Older Returning Player Looking for a Place to Call Home

Hello Omaray : ) I think we may be a good fit for you & your hubby. Happy to chat.

Guild: Muffin
Server: Zul’jin
Time Zone: Eastern (server time)
Faction: H/A with in-game community for cross server/faction characters until TWW fixes all that : )

Looking for AOTC? We’ve been hitting that mark since 2019 : ) If you are looking for more than just a guild to raid with, we’re always looking to grow our community of M+, transmog & achievement chasers and casual players. Whether you are a veteran player or new to the game or somewhere in between, we are happy to invite you to join us!

Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 8:00-11:00 pm (EST)

Raiding Current Needs:
Tank - not actively recruiting
Healer - not actively recruiting
RDPS - Aug and Dev Evoker, Warlock
MDPS - Warrior, Rogue, Enhancement Shaman (Death Knight, Demon Hunter)

  • Any and all capable players will be considered, offspecs are a big plus!

A bit about us …
We are a semi-casual, adult friendly AOTC focused guild and we strive to maintain an inclusive culture that is inviting from a social aspect while also being productive with our raids and key runs. With skillsets ranging the spectrum from mythic raiders on down, we have the comp to get the job done and do not sit people.

As mature adults, we have jobs, kids, and commitments outside of Wow – we understand that this is a game and we work hard to enjoy our free time with our friends. To that end we aren’t looking for people that bring drama, discrimination or hatefulness to our community. We are a community made up of different religions, races, sexual orientations, and political beliefs – but we are tolerant and respectful of each other. If you don’t have manners and decorum, or can’t have a discussion where parties agree not to agree respectfully, we aren’t your tribe. If you are open to meeting new people, sharing and experiencing new perspectives and having a great time then hit us up.

Interested or have any questions? Contact one of us:

Discord Contact(s):
Cat: crazy_catz
Neb: Nebakenezer#5035

BNet Contact(s):
Cat: quirk#1650
Neb: Nebakenezer#1502

Hey Omaray! [Sunday Drivers] would love to have both you and your husband try us out. We’re Horde based, but cross faction. I notice your picture is human, and the cross faction aspect may not be for you, but thought I’d put it out there.

We’re a guild of mostly older players. The GM is 60 and a few players are 40-50+. We do have a couple mid 30’s, but haven’t added anyone younger than that. We’re all about having fun and enjoying the journey. We can’t promise progression atm, as we’re mostly focusing on leveling new alts through the mop remix, but we’re hoping to have a strong base of players going into The War Within.

We’re very casual, love altoholics and totally cool with those who just wanna play the game at their own pace. So, we’re on a journey to see where the game takes us. If you’d like to check us out, we are based on the connected realms of Azgalor, Axshara, Destromath, Thunderlord, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth, Nazjatar. Horde can join through the guild finder and if you’d be interested in joining on an Alliance toon, searching for our community, also called Sunday Drivers, is the easiest way to get in contact with someone who can add you. Whatever you decide, have fun out there!

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My guild and raid group are looking for members (No requirement to join the guild to raid)

Raid times are Wed-Thurs, 6:30PM - 9:30 PM MST and we do M+ on Fridays

We’re a chill group that goes by the rule “Real life before game life”. Our goals are to get as many people that want it their M+ season mount and to get AOTC for each tier. Aside from that, we’ve got several altaholics, collectors, and achievement chasers. We’re cross faction and looking to be cross realm in TWW.

Message me in Discord at caustickreature or add me on bnet as Telestria#11570 :slight_smile:


I just started a new cross faction guild called Powerpuff on Azgalor (Azshara, Blood Furnace, Destromath, Mannoroth, Nazjatar, Thunderlord).

Trying to find people who enjoy running similar content
Old Dungeon/Raid Mount Runs, Transmog Runs, Pet Battles/Collecting, World Content, Current Raids, Mythic keys and more

You’re more than welcome to join if you haven’t found a guild

you can add me on discord - Rekie or add me on battlenet - Rekieuwu#1482

here is my guild posting if you want to check it out :slight_smile: (Azgalor) Powerpuff Recruiting <3

Hello. If you are still looking for a home, I belong to a wonderful guild. If you’d like more information, you can contact me on Discord: Sybilmeows Here is a link to a thread with our GM:

Feel free to check us out.

Hey Omaray! If you are still looking for a guild, check out Starworld West! If you like playing with casual, yet competent players, we might be a good fit for you! We push for AotC every tier, and have people running all levels of keys.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. Btag: Cthulhoo#11286 / Discord: @sgtcthulhoo

Interested in your guild first I love the name and your response sounds like what we are looking for but before I make the realm switch I just wanted to reach out and understand the core group make sure the shoe fits right. Thanks Sharon (Omaray)

Hey there,

Our guild, Enshadowed is currently looking for players for Season 4 and beyond. I attached our current forum post to give you better details of what we are about and our contact info. I

Happy Hunting!

Hey Omaray
Ex Inferno (Area 52) Team Orange is recruiting

We Raid Wednesday and Thursdays 8:30-11pm EST

Our Focus is AOTC which we achieve early every tier and we venture into mythic when we have the people interested

We have spots open in DPS and Healer

If you want a chill place to come kill bosses and hang with a group of friends this is the place

If this interests you and you are interested in hearing more or have any questions you can message me at

Our only requirements are that you are expected to be in voice during raid and are able to take constructive criticism.

Discord - Oebrun
Battlenet - Oedane#1231

Hey Omaray! Sorry I didn’t notice you’d replied here. If you’d like to start a new toon just to check us out, that’d be awesome. I recommend doing that before paying for a transfer anyway - plus, I’ve heard in the new expansion any toon can join from any realm? Not 100% sure on that. But we’d love to have you check us out and see if it feels like home for you. You can join on any of the realms I listed with a horde toon through guild finder - or if you’d like to join with an Alliance toon, look for our community on any of those servers, also called Sunday Drivers. You can join through there once accepted. Hopefully we’ll see you in game soon!

Hi Bleve! Not to hijack this post but i am also an older mom looking for an older and mature guild and your guild sounds like its just my speed. I have multiiple lvl 70s and have no problem transfering servers - the cross server stuff confuses me lol.

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I hear ya, Detrimentz! Everything confuses me most of the time. If you want to make a new toon just to check us out first, we’re horde based and you can find us in guild finder on the connected realms of Azgalor, Axshara, Destromath, Thunderlord, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth or Nazjatar. Most of us are leveling as many alts as we can through the Mist of Pandaria remix right now, so leveling new toons would fit right in. Of course, if you love us - we’re totally cool with any addtions you might want to transfer over. We’re very alt drazy. We don’t focus on any big end game stuff, we’re just about having fun and seeing where that takes us. Many members enjoy dungeons, some do some lfr, ect… but we don’t push anything. Just come, have fun and play the game the way you want. Looking forward to meeting you in game.

2 healers (any)
3 dps (no hunters)

About our team:
AOTC every season. Solid players. Leader has Mythic raiding background.
Tue Wed 8-10pm CDT (9-11pm eastern). S4 Heroic Awakened raids on farm, still clearing on Tuesdays for fun.
Goal: 20 capable, reliable raiders willing to do the work and move in to mythic content once AOTC is achieved.

People can join any guild on any realm in the upcoming TWW xpac. No server transfers necessary.

Guild Information: Horde and Alliance, 13 years and counting
The Dignified on Blade’s Edge is a large guild, family feel.
Casual raids Fri Sat 6-8pm CDT open to all guildies.
RBGs scheduled 4 nights a week and RBG push team 2 nights a week.
Mythic Mondays, weekly old content runs, parties, raffles, mog contests, old school fun things! Friendly and respectful guild with very fun folks!
Would love to have you join the crazy fam!

BNET: Death#12773
Discord: olrazzledazl

BNET: Stormy#1445
PS: I’m old… lol

Hey Omaray,
Sounds like we may be a good fit for you. I linked our Guild’s forum thread if you are interested.

Id love to chat more, you can reach me through discord at Boundless828 :slight_smile:

We are a fun guild that focuses on AOTC with the desire to do some mythic. We are seeking dedicated raiders with the same goals in mind. Classes needed are havoc DH and mage, although we are open to all possibilities.

Raid nights: Tues, Wednesday, Thursday from 8:50pm-midnight central time.
Btag: Oriel#1933
Discord: Oriel1933

(note: we have a wide range of ages in the guild but mostly adults)

Greetings Omaray!

We love older players, as this is an adult guild, and we love couples! And we are on Alleria!!!

Check us out:

WARCRAFT is a highly active, raiding guild on the merged realms of Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh, and we are recruiting!

AOTC focused Guild established in March of 2015. We have nearly every AOTC since Highmaul and usually dip our toes into mythic.

Core spots available. We are looking for reliable players to push progression and end game content.

The raid schedule:
Tuesday 8:30-11p EST
Thursday 8:30-11p EST

You are expected to be on time with flasks, pots, enchants, gems, and smiles. If you need something, just ask! We are a TEAMWORK-oriented guild.

The atmosphere:

We offer a highly active, social, teamwork oriented, adult environment. We believe in player development, including gearing and training players without elitism or cliques. We do not have any ilvl requirements to join our guild. Gear can be easily obtained, but good people are priceless. :slight_smile:

“Special snowflake” accommodations, safe spaces, and “preferred pronouns” not available. Must understand the difference between helping and having control issues. If ex-military leadership causes triggers or meltdowns, this is probably not the guild for you.

Guild Discord server available for your voice chatting needs.

Contact information:
Zoobee-Khadgar (First Officer) (zoobee#1855)
zoobee27 (zoobee#8147)

This guild sounds like what I am looking for as well! I would love to talk a bit about it.

Battle Net - Kyler#1936

Hello! My guild (Crimson Lances Dalaran) has been around since 2018, we a casual/teaching guild who like to get stuff done together, either it be old or new content of raids/achievements/Mythic+. Mostly active during the night, some people during the day.
Other things we do -
achieve runs
We have a weekly casual raid for s4 onwards doing normal/lfr on wednesdays to allow people to learn the raid. You can also push for AOTC in raid with our progression team if that is something you want to try down the road too. We have gotten AOTC every tier since BFA (thurs/sat 8-11pm est).
We are close friends and very open and friendly to all. We love to help new players learn their class/spec or with gold, bags or gearing etc. We also understand real life can have its downside or just get busy days, real life will always come first!. We are just here to have fun and make new friends!

katzlover#1661 - Btag
katzlover1661 – discord

Hi Omaray!

I’m Kiuayoukai, a cheeky Pandaren Resto Shaman, and proud assistant GM of the guild/community Found a Green Quest on Zul’jin.

Our guild has been around since 2018 founded by my husband Jarsha and myself with our visions of being a social/casual and active community regardless of what members are interested in. Our guild’s atmosphere is laid back, and friendly with a little silliness. Guildies are always having a good time with all the content WoW has to offer! We are recruiting new players, returning players, and alts are welcome! Guild is cross faction (Horde and Alliance welcome) and cross server are welcome to join us for MoP Remix and TWW pre-patch!

We are a laid back social and casual guild for adults who play when they can. We believe that real life comes first, and the game second. We enjoy playing all aspects of the game and are here to help others on their journey in and out of Azeroth. We group up for leveling/timewalking/heroic/mythic dungeons or old content farming for achievements/transmogs/mounts/pets. We offer weekly guild gold raffles, monthly transmog contests, monthly prizes and guild auctions (mounts, pets, transmog, toys, etc). While others enjoy solo play while just chatting. We are looking to rebuild our raid team for Normal/Heroic/timewalking raids with goals of AOTC and Glory of Achievements every tier.

Raid days/times:
Heroic: Thursdays/Fridays 7:30pm - 10pm EST
Normal fun/alt night: Saturdays 6pm - 9:30pm EST with an optional transmog run of old raid content!

As long as you’re active, you’re helpful and you’re not rude or offensive to others you would fit in great regardless of what you enjoy doing in the game. Come join us!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

We’re listed in the guild finder in game or you can reach me here or on discord: kiuayoukai

Thank you for taking the time to check out our recruitment. We wish you the best of luck this tier & future tiers to come!