Absolutely zero customer support

I have called Blizzard Billing Support about in game issues and they have full helped me out before and have been grateful for it just give it a shot. They are really nice

Customer support was pruned two times in the past 5 years. Now it’s virtually nonexistent.

The times ive had issues I’ve got a response and a resolution after a couple of hours. Besides not having a phone #, CS support is top notch.


I don’t use add-ons and my OCD makes me keep my bags hyper organized (which is part of the reason the two new zones make me a little nuts with all the little random drops you may or may not need). I would never log out with blank spots in my 3rd bag.

As far as the item not found, I tried that and I’m not sure what happened. It was a couple of extra little pets I had sold so I suspect I got the money it just didn’t show on my screen (and it would have only been a little bit of gold so no big deal).

I do know there have been some additional bugs popping up here and there after the patch. I just hope they address it.



We’ve never had a phone number that was available for you to discuss game issues, Pronto. The phone number, when we had it, was for Billing and Technical Support, not for In-Game Support. If you were calling to discuss game issues with our billing and tech reps, that is one of the major reasons why we moved away from having a number. Over 50% of the contacts that we were getting had nothing to do with Billing or Tech, many of them didn’t even have anything to do with CS. They focused on providing feedback/suggestions about the game itself, which CS has no involvement in.

We don’t have bots, Pronto, we have Game Masters that work out of Irvine California and Austin Texas that provide the responses you receive. Simply because you do not like the response, doesn’t make the person responding less human.

I had trouble figuring out what you were referring to, as it seems to have been about an issue you experienced 24 days ago. It looks like it had to do with several items in Mechagon, which had to be hotfixed.

The Soulbound quest items acquired during “Factory Refurbished” (Tempered Plating, Machined Gear Assembly, and Hardened Spring) have been removed. The non-Soulbound versions of these items now satisfy the quests involving these items.
Unfortunately, I don’t have logs that can verify what happened to the mail, but odds are the hotfix changed the item ID numbers, which is why you got an error.

As for the boss loot. As the previous Game Master indicated, you appear to have received Azerite from the boss. Gold wouldn’t be delivered from the postmaster, and I’m afraid our staff would be unable to provide it.

That would have specifically been to try and troubleshoot the errors you were receiving trying to retrieve the items from the mail. If you continued to experience an issue with a default UI we would have wanted our QA team to take a look.


That isn’t actually how it works. Game Masters have policies and procedures that they have to follow. They can’t just grant a request because you want it. For most bugs, they are unable to help directly as that is a QA and Dev process. In some situations though, when a known issue is causing a problem that a hotfix/patch may not be able to restroactively resolve, or that otherwise blocks progress, our staff is sometimes able to help.

In your case, Mikitan, I can’t say what happened. It isn’t an easy process to abandon a quest for a Game Master because it requires them to actively interact and control the character. In fact, it should have been easier for you to do so, but if a bug was preventing it, they may have needed the bug to be verified, with specific steps in place on how to address it, before they could do anything for you.

Only if you send it to us, Pronto. It isn’t information that we can just pull up, you have to provide it.

That actually isn’t true. We had a reduction in force in 2012. While I am unable to discuss any details, Customer Support hasn’t otherwise had another one since.


To be fair, if he’s Canadian, our sub is $18.99 per month. I don’t think it’s a stretch to call that $20 :wink:


Server access, nothing more, nothing less. And you’re not paying $20 a month for it. Not in U.S. currency.

You are not being robbed. No one is coercing or forcing you to continue paying or playing.


If the system is designed for call backs rather than direct calls, and requires a reason for the call and people have to apply for a call through their active account screen, you would get a lot less of that happening. And if they did make nuisance calls, their account would be on record and they could be blocked from making further call requests.

Only a total idiot would deliberately cut off a resource to help them in times of serious need.

Which is exactly why they transitioned to that very system several years ago.


Did you try deleting your add-on and WTF file? Just curious I haven’t seen it in the thread yet. I remember back on my old computer I had to actually delete them.

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Good thing they didn’t do that and have a system designed for call backs rather than direct calls then right?


You misread their post.

The sentence you quoted follows this one;

They’re saying it would be stupid for a player to abuse the ability to make calls / callback requests because Blizzard may block them, and then they wouldn’t be able to make legitimate use of the system if they ever need to.

There first paragraph seems to imply that they don’t understand that there is already a call back system and saying that Blizzard should move to one. They were answering someone saying why the direct phone line was removed, and seem to be saying if they had a call back system it would help.

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I said game issues, ie my game not working properly and ways to troubleshoot it. not in-game issues. which is what I have talked to someone on the phone with before and had my issues fixed.
50% of calls made were an inconvenience for you guys so you decide to cut off the rest of community for tech support?

if my reply is a copy and pasted message explaining how to submit a bug and not addressing anything in my ticket at all it might aswell be a reply from a bot… why did I have to open another ticket to get an actual response?

"ticket: I had a bunch of machined gear assembly . tempered plating and hardened springs in my bag. when reset happened today i logged in they were for some reason in the mailbox. i went to loot them and it said item not found.

response : If you have any information you’d like to pass on to our QA team for investigation, you can do so directly through the help menu. Reports sent this way add contextual information to the report that can help get the problem fixed faster, so sending in a bug report as you encounter an issue is always appreciated. To report a bug in-game:

  1. Open the Customer Support window (the red question mark on your action bar)
  2. Click Report a Bug
  3. Enter the details of the bug. Be sure to follow the submission form guidelines.
  4. Click Submit.

Bug reports are not replied to, but the reports instead go directly to our QA team, who will attempt to recreate the issue in a variety of ways. If a problem is confirmed, it would be addressed in a patch or hotfix in the future."

thanks for the new news that explains why my items were removed from my bags, i still don’t get how theres no logs from mail you guys sent me… you say theres logs once i attempt to loot then say there are no logs when i attempted to loot.

Wierd… I don’t see anything from my ticket about Azerite in my boss loot ticket, but hey must just be a me problem and a UI issues causes by my addons.

"Response: Hail and Well Met, I am Specialist Game Master Marconford bows

I’ve been going over your concerns here and after checking through our logs and records of the Raid it grieves me to say that it would appear that you were removed from the raid too quickly, and the boss’ body wasn’t clicked in time to generate loot. Because the loot is not directly generated until you click the body, we have nothing available in our logs to be able to forward on to you or grant as we Game Masters do not have access to these loot tables to be able to step in and generate the loot directly. :frowning:

As much as I wish otherwise, we are also not able to reset a boss’ loot eligibility nor reset the raid lock for you.

Thank you for your time and patience here."

What? Tech Support is still very much available, even by phone. “Game” issues do not mean tech support issues. Tech Support has never meant, problem with quests, being kicked from groups, bug reports etc.

Those have never been handled by phone.

Not too sure what you’re hoping to accomplish here, but I don’t think you’re going to be happy no matter the response based on your interactions/replies so far :frowning:


We didn’t cut off the community, we improved the system so that if you have an issue that required a call, that option would be made available. We also introduced live chat, which hadn’t been previously available and is an option on qualifying categories.

The problem with the previous system was that we received so many calls through that channel that, many of them having nothing to do with billing or tech, that is backed up the hold lines where folks were waiting for 1-2 hours on hold. That is if you were lucky enough to even get into the hold queue since it could only hold so many people.

You received an actual response the first time. A template answer isn’t the same as a copy/paste. I will admit, while a recommendation to report the matter as a bug does make sense, I feel the Game Master may have touched on some additional troubleshooting.

However, you did leave off part of your ticket where, and I’m paraphrasing slightly… “Now I can’t do my dailies, thanks for screwing with me.”

While we certainly do try to be accurate, we’re not perfect. Some Game Masters make mistakes, or may miss details in a ticket that they should have responded to. That is what our surveys are for, so that we can review those interactions and educate accordingly.

You might be muddling your responses, Pronto. The first response you received about the boss loot indicated that logs weren’t created until you interact with the corpse. That is true and it is not and probably should have been phrased differently. There are almost always logs, to one degree or another. It can be a little time consuming to hunt those down and often we cannot help outside of very specific situations.

It is entirely possible that the Game Master in question misunderstands how loot is created in this situation, which the GM that replied later claimed they would send feedback up to help correct them.

It would have been the reply to your most recent ticket that started out with “kay well who can fix this…”

This is Game Master …

I do apologize for any confusion or miscommunication caused on our part in our previous response. I will submit what feedback I can to make sure our responses are providing the most accurate information as possible going forward.

As for the loot from Orgozoa earlier in the week, I found that he was defeated about 6 hours and 42 minutes before the original ticket was submitted. At that time, Pronto received 900 Azerite from the kill. If there was any loot that was generated, we would be able to see that even if Pronto hadn’t looted the boss, so the Azerite was the only thing that was due.

There could have been gold as well, but that would have had to have been looted off the boss to receive. It’s not meant to be sent by the postmaster either, so I am sorry to say that we can’t send any gold that might have been awarded.

I will submit what feedback I can for this to our developers, but if you would like to see changes made to the loot system, our developers would need your feedback and suggestions sent through the in-game suggestion form. This goes directly to them for review, so they will absolutely read anything you send them.

I hope this information clarifies things, and I thank you for waiting while we looked into this. We’ll be here if something else comes up later.


Sometimes i question if they actually take the time to read a ticket or just skim thru it. I’ve run into this really cool bug where i can’t re-enchant stuff unless i use a macro cause the dialog box keeps disappearing. Yea i submitted a bug report or four since this started july 28th.

But i also put in a ticket and told them everything i had tried so far, The response i got was did you try doing Xyz “Things i said i already did in ticket” In the end i just closed posted in the bug report forums maybe someday it will get fixed.

Is that so? Well, that’s good to hear. Since I haven’t had reason to use the contact system in some years, the tone of the OP’s comment suggested there was no option to actually talk to someone.


That’s because the issue the OP has is not one that can be handled by phone and never has been. Phone calls have always been for Billing and Tech support issues. Unfortunately, a whole lot of players abused that and assumed they would get better assistance via phone if they called and complained/yelled/held their breathe until they got what they wanted. Even then, it didn’t help.

For their type of issue, it’s always been something you’d have to submit a ticket for and in almost all cases, it’s a player issue still.

GMs cannot interfere with someone being kicked from a group, nor can they spawn loot that hasn’t been generated for them, which seem to be the two main issues the OP wanted resolved.