Astral - Mal'Ganis | 8/8M | Fri/Sat | LFM for Aberrus

About us:

Astral is a mythic progression guild that is returning for Dragonflight. We formed in Legion to bring together like-minded people with similar interests who wanted a drama-free and competitive raiding environment with a midcore schedule.

Currently 7/8M Vault of The Incarnates

Days and Times:
Friday: 7:00 - 11:00 PM Central
Saturday: 6:00 - 10:00 PM Central

Positions Available:
All dps

8/8 Heroic 4/8 Mythic - With logs
1.Astral maintains a 25 player roster and rotates characters based on the encounter and class utility as needed.
2.Knowledge of all your class specializations and willingness to play any of them for progression.
3.Voice Communication

How to Join:

1.Message Bashton#7212 on Discord for an invite.
2.Read the #information channel.
3.Fill out the application.

The application will take 1-5 minutes to complete and is submitted directly to our leadership. When we make a decision on your application you will be notified immediately.

1 Like

Lok’tar Ogar!


Here there be Dragons!

Dragons are coming


welcome to the dragonlands



Hello my main is a blood DK and my wife is holy priest both looking for a progression guild. we are both roughly 2300 IO for M+. We both have great knowledge of the game and played since vanilla. my battlenet is Drinktorious#1924 discord id is Torious#0002. I will be filling out a application soon!


Flying of the dragons

Lok’Tar Ogar!


Ready for Dragons!

Let there be Dargons!


flying dragons!

Lok’Tar Ogar!
