Can't Start Dragon Isles on level 70 characters

No worries Granteth. Chromie has been a go to answer for this issue and I wish it was the solution. It would make it so much easier.

If its anything like how shadowlands was busted, you just need to quest sync with a sub-70 person and it’ll work

That does not seem to work. The quest is not sharable and does not become available to the 70 when we sync.

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I wonder if this is related to the bug over on the EU servers

Where players above and below lvl 70 are completely segregated from each other, with those below 70 forced into an inescapable version of Dragon Isles unable to Quest, Party Sync, or RP with each other

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I got the pop-up and did that, but nothing else is working still. The teleports to and from the dragon isles don’t work, can’t do any part of the main questline, which is just about everything.

So I’ve had the issue where Legion’s Uniting the Isles quest to unlock world quests, as well as the starting line for Suramar, are missing in Dalaran due to Khadgar’s changed location in tWW (I assume, the problem being he’s missing). However, when I reported THIS to support, I got the response that this was a ‘known issue that the devs were aware of and investigating’ and that there was no ETA for a fix but at least they knew and acknowledged it was a problem, which was the opposite of the response I got when reporting Dragonflight’s issue.

Just for a few more details on the Legion problem though in case they are related: The Uniting the Isles quest shows up on my map (though, not the mini-map) as if it should be accessible; the Dragon Isles starter quest does not even show up on the map. I AM able to get the quests for the rest of Legion, though I did have to leave Dalaran and come back a time or two to get the Order Hall quest to pop it eventually did (wasn’t trying to get it, was actually just mining), and this is the line that should lead to the main story for Legion. However I didn’t pursue this as I was just stopping by for profession quests, so I don’t know if there’s a different break point later. I’d assume any quests that require Khadgar’s presence in the council room would be a problem.

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I don’t think it’s directly related to the Legion stuff (outside of the fact that both involved some phasing shenanigans.)

Here’s my speculation: They’ve made Dragonflight the default leveling experience, and they took the opportunity to “fix” some issues that came up regularly when BfA was the default.

One issue is players (especially new players or those who had been away for a while) getting accidentally sidetracked in Stormwind/Orgirmmar by all of the expansion quests that are available. (A quest chain sends you through the city, and you pick up a nearby quest that starts a whole different expansion.) It looks like they’ve tried to reign this in. For example, at least Alliance side, my low level characters can’t use any portals unless they turn on Chromie time. (I haven’t tried it on Horde, but I’d suspect it’s the same.) Basically, it looks like they are trying to lock down some stuff using some more aggressive phasing than they have previously to keep people on track.

The other is that people who didn’t do the full tutorial often didn’t know how to pick up the BfA starter quest. (Putting it on the Herald made it easy to find — avoiding the Hero’s Call/Warchief’s Command burried quest problem — but you still had to figure out you needed to talk to the Herald.) So, it looks like they’ve opted to keep it as a auto-popup quest. You can see this on lower level characters. If they aren’t in Chromie Time, it pops up. It also looks like it’s removed from your log when you turn on Chromie Time. (This isn’t instant, so I’m not sure what triggers it. I just realize the quest is gone some point later on.)

I can absolutely see how the combination of these two things could cause an issue for level 70+ characters who hadn’t started any Dragonflight stuff. No manual way to pick up the quest to force your phasing combined with stricter phasing removing the NPCs is you aren’t on the quest means no way for characters not eligible for the pop up to start it. It probably would be more of an edge case if we didn’t have a whole bunch of characters that got to 70 before TWW launched without doing Dragonflight. (Both Remix and the pre-patch event led to a lot of such 70s.)

My suggestion would be to add the quest to the Herald NPC or quest board so 70s — or people using Chromie Time to get access to various expansion dungeons in LFD — can just pick it up manually. (And make it so that if the quest is obtained this way, it’s not automatically removed by hitting 70 or turning on Chromie Time.)


Good evening everyone. Just logged on and the quest “the dragon Isles await” is available!

I hope it’s available for everyone and Good luck in the Isles.


I just checked a couple of my characters with the issue and found Ebyssian and Wrathion were visible and had the quest available. Yay!


Finally working… would be nice to recieve some clarification on what caused it though.

Very happy to be able to finally continue my story lol… been playing this character since 2008.

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Was able to pick it up on both sides. Thank You Blizzard.

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my toon thundarr and Denrott in mid quest lost the quests again to go to dragon Isles

I also confirm that the quest is now visible to all my Lv 70s! We are so back! :ok_woman:t2:

This is disappointing. I completed The Dragon Isles Await, and now nothing else.

I submitted both a bug report and a ticket. The response is that they are aware this is an issue and it’s being worked on.

I was able to do all the quests to get to the dragon isles Horde side today. (I haven’t done the 3 quests you get once you land yet, but I was able to pick them all up.) I noticed they’ve moved the quests to collect the expedition from Org to Durotar. (Also, I couldn’t see any way to get the breadcrumb “The Call of the Isles” but it didn’t block progress.) So, I’d check for the usual phasing issues like the Legion intro and later parts of the BfA war campaign.

Edit: The character I did this on has TWW starter quest in her log, but hasn’t done any of it, so that doesn’t appear to be an issue.

I checked outside the Org gate, at the dock/zep and I checked the beginning starting area in the Isles. Any other ideas of spots to check?

The same thing just happened to me on Alliance Side, damn I was so excited when it popped up today

Same thing happened to me, Alliance-side, on a now-level-71 Remix character (the one on whom I initially had the issue). However, a level 70 Remix as well as a level 70 non-Remix Alliance character who had previously been locked out was able to continue the chain. A Horde-side level 70 Remix character was also able to continue through the chain in Org, while a level 73 Remix character could only do the first quest.

This leads me to believe that level is still somehow the problem and that it’s been fixed for level 68-70 but is still broken for 71+, if anybody wants to test to contradict or validate this conclusion! At least support is acknowledging the issue and looking into it it sounds like.

For what it’s worth just because it came up previously, Uniting the Isles also now seems to be back in Dalaran as well as the other quests granted from Khadgar.


Bumping. Still nothing today.