Top 500 DPS Pick rates in NA

Hey everyone,

I’m back again. This time I have the DPS pick rates. Fun facts.

  1. There are 9 champion DPS in NA as of the time I collected the data. That’s crazy!
  2. Top 500 starts at Masters 2.
  3. There are only 6 DPS that have anyone 1-tricking them. Junk has the most with 3. This is way fewer than tanks.
  4. DPS had the most even distribution between most played and least played of any role. Tanks were the least leaning very heavily into their mains. Support was in the middle.
  5. The most picked DPS are not a surprise. It’s Tracer, Sojourn, and Cassidy.
  6. Mei and Sym are even worse than I thought. I didn’t think they were doing well, but those are some of the worst pick rates of any role. The only hero close is Ram in Asia.

Here are the charts.

DPS Pick Rates Overall

DPS Most Played Only

DPS 1-tricks in Top 500

Here are links to my previous posts for supports and tanks.


My poor, sweet Mei. :sob:

Also my poor, snarky Ashe. Imagine Torb having a higher pickrate. Horrible. :sob: :sob:


The Tracer nerfs were effective :slight_smile:

Meanwhile Moira was nerfed harder lolol


The role definitely looks perfectly balanced :roll_eyes:

Anyway. I’d like to point out that the Junkrat representation has dropped by over 75% since season 8 finished.


Theres 3-4 people playing reaper in top 500. That reaper one trick carrying reaper hard- May he be Reapositioning always.


Because playing Junkrat actually takes effort

Just play Hitscan for free value

Oh no wait sorry, Junkrat is easy and spam and lands everything always


Mei not existent anymore and alhonesty don’t know what to do with her.


Let her 1 tap Tracer in the face again for starters


Meanwhile, in today’s AMA with the devs they said they’re thinking about buffing Cass.


Wasn’t it more of a rework? I thought they said his mag grenade is going to be reworked to remove the homing aspect.

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That is what they said, but I’m not sure why they’d pick one of the best DPS in the game to rework over one of the heroes that gets no playtime.

I’m not either. I thought for sure Sym would be the other DPS to get reworked. Cass doesn’t make a ton of sense.


Devs love seeing those low stats on mei & sym :melting_face::melting_face:

Mei’s alternate fire needs a damage buff, it shouldn’t take 4 bodyshots to kill a squishy


Lol. I remember in the lead-up to S9 so many people saying Cassidy was gonna be “uNpLaYaBlE.”


To be fair the changes were first discussed in season 8 before the global health and projectile changes and before he resurfaced to the top of the ladder.

Mag nade rework and ult QOL changes still make sense since they’re both janky, doesn’t matter if he’s good now or not. Magnetic grenade has needed a rework to feel better to play against since forever

Probably, but that just means their planning and testing is pretty bad, if they didn’t anticipate him becoming stronger after those changes.

I agree, but devs only have so many hours in the day. Putting any time into QOL changes to heroes who are already strong is not worth it, when those same devs could be working on heroes who actually need help instead.

Its been known that Blizz Q&A is atrocious because it involves paying people and thats a no no for corporate.


Thanks as always.
Surprised that Mei pick rate is so low.
Where did all the fans go? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you for this, because with all the Sombra is overpowered “Broken” etc. Her statistics do not support that claim, if anything it is the complete opposite.

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Better nerf symmetra, I see .2%, can’t be having that.