Legacy of Grobbulus SUCKS!

Ah, pull up a chair and grab a tankard, for I’ve got a tale to tell that’ll have ye both laughing and groaning into your ale. Last night in Naxxramas, Legacy had one of those runs that’ll go down in the annals of history for all the wrong reasons.

We started off with the Spider Wing, feeling rather spry and confident. The air was thick with anticipation as we marched in, our banners high and our spirits higher. Anub’Rekhan, that oversized beetle, was first on our list. While it wasn’t our finest hour, we managed to take him down without losing anyone – though it was as sloppy as a drunk dwarf at closing time.

Then we faced Grand Widow Faerlina. Things took a turn for the worse there. Tonydeboney, Devlyn, and Varian fell to her Rain of Fire, and Oldgreg met his end to a poison bolt volley. But, with sheer determination, we managed to pull through and take her down.

Finally, we stood before Maexxna, the spider queen. It was a fight to remember, with Bayod dying not once, but twice. Laeriel also fell in the fray. Despite the carnage, we emerged victorious, but at a great cost. The floor was littered with our comrades, and I could swear the walls were laughing at our misfortune.

Next, we set our sights on the Abomination Wing. Oh, what a disaster that was. We spent the better part of an hour just trying to make our way to Patchwerk. Legday, our warrior with a peculiar rat fetish, tried to claim all the rats as his own, which didn’t help our progress. We pulled the slimes not once, but twice, and both times they wiped us out clean. When we finally reached Patchwerk, our hopes were high. Yet, alas, the hulking brute was having none of it. He wiped us out in short order, leaving us bruised, battered, and thoroughly demoralized.

Determined to salvage the night, we trudged over to the Plague Wing. Noth the Plaguebringer awaited, and he quickly showed us why he’s earned that title. In a matter of moments, we were all lying in a heap, wondering if we should just call it a night. But no! Legacy doesn’t quit that easily. We gathered our strength, steeled our nerves, and gave it another go. This time, we took him down, but not without cost. Legday, Adroyt, Apex, and Leo – our brave warriors – all perished in the battle.

Bolstered by our victory, we pressed on to Heigan the Unclean. It wasn’t pretty – there were more than a few corpses left behind as we danced our way through his filth – but we did it. Bayod, Leo, Legday, and Darthvaders fell during the infamous “dance,” but we brought him down and ended the night on a high note.

Despite our many deaths, we had a grand time. Tears of sorrow mingled with tears of joy, and in the end, we were reminded why we raid together – for the camaraderie, the laughter, and the shared triumphs, no matter how small.

So, to all ye adventurers out there, whether you’re a stalwart warrior, a cunning rogue, or a masterful mage, we invite ye to join our band of misfits. We raid every Monday and Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. Pacific Time on the unclustered Grobbulus Classic Era server. If you’re looking for a place where the laughter flows as freely as the ale, where the bonds of friendship are forged in the fires of battle, and where every raid is an adventure unto itself, come and be a part of Legacy. We could use a few more brave souls to stand with us against the darkness of Naxxramas as we make our way back to Kel’Thuzad’s frozen chambers.

Join us, and let’s create tales worth telling.

Yours in Battle,


Join the best worst guild on the server here: https://discord.gg/Ux5m9wPYe3


Dance Dance Revolution rarely is.
Congratulations on your perseverance.

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