Feedback: The State of WoW In 8.3

This will likely be ignored but I need to voice my frustrations on the current state of the game. In Legion, we had a lot of talents and our classes had baseline abilities such as life tap for locks and raise ghoul for DK’s. In BFA, they did away with all of this including most of the new talents/abilities given by artifacts, this means that Melee classes out DPS all ranged specs and can be geared far more easily than a spec such as affliction which is heavily gear reliant. This means, that I am unable to progress in Mythic+ and unable to progress in any content since no matter how many Mythic+ dungeons I do the RNG system refuses to drop the gear I need to stay viable. That Seabreeze from Shrine? Let’s give it to the random Rdruid who doesn’t really need it because screw you. That Footbomb championship ring you need for the haste mast? Let’s give it to 3 DH/Pally’s and not you because screw you that’s why. Your weekly cache? HAH! Good joke, we’ll give you that crappy 470 trinket you don’t need and you won’t get any good corrupted 470 BIS gear while everyone else will. I’d say Titanforging was better because atleast then you didn’t have to deal with this corruption garbage that has made gearing even harder then before. If I don’t get a decent drop from my weekly this Tuesday or if I run Mythic+ tomorrow for another 8 hours I will be cancelling my sub. I have no interest in playing a game where the basic support staff ignores feedback such as this and where the community actively acts toxic to people who want to do content and get geared. You want to know what’s killing your stocks activision? This is… Now fix it.

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Not ignored per se, but it will not be heard by the people able to take action on your feedback if you leave it here.

You will be better suited by posting your concerns in a Forum not under the Support umbrella.

General Discussion forum can be used for any feedback not better suited for a different Forum category.


Two thing feed back will fall on deaf ears here no one that will listen comes here feed back either goes in apropriate forums or catch all general dungeon raids scenarios etc or ingame suggestion feature. 2nd thing break it up no one likes reading a wall of text.


Okay, so it will be ignored because the people who are able to take action won’t see it. Should of just said they’ll print it out as toilet paper for their studio washrooms because at least then it’d be honest.

If you repost it in a more appropriate Forum (as I outlined above), then your feedback can be heard. There is a chance that a Mod will just relocate this thread anyways.


If a mod relocates the thread to the appropriate sub forum where it’ll be “heard” that would imply we actually have paid mods still. It’d give me a glimmer of hope but that’s all.

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Of course they do, not sure why one would think otherwise.

Best of luck in your future gaming.


They forcefully laid off a community manager and then re-opened the position less then a year later for a fraction of the pay and twice the amount of responsibilities. They did the same with mods, firing over half of the moderation staff and later re-opening those positions with lower pay and more duties.

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Tossing a tantrum won’t fix the game.

Send proper feedback instead of FIX THIS NOW through the proper methods. :slight_smile:



Can’t, won’t let me share links. Just google Activision lay offs, they sacked over 800 people and the majority were moderators and community managers/QC staff.

One last note:

Out of the 800 laid off, only 207 were Blizzard staff proper, and it was majority EU staff. There are still moderators on the forums here, who do work a lot behind the scenes.


Ah…more misinformed nonsense…


Tell me then, are you happy with the current state of the game? Or is that also misinformed “nonsense”?

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Yes, I am quite happy with the game, keeps my interest, as for Classic, I got bored with that real quick. And the “misinformed nonsense” I was referring to was the tripe people keep pushing about CS layoffs.


Feed back posted via the Ingame help menu is routed directly to the development staff.


To be clear, without the appropriate trust level it simply won’t let you post a link that can be clickable, you can otherwise share a link. Using the Preformatted text option is often used.

Mind you, any link you provide is simply the same source of information that everyone else has, outside the company with no real insight into any real details.

The folks who moderate haven’t gone anywhere, they weren’t laid off, reduced, or any other narrative you may be trying to sell. We actually have more mods now than previously involved in the task. Granted, that isn’t to say some mods haven’t left the company or moved to other positions within the company, but that is normal behavior in any company.

Interest pivot. Overall, the focus for any feedback/suggestion should be about the feedback, not any specific individual or group of employees. Please direct commentary to the appropriate locations, as previously advised.