Please don't release SL without first

GD’s definition of smart:

  1. Define problem.
  2. Blame problem on “the 800 people that were fired.”
  3. :grey_question: :grey_question: :grey_question:
  4. Feel better about yourself because you’ve mastered condescension.

Y’all need to lurk sections of these forums that don’t contain rampant BS, like Customer Service, where you see exactly the behavior in 1-4 above - but it’s squashed immediately by fact, truth, and intellect.

I’ve seen the “800 fired” trope presented in reaction to:

  • Customer Service
  • Billing
  • Developers
  • QA
  • Any game bug
  • Baseless complaints

How shallow does one have to be to use this “800 fired employees” thing every time there’s an issue, despite knowing literally nothing about who the 800 were or what departments they came from?

“The 800 were most definitely fired from QA, and I am mad”:

“The 800 were most definitely fired from Customer Service, and I am mad”:


The 800 have been fired from internal alpha/beta testing teams.

When you get crap loot in next week’s Mythic+ chest, it’ll be 800 developers that were fired. Gear look crappy? 800 artists were fired.

Be better and smarter humans.

From Variety(dot)com:

Be better and smarter humans.