hasn’t this thread been answered to for our serious question in this regard in almost a year now? Should players give up on any hope of this team actually listening to our feedback? I mean, this thread alone has been up since March. March. No response. No “We don’t beleive in this.” Nothing. Radio Silence. Par for the course. Why do we provide feedback for it to be lost on deaf ears?


Agreed the endless drake manuscript should not have a cd. Was hoping to have it for mythic Tindral prog which has a lot of wipes and was disappointed when I found it goes away on death.


Any transformation toy that goes away on death or in combat makes the toy itself feel cheap and meaningless. Regardless if the transformation has “actions” through combat, sometimes a player just wants to look like something silly and fun for a while. Especially if this is for Roleplay purposes.

I really think all toy cooldowns need a look over by the devs to either buff or remove the CD entirely. It’s different if a CD’s Toy impedes other players somehow, but if it’s a personal toy, I don’t see how it’s a major issue.


What would the best end system be, if it never had to be changed again?

Every toy has a 5 minute cooldown? 1 minute?

Last for a hour? Two? Five?

What would the ideal system be?

I have read there could be server limitations for certain toys used en masse by a group of players on a shard.
Size increasing toys, maybe.

Annoying sound effect toys. Should all toys fall under the same category or overall system?

What do you all want to see happen?

There are several ideal systems that have already been suggested in this thread such as upkeep with a cooldown timer that lasts as long as the upkeep if not shorter. We’ve mentioned shorter cooldown with longer upkeep because a lot of toys remove their effects upon death, if they didn’t then we wouldn’t request it.

Toys like Shadescale which have 2 hours long upkeep with I believe a 5 hour cooldown only change the sky for the player who uses it, but upon death this toy is wiped out.

Size increasing toys such as the anima cell already have a 5 minute upkeep on the size buff. But if server limitations were an issue then only people in your party would be able to use the Anima Cell and there would be a limit as to how many of the cells can be present in the same area. As it stands though anyone can click a spawned anima cell and multiple can be up at a time. There is also already a limitation to this growth as you are unable to move. I do not think toys that grow your character to extreme measures should have a low reuse timer though but I don’t think it’ should be anywhere too long.

Toys (this is ironic I know) have been implemented to remove surrounding sounds caused by players, including used toys. However there are very few toys that cause annoying sounds to players outside their party. The Darkmoon whistle is about the only thing I can think of that would cause a noise to play to those around (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong as I have a ton of toys collected but haven’t really used 3/4ths of them).

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Transformation toys (on the user, mind) that do nothing but change their model have no business having such a long cooldown, and it’s especially telling with ones that are a requirement for achievements, such as the Zaralek one. They’re already restricted from usage in rated PvP environments, which is good - so why these (honestly arbitrary) “5 min duration, 1 hour cooldown” decisions?


I’d also like to follow up with another suggestion I’ve seen among the masses. Cooldowns of certain toys resetting upon death. This is mainly for the toys such as Shadescale and others that only provide an effect for the player themselves as well as certain transformation or aura adding toys.

One toy in particular though; that is a perfect example of a cosmetic toy in the likeness of what we are requesting is the Heartsbane Grimore ( This toy has zero cooldown and applies an aura effect that can be easily reapplied before it falls off.

While another toy in a similar essence to the Heartsbane Grimore that also applies an aura has a 10 minute upkeep with a 15 minute cooldown: The Blazing Shadowflame Cinder ( While it’s not a terrible cooldown the fact it’s effect of applying an aura is very similar to the Heartsbane Grimore and was not given the same treatment is a little off putting.