Rumors of Era’s Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Citizens of Azeroth,

Change in our beloved world can feel as disorienting as a gnome with a new invention. Yes, our creator has cursed us with the Might of Stormwind buff, a revamped guild UI, and polearm-wielding druids—sounds like a bad dream, doesn’t it? But fret not, for this isn’t the end of our cherished Classic Era. Not by a long shot!

Legacy, the pride of Grobbulus, stands strong. Yes, our server is small, with just us and our pesky rivals, Requiem, on the Horde side. But that makes our community tighter and our adventures more memorable. We thrive on the camaraderie that only a micro server can offer.

Legacy has defeated Kel’Thuzad, taken down Naxxramas, and we’re still raiding every Monday and Friday from 7pm to 10pm Pacific Time. Our escapades include AQ40, BWL, MC, and even world dragons. And now, we need more heroes.

We’re on the lookout for healers—priests and paladins are top of our list— as well as some more DPS, but all classes and races are welcome. If you love Vanilla WoW and want to be part of a dedicated, close-knit guild, Legacy is your home.

Requiem, our archenemies, needs more foul creatures of the horde to help them push further into BWL progression. I shouldn’t even be telling you this, I could be outcast for treason, but the realm could use assistance in keeping pressure on Nefarion while we tackle this silly archlich who keeps coming back each week.

Grobbulus is a unique gem, a realm untouched by the chaos of larger servers. Here, we trade, barter, and support each other, building a community that’s as strong as our raid team. Even our Horde rivals, Requiem, contribute to the vibrant life of our server, for better or worse.

So, adventurers, heed the call. Join us on Grobbulus where your story will be part of our grand saga. Together, we’ll face whatever Azeroth throws our way and prove that Classic Era is alive and kicking, goblins in the garden and all.

Be part of something special, where every member matters and every adventure is legendary! Speaking of, we just got a binding last night, first MC since the patch… coincidence or increased drop rate? Only the sands of time will tell.

Yours in battle,

Jarl of Legacy

Join us and face the changing of times head on:

Alliance Discord:

Horde Discord:


Friend, they neutered thunderfury, gave us the retail Battleground start popup (gross), built in enemy cast bars, and a plethora of other sneaker.


These are the heroes that refused to let their server die when Blizzard left the barn door open and players ran off to Outland.
Stand and salute these champions of Requiem and Legacy.
Red and Blue.
These colors never run.

I’d join you if I still could play, Jarl.
Grobbulus Era is mighty.
Keep on truckin.


i payed for a server xfer back to whitemane after pre patch tbc naxx raids with rise. whitemane wasnt much more populated than what grob is now for the first few months of era, why you guys didnt all join us there boggels the mind…

but hey, if i was still farming all my mats for raid like i was for the first 6 months of era and not being able to buy it all from the ah for the last 2 years now id prob quit classic era too due to burn out…

Totally get that. I cloned to Era and never went to TBC or any xpac. Grobb was dead as was WM and every server at that point, so I took a break. This was pre connected realms too IIRC so Whitemane wasn’t the “default” server for Era.

Anyways, break time, and then SoM. SoM ended, moved my toon to whitemane but never really found myself wanting to play on it. It wasn’t even super GDKP obsessed or meta hype like it became, I just missed playing Jarl to be honest.

I logged onto him mostly just expecting an empty realm, and instead… I saw 10 people in molten core. They were the only ten people online.

I was like, no way, you all are in MC right now? Do you raid? Wtf how is this even possible.

Turns out yes they had actually cleared MC with 16 people, and we’re just about to start BWL. So I stayed and joined them. We took out Nef with 25 people, AQ40 with 30 people, and finally after two years got KT down with 35 people. We’ve essentially never had a full 40 person raid.

It blew my mind this was possible. No AH, but also no culture of needing world buffs or consumes. The game isn’t that hard… which is why 16 players can take out a 40 man raid boss.

It also sort of felt like solo self found, but on a guild/server level. Since our guild was the entire server we just traded and bartered internally.

I’ve been playing vanilla wow since closed beta in 2004. Multiple psevers. The classic relaunch. Etc. I love the game. But this felt totally new and different. It felt wrong that we could succeed.

I honestly had no interest in exploring Whitemane at that point, because I wanted to see if we could turn 16 people taking out MC into 40 people taking out KT on what should be a “dead sever”. And while we still don’t have 40 people, our 30-35 now days is super tight, has immense fun, plays the game in a way I’ve never seen played. I had no reason to move to Whitemane.

Anyways, long story, but that’s why i play on grobbulus and why many of us never transferred :slight_smile:


For whatever it’s worth, being able to do this is something I actually really enjoy about Grob. I haven’t found the requirements to be particularly heavy and so for me, it’s good that I can just go out in the world and get the things I need.

On Mankrik, I feel like I don’t really have a choice. It’s hard to find stuff out in the world because there many other people running loops at the exact same time, often all day every day. I have to get gold in order to buy the stuff and that’s a gameplay loop that I just don’t enjoy. I can totally understand your perspective, but for those who like to farm their stuff (and to farm other stuff for their guildies), Grob has been super enjoyable!

I guess this is why these recent changes, while very displeasing, don’t impact me much. I’ve always played WoW for the community and Legacy has provided a great one for me at a time when I was really struggling to find one that I aligned with. It’s definitely not for everybody though, to be sure.

Anyway, no disrespect to your preferences here, I just wanted to share my own perspective :slight_smile:


yeah i get that whtemane now isnt everyones cup of tea.
the dark ages was fun but i wouldnt choose to go back…

miss me with the other things but I don’t mind built in enemy cast bars actually.

Most of the changes in isolation I really don’t mind. I’ll use the new buff, the UI changes bug me the most, whatever. I’m more just annoyed that they continue to change a 20 year old game which I thought was meant to be preserved.

But if I take a step back. I don’t really care that much as long as I’m still having fun and can raid with my kin every Monday/Friday and it feels 95% like vanilla wow. So far, I still feel that way, even though pressing “J” and seeing this new UI sends anger down my spine.

Obligatory “Who Moved My Cheese” :cheese:


That’s the way people need to think about these changes… they don’t shutdown the realms and kill it off like maybe adding new buffs or nerfs to classes would.

I swear if they add a guild bank people would appreciate it lol

But if they give ret paladins some buffs to their talents then everyone would pitchfork the nearest blizz HQ lmao

it went from 99% vanilla to 95% now and ur saying its cool. OK. But what now with the door open to class changes with the druid change being OK-ed by players like you? This leads to that at some point it will get to 90% at this rate, then 85 what about then? Will you be happy then?
Its hard not to take this as simping for blizzard, and i mean that in the most honest way possible.
None of these changes should be OK-ed imo by the era playerbase.
And to the ppl that dont fee OK with it: sign the petition plz.


The door was already open with various changes made in 2020.

Sorry but chronoboons didnt exist in original or other additions added throughout era’s lifespan

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To be clear, I’m not okay or happy with the changes. That being said, there’s a certain level of acceptance, and I don’t think it’s as big a deal as folks make it out to be. I am very much a no changes person though, and I wish they didn’t make any, but as Psy said… that ship sailed long ago

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If I wasn’t an AEST player I would love to go to Grobbolus (this shaman started on Horde grobb but only 1-2 guildies were online at AEST sadly). But when they were on it the bants were super fun. Recommend Grobb for any die-hard vanilla enjoyers!


However you feel about changes in Era overall, please remember that the Chronoboon was created to address very specific and negative emergent player behaviours that were occurring. People were asking for Blizzard to intervene. Whether or not they should have, they did, and now we have Chronoboon.

The latest round of changes weren’t things the playerbase was asking, or that really came at the result of anything in particular. They just… happened.

I think the only other change on this level is the Arathi gear changes, which are also things nobody asked for. The PvP ranking one is maybe somewhere in the middle?

The game’s still fun though… fun raid on Naxx last night, in spite of what was clearly sabotage by a particular Paladin :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


… you forget the first round of UI changes?

Quick, elaborate on which UI changes you mean before your ability to post goes away!

(I actually don’t remember a first round of UI changes)

He might be talking about the main menu? That was pushed through at some point previously.

Also, it’s minor to some, but I really dislike the fact that you can rearrange your characters on the character select screen. There was just something about seeing your first character you ever created permanently in the top spot.

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Options UI was changd from the Classic to the Retail one
Link removed, was wrong :wink: But I see you got it


Oh, yes, I understand now. Thanks for clarifying :slight_smile:

Yea that’s also someone nobody really asked for haha. Again, in this case a good change because just being able to search your options for what you’re looking for is super useful, but not something people were like, “Hey, change this!”