Top 500 Support Pick Rates in NA

Hey everyone,

By common request, I took the time to compile the top 500 pick rates for supports just like I did for tanks. I’ll link to that post at the bottom. I only did supports for NA due to the time this takes. I did do it for tanks, but only because that’s my most played role.

Some interesting things I found.

  1. There are 6 champion supports as of the time I took this data beginning at Champion 4.
  2. Top 500 starts in Masters 2 for supports.
  3. There aren’t that many 1-tricks, only 8 total.
  4. Only half the supports had anyone 1-trick them. There aren’t even any Kiriko or Bap 1-tricks which is a bit surprising.
  5. Kiriko and Lucio are the meta. No surprise there. Ana and Bap are next, also no surprise.
  6. Many supports are struggling: Brig, Illari, LifeWeaver, Mercy, Moira, and Zen all have less than half the pick rate of the next lowest. The only one I’m a bit surprised by here is Moira because so many people were asking for Moira nerfs earlier. But the rest I think we all know are less powerful than the top 4.

What do you see that shocks you?

Support Pick Rates Overall

Support Most Played Only

Top 500 1-trick supports

Previous Tank pick rates



Kiriko being highly represented at this level of play doesn’t surprise me exactly, but I do think the S9 (and subsequent changes) hurt her more than most people believe/admit. What we can see on Overbuff of her win rates below GM isn’t promising either (and yes, big grains of salt on that information). The projectile size buffs did nothing for her as far as I can tell, which puts a lot more pressure on the player to get multiple consecutive headshots to get anything done with the context of the health changes. Suzu and Rush are still strong regardless.

Lucio being highly played is exactly what I expected would be the case even from early S9.

Zen’s being represented a little less than I would have expected, but that’s probably consistent with performance loss inherent to when his health got lowered.

Thanks again for your work.


I agree. Kiriko is my support main. And I love playing her. I’m not surprised she’s represented this much. But I do think she’s overvalued a bit by top players especially when you look at her win rates. I do miss her 2-tap from S8. I think she was better then. But the healing changes benefited DPS centric supports more than healing centric supports. Which is why

I agree with this too. I think the main reason he isn’t is Kiriko and Bap can still output quite a bit of healing and tanks die if you breath too hard on them.


Mercy is shockingly low despite her popularity. I think that says something about her balance state.


Many, many thanks!


It’s a good thing they removed Zen’s extra 25shields, wouldn’t want him to get to 3.3% pickrate.


I’m surprised about Lucio doing so well

And I thought Ana, Bap and Kiri would be about the same level

The rest are most likely where we all expected; except Moira. Moira is another one we believed to be in better shape

But honestly, Moira’s streght is not in DPSing or spamming orbs. Its her Mobility.
A true Moira specialist can make your life a living hell.
But 99% of the none-main top500 Supports that pick Moira can only play her at a “decent” level.

But its fine I guess. Moira’s mobility requires a ridiculous amount of time and effort for trully mastering that part of her kit

Same happens to other mobility heroes

I’m not saying Kiriko, Ana or Bap are easier; but it happens that they Are more intuitive in a FPS enviornment

And Lucio of course, the expcetion to the rule. He may not be meta every season, but he has always been a core part of high level gameplay. Overwatch League, and Asia, they just love Lucio comps.
Lucio and Winston are a must have


It’s as if Moira isn’t this OP monster people insisted she was. I’m so shocked! Who could have imagined the loud minority of the forum to be wrong!


She really fell off with the nerf she got on top of the changes to tanks/ armour and which tanks have come into the meta and which left

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I only wish we get S1 mobility restored

Its going to be about the same thing, but at least it would be fun to play again xD

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How do you define 1-tricks? Literally only ever having played one character or having spent most of their time, like 90%, on one character?

If the former, it makes sense that there are way fewer than there are in the tank role since you’re competing with another player for your pick. If the latter, I’m surprised, too.

On the Top 500 menu it shows you top 3 picks unless you only play 1/2 heroes

So I assume they see the people who only have one hero showing up while also being in Top 500

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So if you ever play even a second of another support you’re not a 1-trick anymore?

Then the fact that there is even one single 1-trick surprises me :smiley: That’s some dedication.

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Yeah it will pull the 2nd highest character even if you only play them for like a minute


Conversely, the “buffs” hurt her because would-be headshots count as body shots since the kunai are so huge now

I’m using 100% of their time in this role on one hero. On the leaderboard it will only show one hero portrait.



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It’s funny. I had recently looked at tanks and they had a lot of 1-tricks. I was somewhat surprised that supports had so many fewer. But I guess I really should have been more surprised at how many exist with tanks.

Also tanks had a much stronger bias towards their main hero than supports. Especially in the Asia region there were a lot of tanks that had very low playtime on the second hero.

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I am not surprised. A lot of support players actually play to support their team and everything. I do not play tank because I enjoy tank. I play tank because I enjoy swinging my hammer. That’s the difference. A lot of support players are like, actually nice and caring. They want to help other people. It’s wild!


Moira is very easy to counter. Once fade is used she is so easy. She should be buffed a bit.

Thanks for data Lumin.

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