Quests disappeaing on a number of my 70s+

all dragon Isles quests on all of my 70s have disappeared off of my log as if they have been deleted.

Try turning on low lvl quest tracking

already have

And warband completed as well. Same filter area.

not completed warband

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You said they got deleted from your log, did you do a gear update? That will wipe the quest log if you said yes when prompted.


Did any of these characters do a Gear Update, Level Boost, or Faction Change?

If not, it may just be a misbehaving UI, you’ll want to give this a shot to rule any addons out:


Also there’s some weekly quests that get wiped, usually at reset.

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reset and no change. just the same old mess.

It was asked before, but did you do a gear update or a faction change?

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no I did not do an gear update or faction change

All of them?

I’m looking at your level 74 Dwarf Hunter and I can see several quests from Dragonflight. How to Glide with your Dragon, Lofty Goals, and Training Wings from the Waking Shore, Field Mages from the Azure Span.

They don’t have any abandoned quests that are from Dragonflight which would indicate you had them in your quest log and lost them.

For your Dracthyr Evoker it looks like you completed the starting quest line and you have Expeditionary Coordination, which is the quest that leads you into the rest of the campaign.

Beyond that, looking at your level 70 and 70+ characters, you are right, I don’t see any Dragonflight quests, but I don’t see any abandoned Dragonflight quests either. So there isn’t an indication that you had any on those characters.


the wrathion quest to start dragon flight are the ones missing on a number of my 70s. they are quests in stormwind to go to dragon Isles. can get to dragon isles in a round about way but there are virtually no quest and that is where I want to go next and do a number of quests and campaigns before I go to war within. This is fustrating.

Lots of people are having problems with the Dragonflight starter quest being removed and unobtainable on 70+ characters:

Well, for a few of your characters you have “The War Within” quest there, which may interfere with the intro quests for other expansions. You also have “The Legion Returns” on your Orc Hunter on Quel’dorei, which definitely does.

So you’ll want to finish the intro for at least Legion.

The level 70 Dark Iron Dwarf Shaman is in the same boat and most of your other characters have the War Within intro.


I was talking about dragon Isles that are the quests I want to do. but that is probably valid with war within interference and or legion. I guess I am going to have to wait on dragon isles becoming available on a number of my toons. I would appreciate any suggestions or solutions.

Which characters, Udiza?

Your level 70 Troll Druid on Thrall appears to have “The Call of the Isles” and has had it since February. This character has “To the Dragon Isles!” since February. Your level 70 Troll Shaman already started those.

Checking your other licenses most of those characters appear to already have quested in the Dragon Isles to some extent.


Characters that did the Dragonflight pre-patch stuff a couple years ago have access to the quest still. (So this character and the troll druid fall under that category. The troll shaman was just boosted which auto-completes the starter.) So, none of those characters are having the issue.

Some character with the issue would be Rashanti-Emerald Dream, all of the Hrinakiza and Allundrene characters, my Remix character on the account without TWW: Yasharipae, Giaripae, Jornaripae, Qiannaripae, and Quillaripae.

I actually watched as the quest disappeared from my log and teleport scale disappeared from my inventory as I logged into characters to start up their rested XP after TWW went live .

That is strange, Udiza. I see on Rashanti that it directs you where to continue the campaign, but I don’t see how you would get there. It’s a good call posting in the Bug Report forum for that so our QA Team can take a look and see what is happening.


Thanks for checking so I know I’m not missing anything. I’ve stopped worrying about it too much since it seems like it’s probably out of my control and I’ll need to wait on a fix.