Please don't release SL without first

I’m hoping they release monks in a state like they released DKs and Ret paladins in Wrath.

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I main a monk and everything wrong in Legion is amplified in BFA and we will have to wait for WW and MW to be fixed in SL. The past "buff’s in 8.3 are not near what they needed to be for them to be viable in H or M raiding. BrM is ok and has been this whole xpac. Most teams don’t need tanks though.

Beta is too late already. The talking goes on in Alpha. Beta is for extended testing for bugs, the basic game systems are pretty much set in stone at that stage.

Betas are supposed to be a way to test the game and report bugs but most people treat them like an early demo. Blizzard does the opposite and treats betas like an early demo while we’re trying to help.

no, that’s now done entirely via spreadsheet outside any actual live gameplay.
If it doesn’t look good or feel well in beta, oh well, the Excel sheet has been set to read-only.

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and that’s when the profits start to fall, they’ll learn eventually

I hope, blizz today are full rude workers that don’t feel the need to help those or listen to feedback. Us beta tester have to give it to them this beta if something is wrong. Every bug we see, every system that doesn’t feel right and every class. We all have to communicate to them and not just play the beta for fun.

I’m sorry you don’t like what I have to say but beta testing is not for major mechanical changes. If you want to do major mechanical changes you do that in alpha.

well you see this is the stuff that then bites them on the butt after they release.

this is what usually leads to the ye old forum debate of are people exploiting or was this intended.

Because sometimes the “exploit” is not even an exploit to me. It was stuff put into the game, sometimes in beta people say this will be abused and…they let it ride to full production release.

then 2 days later we get the forum rabble rabble burn the exploiters. they weren’t exploiting. they were using the code as given to them how it was supposed to be used.

Which then breaks down to:

But but…I’d never play like that. I think its cheating.

Well that’s you player. Some other player sees the hole shot and took it and went wide open throttle and now all you see are their tail lights. Next time…take the hole shot and drive it like you stole it chief is my stance there usually.

reported bad code or mechanic in beta that pushed to full release…Blizzard clearly deemed it good to be in the game. Or else they’d have fixed it.

which they do…as a patch after the fact after it bit them on the butt and “exploit” early and often comes into play.

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Anyone remember the Maw of Souls cage glitched that lasted forever until it happened live in a MDI event? :joy::joy:

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I think it will be worse than ever. They have to test old world everything as well with the scaling garbage.

They don’t want dialog. Remember when Ion used to do Q&A’s and that reddit AMA?

His idea of listening to the community is telling us why we actually should like the things we don’t like.

Isn’t beta forum mostly a echo chamber? I have heard If your account has been flagged for any reason you will not get a invite to beta. Most generally anyone critical of blizzard has gotten atleast one infraction.

It would be beneficial for everyone involved if they actually listened to feedback and acted accordingly.

I know I looked (just looked not even play) into Warfronts and Island expeditions before BFA launched and advised them people will not enjoy this. I wasn’t trying to be arrogant, I was saying the truth.

Launch happens and guess what a majority of the playerbase doesn’t like it. I still feel like Warfronts could’ve been salvageable if they were PvP. As it was marketed as a PvP expansion (War theme) but who knows.

I have been reduced to talking about superficial and cosmetic things, because I don’t feel like they would listen to anything I say gameplay wise.

I think a lot of people tried warning them about BFA too from what I remember. So yes it would be nice if they actually tried to listen to their playerbase. Instead of having a flop. Where there is mass negative reviews in the first month of launch and exodus of their playerbase. That probably could’ve been avoided.

I do encourage everyone to be very vocal and hopefully they might listen a bit better this time.

All you can do is learn from your mistakes. I do believe Blizzard wants their games to be successful and a lot of people would like that as well.

GD’s definition of smart:

  1. Define problem.
  2. Blame problem on “the 800 people that were fired.”
  3. :grey_question: :grey_question: :grey_question:
  4. Feel better about yourself because you’ve mastered condescension.

Y’all need to lurk sections of these forums that don’t contain rampant BS, like Customer Service, where you see exactly the behavior in 1-4 above - but it’s squashed immediately by fact, truth, and intellect.

I’ve seen the “800 fired” trope presented in reaction to:

  • Customer Service
  • Billing
  • Developers
  • QA
  • Any game bug
  • Baseless complaints

How shallow does one have to be to use this “800 fired employees” thing every time there’s an issue, despite knowing literally nothing about who the 800 were or what departments they came from?

“The 800 were most definitely fired from QA, and I am mad”:

“The 800 were most definitely fired from Customer Service, and I am mad”:


The 800 have been fired from internal alpha/beta testing teams.

When you get crap loot in next week’s Mythic+ chest, it’ll be 800 developers that were fired. Gear look crappy? 800 artists were fired.

Be better and smarter humans.

From Variety(dot)com:

Be better and smarter humans.

They seem to be making plenty of profit regardless

seem to and are, are two totally different things

they once had 12 million subs, today they are far below that number and would be wise to listen to the concerns of the players, I’m not saying they should develop exactly what the players want, leave that up to the Dev’s, but develop away from known problems and make the game better for everyone

Fine they ARE making plenty. Happy?

The last 2 xpacs have had beta testers shouting about problems that get shipped, and then players wonder how something like it didn’t get caught in the beta.

Wow beta exists for PR, not for game improvement.

Compared to what? see that’s the point here we want them to make more, but if they don’t listen, subs will drop and eventually the game will go F2P or shut down