Don't bully the Council - allow them to do their things

I don’t think it’s anyones job here to complain about the council. Being they’re just member of the same community as we all are. They are not paid and they should not feel pressured by General Discussion to talk about specific topics.

They each have their own voice and have been chosen by blizzard. Making threads here about something a council member said with the goal to “shame” them isn’t helpful.

I hope the council ignores GD and just each say what they have to say about the topic they wanted to represent. Leave the council alone, if you are mad at what they are saying, you should’ve have applied, and if you didn’t get accepted then maybe its for the better.

But just remember they are players of all kind.


I’m not sure anyone is actually bullying or attacking the actual members on the council. I think the hate is directed at Blizzard for pulling such a transparent PR stunt.


The council will keep having a perception issue while Blizzard chooses who is on it.

Imagine an employer picking the Union leaders.


Just so we’re clear, discussing unpopular ideas is not shaming people. It would be dangerous to suggest challenging ideas is shaming.


We can’t hate every initiative blizzards take just because they’re blizzard. This community council thing could turn out to be good, I’ve read most of the posts there and it’s good to have a place specific for this.

So far i’m happy with what he council brought up, but we have to let this initiative live without getting the pitchforks and torches out. I’m optimistic.


Leave ̶B̶r̶i̶t̶n̶e̶y̶ the Council alone!


We wouldn’t hate every initiative Blizzard takes if they would actually listen to player feedback. They’ve done NOTHING but ignore EVERYTHING for YEARS.


This is exactly what I was thinking when making the post! Glad I got the idea out!

Are they though? This is the point isn’t it?

Many did, Blizzard hand-picked the ones they knew wouldn’t speak unbiased truths.

They aren’t. Not really. And again… that is the point.

The “council” representation is not even close to what the entirety of the community is. It is very lopsided towards a specific group. And that group is not the group that represents the majority of the player base.

I agree people shouldn’t “shame” or “bash” on the players specifically, but the council is a complete joke and very transparent publicity stunt that will achieve little to no real change in the game.


All feedback is good feedback. A few of my topics haven’t been as well received by the GD than others, and that’s ok.
I’m not sitting here considering taking them down because they get called out, they’re still my opinions and still valid.

The frustration makes sense, as there has not been much information released from Blizzard to either the council or the general populous, but I firmly believe it is coming in the new year.

I don’t ask people not to make threads on the GD about the council. I read each and every one of them. I ask people to be patient while we are not even 2 weeks into a year long program.


~The council is the initiative to listen to the players.

Sure this :

IS strange, but how else did you want ? I certainly didn’t want the community to vote, we’d only have streamers and youtubers in the council and nothing would change.


Why do they need a council when they’ve had years of excellent feedback right out in the open?


Community representatives should be nominated by the community.

It would be better than Blizzard appointing Streamers and youtubers they find more favorable.


Excellent question and I don’t see the point of the cool kids club.


i agree but it allso goes both ways i see a lot of unnecessary disrespect from the cc already and we are just getting started


My best example of this is this.

GD feedback about Mage Tower, math included :

CC feedback about Mage Tower, “it’s fine, bravo Blizzard!” yes man edition :

That’s why they need the Community Council. Because otherwise, they’d have to admit their game is massively flawed.


As opposed to what right now? lol

The problem isn’t having streamers and youtubers. The problem is having yes men.

I am not a fan of Asmongold. But why didn’t Blizzard bring him in?

The factually most famous streamer of WoW. The guy that has carried the game an quite frankly made streaming wow a thing again. Love or hate him, he has been one of the MOST if not the most outspoken people for the casual players and the realities of what makes the game fun. The dude bleeds Warcraft. And they straight up /ignored him. If that doesn’t tell you something about what exactly this council’s purpose is, then I don’t know what to tell you.

This. This. This.

That pent up anger you see from people right now? You know what it is?

It’s the THOUSANDS of threads and hours wasted on EVERY SINGLE Beta forum, providing college degree feedback, that literally went out the window and was ignored because “you think you do, but you don’t”, only to see for 3 expansions in a row, blizzard back track a patch later and do EXACTLY what the Beta feedback said they needed to do.


I can say the council is a stupid PR stunt by a company failing at PR again and again while spawning new scandals basically weekly and actively pity the players they roped into being their human shields without attacking any of those players specifically.


And there lies the problem. :sunglasses:

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