I’m sure this is largely niche and much lower priority than a lot of current content stuff going on right now, but I’d like to revisit an idea that was proposed on reddit a few years ago about a Legacy Raid talent tree.
I love the general concept of this, and I think variations of it could function outside of a talent tree as old achievement rewards. For instance, the achievement reward for obtaining a raid’s tier set appearance (such as That’s So Last Millennium) could allow you to unlock appearances of all armor types in that Legacy raid on that character. As someone who has played largely one character for years, the transmog state of my non cloth-wearing alts is truly tragic.
I can see reserving raid teleports for end of expansion content like they did with SL, and that’s great since we already have so many dungeon teleports as well (that I desperately wish would be account wide like their raid counterparts). I think it is also time they add skips to exceedingly long raids, like SoO, ICC, Dragon Soul, etc, either in the form of a quest like all the modern raids have or an added reward for the raid meta achievement.
As a someone who plays a slow class, I would also love the movement speed increase
Tangentially related, but as a reward for What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been I think it would be awesome to be able to use the holiday transmog all year. The original achievement rewarded a 310% speed mount (one of like 3 ways at the time to obtain them in the game), which reflected the length of commitment required to obtain all of the achievements, and since 310% speed has been normalized for a long time now, I think it would be fitting to add this extra little reward.
What do you guys think?
The development team spends the majority of their time on the latest content which includes both brand new things and iterating on the latest additions to the game. That said, legacy content is something we cherish and do try to make some focused improvements on it when possible. In this week’s PTR update, a new update is available for testing:
- Players that have defeated Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar may now skip directly to The Inner Sanctum on all characters on the account by reading the scroll hanging on the wall near Loremaster Cho at the entrance.
- Developers’ note: Siege of Orgrimmar is a long, linear raid with a rare mount and plate shoulders held covetously by Garrosh Hellscream, its final boss encounter. We hope that the shortcut implemented here will allow players who’ve experienced this part of the story before to skip directly to the final showdown for a chance at earning those unique collectibles.
Hopefully this helps a bit and thanks for the feedback on this content.
This really doesn’t impact me much but Im seeing a LOT of hype about this in collecting discords so I wanted to pass a long their excitement, as well as my own about legacy content getting a bit of attention 
This is wonderful, thank you!
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As a question, is the team working on something for the Spine of Deathwing boss fight scenario? The current methodology of the dancing between both sides, or sticking to one side with the “leash” is subpar especially for casters.
If you do it for SoO, then might as well do it for all legacy raids. Why just that specifically?
Can we get exit ways for old raids? Either an unconnected portal, or an NPC who arrives once the final boss in the raid is dead for raids like AQ40, BWD, BWL, MC, FL, Kara, Sunwell, etc.
Definitely a step in the right direction for collectors, but some fights still have a very small margin for error. Eonar is still rough for classes/specs without movement or teleport abilities, even with the extra action button.
I have to agree on this one. I offer my help on regular basis for that fight. Just do like we’ve seen with mindcontrol fights. If you are alone, it doesn’t happen, do that with Eonar, if you are alone, the ship won’t charge.
Speaking of legacy content, When are you going to fix the scaling issues? When are you going to make the game actually work as it did before you did the level squish in Shadowlands that permanently ruined the legacy content buff we used to receive?
Battle for Azeroth is now LEGACY content, however you cannot solo some of the bosses due to the mechanics still hard forcing you to try them. The Boss Opulence within The Battle for Dazar’alor cannot be solo’d, as it requires you to do the mechanics of doing the side rooms. However, you can’t do the side rooms when solo because the boss despawns.
Please, for the love of god. Finally, can you actually take the time and actually FIX legacy raid content? Why has it taken you literally YEARS to not even do the simplest of thing? I guess our voices truly aren’t being heard since legacy content still has not even dared be addressed in a fixing matter.
Edit: I also believe that the “Legacy Content” buff should be expanded to even the last expansion, as it is no longer current content. If I am max level of the current expansion, everything from the previous and beyond expansion should be considered legacy to me, as it is not current.
I am getting disconnected every time I use the Scroll to go right to the Garrosh fight. Is this occurrence being tracked? Is there a fix in works so that people don’t get automatically disconnected from the server’s the moment they attempt to use the scroll?
Upon getting back to the character select screen I sometimes have to wait due to the error of “A character with that name already exists.” But eventually I can log back in, and will be at the correct spot to do the Garrosh encounter.
Edit: Video Proof:
Eonar is currently Soloable (N/H/M) for every class / spec. It requires a little practice and understanding of the proper mechanical requirements for a solo player.
General Tip: Every mob has a predetermined amount of energy towards Eonar weapon blast 0%-100%. By not killing every mob as soon as it spawns you can force the percent bar to increase to 100% while mobs are alive, as she casts her destruction of all mobs on the map you can fill that bar a second time to 100% in just two waves.
Normal and Heroic are blessed by this.
Mythic requires 3 steps for general completion on all classes.
Defeating the first wave that is on the main platform by the entrance door and getting to the lower platform to the east of the zone to be able to kill (5 little mobs or 4 little + 1 big) as they spawn, will allow you to Extra Action Button over to the Paraxas flowers that teleport you inside. (as they spawn).
After killing the central mob, making sure you jump / ability to the side of the room where the outside background is open and empty will allow you to finish the 4 crystals on the side of the ship where you can Extra Action Button directly to the Essence of Eonar in in glide.
Using the Extra Action Button inside the ship to get to the crystals (after a few attempts) is what saves you all the time in the world. It makes the fight very clean once done properly.
The last step is getting down to Eonars Essence to kill the mobs that are running to her. Killing Just over half will cause the progress bar to fill to 100% and then fill a second time partially once her attack goes out to kill the remaining.
The rest of the fight is bounce around and kill mobs.
It’s a bit of a write up. It makes the fight extrememly casual once you do it a few times.
While we talk about the shortcut in Siege of Ogrimar which is quite nice, I would love to see some work on the archivment “Giant Dinosaur vs. Mega Snail” which is getting more difficult with every expansion as it requires the whole group to be below 50% life to obtain the debuff from the dinosaur. During shadow lands we came up with crazy ways like using the death debuff (when you respawn at the graveyard) combined with a warlock trying to get us aggression from some mob. But with DF even this is shifted more towards insane difficult, since loosing the agro once means fail due the selfheal out of fight. a little tune here could lend a hand to an otherwise fun archivment.
I am hoping here shortly within the next hour we get something about this within the deep dive for the next expansion. It is horribly just “feels bad” when you outlevel content by 20 levels, and over 300 iLvls and still cannot solo the experience.
The Uldir raid is a perfect example I can easily solo up to Myrthax only to be insta killed the minute I go through the hole to him due to him requiring 2 people.