[Collection] Items that should be toys!

Here is a list of items I think should be toys and justifications for certain categories of items since not everything can be put into one section.

Default: Not much explanaiton here just items I think should be toys.
Anti-Doom Broom
Beeholder Goggles
Butterfly Net
Cooking School Bell
Darkmoon Cannon
Fire-Watcher’s Oath
Flight Master’s Whistle
Prestige Card: The Turn
Pouch of Ebon Rose Petals
Pouch of Red Rose Petals
Secret Fish Goggles
Starlight Beacon
Stuffed Bear

As mentioned wormhole items that are engineer specific are already in the toybox as is the world enlarger/shrinker and Gnomish Gravity Well they just have engineering skill requirement. I propose adding more items to it.

Deepdive Helmet
Rechargeable Reaves Battery

The Clan Banner toy is already racial specific for orcs/mag’har so I think the items rewarded from the Gnome & Tauren heritage should be toys as well.

Ancient Tauren Talisman
G.E.A.R Tracking Beacon

Then there are teleport items that should also be toys. I know teleport toys are not normally the norm but if wormhole from engineering and Fractured Necrolyte is a skull I don’t see why not.

Adept’s Guide to Dimensional Rifting
Admiral’s Compass
Direbrew’s Remote
Jaina’s Locket
The Last Relic of Argus
Lucky Tortollan Shell
Relic of Karabor


A couple more items that I thought of that should also be toys!

Ornate Spyglass
Intra-Dalaran Wormhole Generator


Here’s one that was removed in Cataclysm I have that could be either a toy or a non combat pet! Its a re-useable grey item.

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