Can't Start Dragon Isles on level 70 characters

The portal at Valdraken does not work either, always have to take the ship with new chars or do you need to finish the story first?

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Chromie doesn’t give anything to 70s, just as she wouldn’t give anything to 60’s last expansion. She expects you to be on the current expac.

My 70’s also no longer have the quest, while several pre 70’s do. One had a suspicious empty spot in the bags, probably where the dragon scale was.

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Beautiful response.

Maybe if if we added pictures it would help /shrugs

This is flat-out ridiculous. Even after doing TWW intro quests, you can’t get the Dragon Isles starter. The only thing on The Waking Shores available is the fishing quest.

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Yup… i tried the same thing… even did the Reclamation of Gilneas to see if maybe that would trigger any changes in SW… nothing… still cant actually start the expansion that i bought well over a year ago…

I made a post that didn’t get any acknowledgement but let me throw it in here as to my experience and what all I tried:

Neither of my timerunners can start the Dragonflight campaign on now that we’re on retail.

No quest pops up to direct me to Wrathion in Orgrimmar. No NPCS are present at that dragon memorial or at the zeppelin tower. No campaign quests are waiting for me in Ruby Shores, only the side quests. No breadcrumb is available to initiate via the adventurer journal. I do not have any offers on the warchief’s quest board. I went and complete intro quests from Legion through TWW in case there was a phasing issue. I’ve logged and relogged in Orgrimmar and various places several times to try to get a popup and nothing. I ran query scripts on the quests to see if they have been completed and they are coming back false.

By comparison a new character immediately gets dragonflight popup on login, and party sync does not show these quests to my timerunner.


Going to just bump this up again… seriously needs to be addressed.


I just wasted several hours trying to figure out what was going on with my main. I too am having this exact issue. While I’m glad I’m not the only one, this is also pretty ridiculous.

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Let’s see what happens after maintenance today

I am having the same issue of dragon isles start quest disapearing as well as wrathion on a number of my 70s.

Logged in after maintenance finished… Ebyssian still MIA.

Guys I just saw a post and think it’s not just Dragonflight locked for level 68+ characters.

Amarrim made a bug post “I can’t access the legion questline on my demon hunter” it’s the same issues as our Dragonflight quests.

I wonder if other expansion with zoning starting areas are giving this bug as well.

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So I came back about two weeks ago after taking a break about halfway through SL. I ended up getting to the Dragon Isles somehow and doing a few quests. In the Dragon Isles, the game tells me with 0/5 chapters done to go do the “To Tyrhold” quest to continue the campaign.
I’m wondering if you guys also get that one pop-up as well, or if you guys are getting the Wrathion/Ebyssian quest as the go-to?

I have 70s that the quest to go the dragon Isles disappeared. Also the portal to valdrakken does not work even my 74 who has done a number of quests on the dragon Isles it does not work and the portal in valdrakken to go back to stormwind is missing.

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Tyrhold does pop up in my campaign tracker when in the dragon isles but i still cant start the story itself… story begins with Wrathion/Ebyssian.

As a result all ive done for DF is gone to the island and picked up DF Mining, Blacksmithing and Fishing.

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Go see Chromie and pick a new time line. THEN Chromie again and pick TWW. Quest popped for me.

When youre level 70 or above, Chromie doesnt give you the option of choosing timelines.


It has been two weeks so let’s recap what we have learned. Let me know if I missed anything we have learned.

This is the issue. This is the bug that has been reported. The entirety of the beginning of the Dragonflight campaign is unavailable.

Going and completing the war within the campaign doesn’t help.

That’s right folks Drac’thyr because they start on the isle are just fine. Also on another forum we have found if you did draogn flight pre patch you can get access to the Waking shores. Remix, normally leveled, or pre-patch leveled characters are excluded from the Waking Shores questing area. ALL OF THEM.

I’m not sure any of us have enough free boosting for all our level 70’s but this is really important information for this bug.

So we have a breaking point when the characters deny the quests.

Can’t go to Chromie if you are PAST LEVEL 60!

We have confirmed that you can’t magically unlock the Dragon Isles intro or Waking Shores quests if you completed it previously. It’s still missing from the game if you are above 68, 70+

I don’t think any of us have had any success getting acknowledgment for this BUG.

None of us have found the secret. I wish I could add a screenshot to show the missing quest givers from the Waking Shores area.

Can anyone think of anything else to try?

How can I start the Dragonflight main quest

Can’t access Dragonflight starting quest at level 71

Quest To Begin Dragonflight Disappears Upon Reaching Level 70

[Dragonscale expedition quests missing for Level 70 after War Within release]

Quests disappeaing on a number of my 70s+


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I went to Chromie so many times from 10-60. BUT now that I think about it when I hit 68 the quest popped for TWW automagically. I just left it alone until 70. So my bad for wrong info.