<Enshadowed> US Thrall LF - Mythic + Pushers Tanks/Heals

Enshadowed - US THRALL

Raid Days/Times: Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30pm(pull time) - 11:00pm (EST)
Content: AOTC and Mythic Raiding. (We are not PUSHING CE)

Contact Info: Bnet - Bnet:Rhystic#1626, DISCORD:
Bnet:Ree#1799, DISCORD: Kayliee#7155, Bnet:MrIgloo#1308,

Enshadowed-US-Thrall was formed in 2008 on US-Wildhammer, Stormreaver, and now Thrall in 2021. Most of us have been playing together for over a decade and more.

We Achieve AOTC every tier quickly and look to push more mythic bosses as a team for TWW. We are not hard pushing cutting Edge

We are looking people with a good attitude, people who thrive to perform and the willingness to learn and improve. We are a long established guild and want like minded people who want a “forever” home with us…

Raid loggers and lone wolves please look elsewhere. We want invested members and friends, not guild hoppers. Please keep this in mind before inquiring.

OUR CURRENT ROSTER NEEDS: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

DPS for Tues/Thurs Raid

Only interested in Mythic Plus? We are certainly looking for more players to push keys. Being dual specced and having the ability to tank or heal is a HUGE plus**.


• Raiders must do Mythic Plus. If you do not enjoy it, that’s fine but this may not be the raiding guild for you.**

• To be punctual and raid ready (food, flasks etc) and be willing to download the addons we require, DBM/BW, MRT, etc.

• Know your class, we provide logs but will not babysit your logs, up to you to improve.

•Don’t be a raid logger, The GM knows everyone, if they never met you…that’s a problem.

•Use our discord. We pay for it for a reason and encourage our guildies to use it as the home and to connect with other guildies. Play together.

OUR COMMUNITY -----------------------------------------------------------------------

**There are no specific requirements for players who do not wish to raid but looking for an active home. If you wish to pvp, do achievements, Have a ton of alts you wanna play, gather mats to your hearts content, tell us bad jokes in discord (we use discord A LOT in this guild…) you can have a home here.

Want to know more! Just ask us!

I saw your post!

I am a 510 Evoker, 2600 IO currently, just been playing solo looking to get back into mythic raiding/group activities.

I sent some requests on discord, but if you see this first here’s my tag


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updating for current needs

Hi there returning player LF for a home, play Monk all specs, send battlenet request.

K not sure sure which btag you sent it to but one of the three of us will give you a shout! or you can friend my on discord @Kayliee

I sent to this one Kayliee#7155 is that incorrect?

Updated for Classes needed:

Hello, I’m a returning player for TTW. I’d love to see if I’d be a good fit for your raiding team. I sent a friend request on discord. In case you don’t get it, here’s my BNET: BlueShell#11318

got you lol

Still need heals and could use more range

updated for current needs - still looking for a healer