Emotes & Toys

I have decided to split this into one whole forum as I realised these two things could overlap after talking with several RPers!

RPing in WoW is great and is heavily based on using the /e system where you write what your character does, how they react etc. Which is great, but there are basic emotes we all use every now and then and some emotes that we miss.

Looking at other games, there are some games that offer different types of sitting emotes; sitting on your knees, sitting with your legs crossed, sitting with your legs straight out, leaning back on your hands etc. Every single race in WoW has a different /sit emote (except for allied races), and sometimes, these don’t always fit the context neither does it fit the character very much, this goes for all the emotes (Read; night elf female /nod). More Racially friendly to each and every races culture would also perhaps be cool, adding the tauren spreading pollen or perhaps a Forsaken cracking their knuckles, two examples from the top of my head.

With Battle For Azeroth, we saw a ton of new NPCs and a lot more ambience effecs with the surrounding NPCs doing a lot of different stuff; carrying barrels/sacks, leaning against the wall, playing the guitar, bartending and such. These were all great, but they were kept only for the NPCs. These emotes should be looked to be added to the RP community as well, maybe if it does not work as an /emote, it could be implemented as a toy; bard playing a lute, sweeping the floor with a broom or carrying something. These are things that could create a lot more immersion as well as give the RP scene a better look than having to read and emote to every new player approaching what you are currently doing (e.g. carrying a barrel).

When we are on the topic of toys, toys have given a great new addition to the WoW RP community. With the Magic Pet Mirror, one can now actually take the form as a companion pet and that leads to a lot of creativity, but these players have to depend on the 10 minutes the toy gives and then spend every 5 minutes refreshing their Reflecting Prism. I have seen a lot of people requesting for this prism to last longer, such as 60 minutes or perhaps making it last until combat or such. There are plenty of ways to improve such a vivid and useful toy and item used by many.

To name a few others as well; the Highmountain Log lasting forever, placing down chairs, tables and banners would also be nice. There are immense things that I know not just the RP community would find enjoyable, but everyone! Toys are very fun to play around with and collect as well as emotes. We all use /dance every now and then, so why not add more options?


Lots of great ideas here :>

I touched on some of this in my wishlist post; I totally agree that it feels like some emote animations don’t necessarily fit your character, and having variants would be great. The emotes in WoW were largely designed to be very over the top and expressive because of limitations in modeling back when vanilla was developed. It wasn’t easy to make those blocky characters make any subtle emoting, and you would usually not zoom in too much on the characters either way. I would argue that now that the new models have a much higher fidelity, we could at the very least start to get more emotes that aren’t as over the top (such as the night elf female /nod).

I suppose some of these new emotes come with a few technical limitations, such as leaning against the wall. It has a positional requirement because it requires you to stand next to a wall and then it has to properly align you against it. It is definitely possible to overcome that obstacle, though.

I’m also not 100% sure if all races actually have access to all of these animations. I have tinkered around with wowhead’s model viewer in the past and seen some of the animations available to at least some races, but others were excluvisve to others. It would be cool if there was an effort put in to make more of these animations shared across all the races. And finally: yes, these would make great toys :> We already have the harp players can play, why not also give us the guitar/lute, other instruments, barrels to carry and everything else in between :>

I read a suggestion that could have these effects have a longer duration in rest zones, which would make it at least slightly more feasible for RPers to use them. I’m not 100% sold on the idea, but given how night fae soulshapes work, perhaps there is some merit to that? Of course, RPers don’t always RP in rest zones, so it wouldn’t be a perfect solution. Personally, I would just suggest having durations increased across the board and rather have limitations put in place in combat, if Blizzard really wants to put in limitations at all.

Thanks for a great post :>


just going to say, pygmy oil only works for 10 minutes… This is such a useful toy in RP when choosing height is not an option, and you want your char to be visually smaller. Please, please do something about this!