Don't bully the Council - allow them to do their things

I have 4 right now. Alliance rogue main, Mage alt, Warlock alt, Horde rogue alt. I like to see diff sides of the stories and the Covenants. I still need to get something leveled to do the Necrolords. Feels like a good place to put a DK.


I dont know. Its just another way these forums identify us for whatever reason. There must be a reason for it. I dont know what it is though.

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What strawman exactly?

could be like me… this character name and all has a level 60, but I transferred my forum posting character to a different server… which meant I lost all of my forum level 3 privileges… So I made this character on the old server (and had to level it to level 10) so I could keep those privileges.


They aren’t “my people”, but I digress. Most are people who have played this game since the beginning and who are really disappointed at the state of the game.

I used a rando lvl 10 Mech-gnome a while back named Mrkotter.

Thanks for your insight ,rando 10 priest.


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That doesn’t tell me how you want to be represented by the council… What type of wow player are you? what do you do?

For me its the Alts stuff and the PVP gearing stuff.

I don’t think anyone wishes to be represented by the council. People want Blizzard to listen, not build echo chambers for themselves.


I am a casual AOTC raider (I like to raid up through heroic). I like dungeons but dislike the energy they put into M+, making it a boosting service vs something that welcomes all players. I like to farm gold out of old raids (even though they killed that practice), enjoy doing daily callings, and I once leveled a level 10 rogue entirely on the timeless island, and what a fun adventure that was.

I pet battle and do pet battle dungeons. I love to help new people and used to go to starting zones to provide them with some gold and bags (before blizzard’s system made it impossible to even find people from your server in starting zones :frowning: .

I earn exalted in every rep of an xpac so I can collect the mounts and pets and I have not one but two party guild banks where my friend and I store items we collect for the guild parties we through throughout the year.

My friends and I have explored every corner – including under the sea of the World of Warcraft because we love the attention to detail that has been put into this game.

I have 48 characters - both Horde and Alliance (although 45 of them are getting dusty because of how alt unfriendly the game has become). And I still farm at Halfhill.


This really says it all IMHO . . . . Before anything else, such a communication system is essential.


Since returning to WOW in 2019, acquiring & battle pet pvp drives my games choices in WOW.

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It seems they haven’t found their community council pet battler yet.

No one is bullying council members, I feel sorry for them because all there posts are going to get deflected replies or no replies at all.

They’ll also be the scapegoat for when Blizzard inevitably ignores all feedback for the third expansion in a row.


Exactly my thinking, they didn’t listen to feedback in Beta why would they listen to the council.

A very see through PR stunt.


I’m not mad. I’m just hoping we will get some answers. I’ll be out here in the unworthy ignored general concussion forums.

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I haven’t seen a single Council member supporting QOL or cosmetic or roleplay/lore. Why should I support their cause.

It’s our job to scrutinize ppl that Blizzard claims represent us.

You should go look again. There are plenty of council members advocating for these things.

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Did you read the intro posts and the posted topics on the CC forum? There most certainly are people who focus on both and there are threads about both.

Some you might want to browse
-A Roleplayer and the RP Community's Wishlist of Features
-Regarding Mount & Pet Collection Achievements!
-Unecessary collection restrictions
-Old Content Gatekeeping
-Dungeon and Raid Solo Accessibility for Old & Current Content
-Legacy Loot - A Wishlist
-Player & Guild Housing - Why, How, Do's and Don'ts
-What Should Cosmetic Glyphs Look Like? + Class Skins!
-Emotes & Toys

-Group Finder Tool and Potential Improvements
-Guild Permissions
-Community Management and Toxicity
-Let’s talk about accessibility (The Solo Accessibility thread also has user accessibility discussions in it and ways to help make players more comfortable with content/able to do it).