[Collection] Completionism Achievements

I thought we already had a generalized thread for this but now I can’t seem to find it, only a couple more specific ones

With 10.2.5 there was a mention of new appearance completionism achievements, but for some unknown reason they never made it into the game,
This leaves us wondering, what is going on with collecting achievements?
They aren’t overly complicated to make as far as we can see from the outside, and they are a good motivation to keep players interested, since a goal to work towards helps with nearly everything,

Quests, Mounts, Toys, Appearances, Reputations are all significantly behind on achievements, Pets are really the only one that isn’t too far behind.

So the question is, Why?

what we know: In an interview several months ago it was mentioned that finding a balance where things arent too hard is part of the problem. but we have achievements for cutting edge raiding, high end mythic+, top tier rated PvP ranking etc, so why put restrictions on completionism ones?

It would be really great if we could have some communication on this topic =) its really confusing from the players perspective


Collection tends to feel ignored, which I guess makes sense given that most players probably aren’t collectors but I don’t think it would take too much effort to appease players who like collecting.

Pets are a good example where had a 2000 pet achievement and had to bring it down. I agree things like mounts and toys really need to be caught up on achievements.

I am hoping this improves in War Within. The profession section of the achievement tab was always barren and boring but the additions they did a couple patches ago was fairly huge and I hope to see that kind of approach to other achievements like the collections section.

With the addition of Warbands I’d also like to see the expansion of the General tab or a new tab entirely called Classes with a subsection for each class. Things like the collecting warlock pet/druid shift appearances could go there and stuff like mount quests or the black harvest quest can go there as well. Then some general class achievements like do X ability X amount of times or kill X amount of mobs with a single X ability. Nothing big or complex just simple stuff.


The large addition of achievements in 10.2 was amazing. The lengths a player had to go to achieve patterns, recipes and the gold required to facilitate the completion of some of them brought out the spirit of what an achievement is.

Adding mindless achievements with a simple criteria of loot (x), kill (x) are not what I would consider quality achievements.
They are essentially fillers when you run out of ideas. A few here and there has little bearing on the overall completion arc. I hope in the future we dont have multitudes of the same type of achievements.


Revisiting this as its still a big mystery to the collecting community, it would be much appreciated if we could some dev communication on this mystery,

Completion achievements are an important part of motivation for our section of players to keep playing :slight_smile: Having goals to work towards in any game is important


Yes, please! Having updated achievements for collections (especially transmog since many of us had the “collect 100 of X item” achievements since the day they came out) would be a great motivator. The updated “collecting” achievements we had for professions was awesome and I’d love to see that + more with transmog and other collectible items.


A non CC thread was linked to this thread, and after reading through it one of my biggest takeaways is that, I don’t personally feel like every iteration of these achievements needs a big reward like a pet or mount, not sure if the time to create these rewards is holding them back or not, would rather see them proceed with less rewards than these achievements get left behind because of the time needed to make those rewards :slight_smile:

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I agree certain collection achievements need to be updated, but you shouldn’t leave out pets, toys or mounts as a reward for achieving them. Pets, toys and mounts are essentially the proverbial carrot on a stick that gets people to grind out an achievement more than a mog reward (at least in my eyes) because there is not many, if any internal/external tracker keeping track of what mog’s people have in their appearance tab at this time. You have addons like AllTheThings but theres no database that really shows others what you have aside from a number like on DataforAzeroth. There are however collection pages that display what pets ,mounts or toys you have. There is even a tracker to display the titles you have via Simplearmory.

While I don’t think a pet/toy/mount should be given away with every achieve, I do think certain special milestones should grant something very unique to it.

I remember there was a toy collection achieve that granted a pet and then a later iteration granted a mount.


I always wondered why the 450 mount achievement was skipped over.
I hope we see that as well as 550/600/650/700/750/800/850/etc with TWW release.

Edit: link to my long rant post lol: [Collection] Mount achievements - #11 by Branchès-zuljin


The amount of global fun that would occur if a 500 of each fashionista slot collections went live.
The economy. Markets. Community group events. Such as group instance farming challenges.
It would be glorious the amount of the playerbase joining in the collecting community challenge.


Yes yes yes and yes! I think soooo many people would have a blast with this (myself included)