[Era] A Call to Grobbulus, Horde Victorious

With a heavy heart, Jarl stands before the gathered crowd in the Ironforge tavern, his voice echoing with somber resolve:

"People of Azeroth,

By the light of the ancestors and the wisdom of the past, it is my solemn duty to announce the outcome of the latest Wargames. The Horde, driven by unyielding ferocity and relentless ambition, have triumphed over our noble Alliance. They have claimed The Rock, a symbol of power and supremacy, casting a shadow over our recent efforts.

But let not this setback dampen our spirits, dear friends. Though the Horde has tasted victory, our resolve must remain unbroken. Legacy, our steadfast guild, stands ready to continue the fight against the darkness that threatens our world. We call upon the brave and the true-hearted to join our ranks as we continue to face the malevolent Arch Lich, Kel’Thuzad. Your courage, skill, and unwavering determination are needed now more than ever. Join us in our weekly raids, Monday and Friday from 7-10 PM Pacific time, and together we shall restore honor to our cause and bring light to the shadows.

Meanwhile, the Horde guild Requiem, emboldened by their recent conquest, seeks to bolster their forces for an impending assault on Blackwing Lair. They call upon their strongest warriors to rise and confront the challenges that await within Nefarian’s dark domain.

Grobbulus, our small yet fierce battleground, stands at a pivotal moment. With only one guild per faction, our rivalry is intense, our battles storied, and our community tightly bound. We welcome all transfers and rerolls who seek purpose, adventure, and a place in this grand narrative.

Though the Horde may hold The Rock today, the spirit of the Alliance remains unyielding. This is a call to arms, a plea for unity and strength in the face of adversity. Together, we will rise, we will fight, and we will reclaim our rightful place.

Onward to victory, my comrades. The battle for Azeroth is far from over."

With the decree delivered, a somber yet resolute determination fills the hearts of the Alliance. The call has been made, and the warriors of Grobbulus prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

Join us in Battle to save Azeroth and defend your faction’s honor:

Alliance Discord: https://discord.gg/Ux5m9wPYe3

Horde Discord: https://discord.gg/U4wMGSa88X


THE HORDE ARE VICTORIOUS AND SHALL REMAIN THE PILLARS OF PVP!!! Filthy Alliance shall learn their place in this world through pain and suffering by the hands of the Horde.


Go go Team Mudhut!

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Ain’t nobody reading all that

By design, see ya! :saluting_face:


:rofl: so funny Jarl!

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Legacy still seeks new adventurers of the alliance to help us in our battle for The Rock. The Horde have organized and grow stronger each and every day.

While warding off these foul orcs and misguided cows, we continue to fight the evil archlich Kel’Thuzad. Despite his death, he has a strange ability to resurrect week after week, and we have not found a way to keep him banished permanently from Azeroth.

Perhaps you can help?


You should put this tl;dr at the top of your posts from now on…


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nice sportsmanship spirit guys
keep it on

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Travelers — there is still time to heed the call on Grobbulus!

We seek adventurers on both factions to aid in the defeat of evil archliches, old gods, black dragonkin, and fire lords. We also seek skilled battleworn heroes to fight in battle against the enemy faction for The Rock.

Come join us on Grobbulus today!