Guild Permissions

When Communities were added to the game, the permission rule set changed to a single catch-all category. You either had them all or none.

This has removed a lot of guild customisation in ranks.

I understand this change was done to homogenize the rule sets and make it easier, but can it be separated for Communities and Guilds?

Something as basic as editing a note is locked behind having admin permissions :expressionless:

Any potential of bringing back the old customised rule sets as an “Advanced” checkbox?


Could you clarify which settings you’re looking for?

When I go into my GM settings for each role there are lots available

  • Is officer
  • Promote
  • Demote
  • Invite
  • Remove
  • Guild Chat speak
  • Guild Bank Repair
  • Modify Bank Tabs
  • Withdraw Gold

When I go into the settings for the community I run, none of these are there.


The main ones for me personally are to do with Notes. However, mileage may vary based on Guild and their specific needs.

You had this level of modularity in the past:

For communities, you either have everything or you have nothing which is the same as “Is Officer”.


I still miss summoning people from guild. If they would bring it back just for like 7 day cooldown id be okay with it. I think it would really reinvigorate the Wpvp in areas too.
Make it like guild officers or Gm only


Oh man, mass summon. Those were the days.