How the hell can i have a conversation with an actual person!??
there is no phone number i can call to talk to blizzard anymore about game issues. i wait 2 days atleast for a reply from an obvious bot, to wait another two days to get another reply saying they cant do anything…
I had over 20k of items removed from my bags for no reason then mailed back to me and when I looted from mailbox they disapeared saying “Item not found” and they cant help me. next this raid leader removed everyone not his guild after killing a boss and before i could loot, i get phased out to a dead corpse, Im locked out to the boss and get no loot. make a ticket and they say that cant do anything without loot records. they cant reset my lockout for the boss.
there is this stupid “you have been selected to fill out a gm survey” tab at the top of my screen for a year!! an they cant even remove that… What CAN YOU DO. what the hell am I paying $20/month for?? this game is full of issues and zero support.
something needs to seriously change. and no leave if you don’t like it is not a solution to a company stealing our money.
It’s sad to say that blizzard caring about their subscribers is a thing of the past. I remember when GM’s actually tried to solve your problems and blizzard answering phone calls for the simplest of connection issues. now its wait a week for us to tell you to get stuffed.
sounds like a you problem mate, fill out the survey and it will go away, also sounds like a bunch of lies and stuff that just right out doesent make any sense.
You dont think i tried to fill out the survey? it says survey is unavailable everytime i’ve tried to click it and the tab doesnt go away.
sounds like a you problem, yeah attack the guy having the issues. you want me to post blizzards responses and my tickets?
did you contact them about the survey not going away?
multiple times. they cant or refuse not to do anything about it.
yeah sounds like a you problem, i highly doubt any gm literally said “nah im not doing anything about it”
Raging in GD isn’t going to help anyone, you just look like a tool for jumping on everyone.
Nobody here can help you, so your OP is a pointless rage post.
Sounds like the GMs aren’t responding to your tickets pronto eh?
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Did you fill out the survey to try to make it go away? Its been there for a whole year? That sounds odd.
Wouldn’t loot have been mailed to you if you did get anything? 20k in stuff from where?
Im a little confused by your issues.
The gms can’t fix everything but what they can fix they usually do. They have always been honest and helpful to me,even if there is nothing they can do about something.
The raid leader removing you, that his privilege.
Nothing a GM will do about that.
Saved to a raid boss, that cannot be reversed.
Loot cannot be awarded to you by a GM if they cannot verify that you were eligible for it in the first place, even if that non eligibility was caused by a glitch.
If, at any time, you feel that what you get is not worth the price it costs, stop paying for it.
It is ridiculous and I agree. If you have s problem in game, waiting for that long is ridiculous.
The navigation in the menu to open a ticket is also really bad . It’s almost like they don’t want people opening tickets
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When I was leveling my Void Elf, the quest where you control the eye in Shadowmoon Valley during WoD was bugging out. Wouldn’t let me take control of the eye. I couldn’t advance my questing. So I filed a bug report and asked if the GM could just skip the quest for me, as I had already seen the story for that, and wasn’t too worried about the flavor text. I even said that they didn’t have to worry about giving me the quest rewards. I just wanted to continue on.
Then I queued for a battleground, killed some horde, and by the time I was done, I had a GM whispering me. Not only did they skip the actual activity necessary to fulfill the request, they just marked it complete for me so I was able to turn it in and move on. They were courteous, they were helpful, and I got to kill a few blood elves. Win-Win-Win.
Moral of the story… If you’re nice to the GM’s, they generally do what they can to fix your issues. So as most of the board is saying to you…
Sounds like a you problem.
I did, they point in the direction of restting my UI, i did that didnt work told them and they said submit a bug or post on the forums.
I thought so too, the raidleader said it will be in my mail and then called me an idiot.
myticket: After killing Orgozoa in Eternal palace on normal difficulty the raid was finished and for some reason the raid leader removed players rather then leaving themselves.
when I was kicked I was about to loot the boss and I was phases out and there was no longer a lootable corpse. I waited a few hours and there is nothing in my mailbox. there should atleast be gold or something from the boss. the corpse showed loot.
I already checked if I got credit for the kill and I did, I am locked out. the bonus roll also popped after the kill and I didnt know if i should use it or not. if there is nothing you guys can do about the loot can you please make it so I am Eligable for loot from Orgozoa again.
response : I’ve been going over your concerns here and after checking through our logs and records of the Raid it grieves me to say that it would appear that you were removed from the raid too quickly, and the boss’ body wasn’t clicked in time to generate loot. Because the loot is not directly generated until you click the body, we have nothing available in our logs to be able to forward on to you or grant as we Game Masters do not have access to these loot tables to be able to step in and generate the loot directly. 
As much as I wish otherwise, we are also not able to reset a boss’ loot eligibility nor reset the raid lock for you.
Thank you for your time and patience here.
The 20k in items was springs gears and such for making boxes in mech.
my ticket: I had a bunch of machined gear assembly . tempered plating and hardened springs in my bag. when reset happened today i logged in they were for some reason in the mailbox. i went to loot them and it said item not found.
response : If you have any information you’d like to pass on to our QA team for investigation, you can do so directly through the help menu. Reports sent this way add contextual information to the report that can help get the problem fixed faster, so sending in a bug report as you encounter an issue is always appreciated. To report a bug in-game:
- Open the Customer Support window (the red question mark on your action bar)
- Click Report a Bug
- Enter the details of the bug. Be sure to follow the submission form guidelines.
- Click Submit.
Bug reports are not replied to, but the reports instead go directly to our QA team, who will attempt to recreate the issue in a variety of ways. If a problem is confirmed, it would be addressed in a patch or hotfix in the future.
That is not the cost of a sub…
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You are not going to get anything in the forums. Pretty much it is dead - zero meaningful dialog with customers here.
wow blizzard had great CS 5 years ago? yeah i think i stated that with being able to call them. as for how i talk with them you have no idea and if you really want to know look at the posts below. im in no way disrespectful.
Phone support has always been Billing & Tech Support only. When they did have a phone number you could call, people didn’t respect that and held up the lines calling about game issues that phone support couldn’t help with. So they are callback only, and only if your issue can be handled by Billing or Tech Support.
Also, wait times are really not that bad. You should have been here during Wrath, when they were a week or more. They are actually pretty good now.
Based upon your posting, OP, methinks you’re no getting any beep due to how you express yourself to others. When I deal with customers like You just demonstrated, I go exactly by the book, however, if they’re polite I’ll go the extra mile, and bend the rules to make the customer happy.
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^ when you think the whole world uses the same currency . -.-
Whatever people may feel about the OP’s specific issues, the OP has a point.
When I first started playing, I actually spoke to people on the phone about game or account problems. They would provide an option to be phoned. So I could actually talk to a human being and the problem was sorted very shortly thereafter.
I mean, if I have an issue with my monthly-paid vehicle insurance, I can phone a customer support number and talk to a person about it. If a huge insurance company with millions of customers can provide a live person to talk to, why cannot a company like Blizzard do the same?
It does make you wonder…