420 dk/druid/priest & 420 war/druid/monk lf mythic prog guild


I am a 420 Unholy/Frost/Blood DK with a 420 Prot/Fury/Arms Warrior buddy that’s looking for a raiding guild that we can call home; We’re currently 8/8H 5/8M with very few pulls on M Dathea unfortunately, we cannot make it any further due to incompetent raiders - we typically top meters and rarely fail mechanics. We’re also very friendly :smiley:

(We also have alts that’s just as geared: 418 Resto/Balance Druid - 418 Guardian/Feral Druid - 418 - Windwalker Monk - 418 Disc/Holy/Shadow Priest)

What we’re looking for:

Guild that doesn’t raid past 10 PM EST (Unless progression requires OT)
Preferably Horde but open to Alliance.
Guild that is currently progressing on Dathea or further.
We’re no strangers to pushing content, and we’d like to push Mythic VoTI with an established guild.

What you will get from us:

Commitment. Not afraid to ask questions when necessary, constantly striving to be better and very competitive in a positive way.
Arrive to raids prepared. Will always have appropriate consumables and enchants. Won’t stand in fire or swirlies.

#Rydn 11403
#Moondaddy 11392

Hey tldr,

6/8M 20% Brood
Wed/Fri 7-10 EST
CE Focused

Discord: Spex4wild#4587

I think you guys would be a good fit for us!