So, if overwatch was to be built again?

6S49V. If you wanna practice on hard mode :wink:

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It’s literally the aimbot patch, he and ashe have old hanzo hitbox twice that of current widow who is herself broken with projectile hitbox only kept down due to tracer and sombra.

Like cass two shot hs is way easy now.

Yeah pretty much. I’m just so sick of how obviously broken 4-5 dps heroes are right now and how they’re strangling the entire role. Every single game devolves into them being mirrored or the matches start that way because everyone knows how broken they are.


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The problem is this.

Tank and Support inherently uses team cooperation to get stuff done. As there is more team co-op there is more value from those roles.

Which means they are stronger in higher ranks.

You can’t balance each of the three roles, so they have the same level of power across all ranks, because DPS will be, by it’s nature stronger where there isn’t a lot of co-ord, and the Support and Tank roles will be stronger where there is.

If you balance for high ranked play, you will lose the support and tank players, since where most of them play, the game is worse for them.

Likewise, if you balance for mid ranks, then in upper ranks, the game will devolve to GOATs like comps. Because Tanks and Support will be so much stronger there than DPS.

So as a game designer you are stuck. There isn’t a good solution here, it is a classic “cursed problem in game design”

Not because Blizzard doesn’t want to balance the game, but because they can’t. You can’t have the 3 roles setup, AND balance the game across all ranks.

At the time they were losing Tank and support players so quickly, it was unsustainable. You would be forced, for similar reasons Blizzard was, to enact similar policies.

They are not stupid, and they are not lazy, they were painted into a corner caused by the three role setup.

My apologies most of happened in last couple of weeks. Prior to that was middle of that pack.

Kind of funny how that changes when the hero in question isn’t even changed. Most of been armour update.

Ya only hereos that have less of a pick rate are Mei Sym, Heck bastion is seeing more play time then her in GM.

She has a lot of down time do to needing to charge her shots. Meaning of openings to push in on her without her kill shot.

And for the most part is performing just as well as Pharah, hanzo, and torb at the moment.

doubly so the latter now that he is kind of anti-tracer again.

It’s been like this since season 9.

No. Her represenation may not be Mccree level but she’s easily A tier and increasing every patch. She’s heavily slept on and has been since season 9.

No she doesn’t :joy: Half the problem is that she has little to no downtime. Quickly farm rail on tank → murder a squishie. Repeat.

Not in high ranks.

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No he was middle of the pack at best last time I checked, and the forums were doom and gloom over him for at least the first half of season nine.

:roll_eyes: She isn’t bad, but she rather ease to interupt her damage combo’s and easy to punish the moment her flight goes off line. And if misses her stickies (or if they get blocked), has to rely on her team to help get players below 125hp for her beam to kick in. And well for someone to pocket her while she flies into close range to do her beam bit.

That and her ult can be finicky and has a habbit of hitting the wrong person. Or lacking options do to LOS breaks.

Meh that still takes more time then it does to get a widow one shot headshot.

i’m going off GM - top 500 data my dude. Look at it your self.

Toast is right about Cass. He’s been doing well since S9. He’s doing even better since the S10 mid-season patch. He’s easily a top 3 DPS right now.

Sojourn is the best DPS in the game currently. Probably even better than Tracer since the mid-season patch.

Overbuff isn’t accurate for higher ranks. The devs said so themselves. See the linked quote from Gavin Winters. Toast gave you a more accurate top 500 pick rates taken directly from the leaderboard.


Meh, iv’e seen them completely steam rolled in top 500. Then watch the same team struggle with a sym TP to point and turrets slowing a genji ult so he can’t chase a back peddling sym pumping orbs into him.

Sojourn is for most part like only like fractionally better then most other heroes. Especially now after her break points were changed. Where she now needs to do damage for longer periods to follow up into a rail, or needs to start off a fight with a full charged rail at the begging of a fight.

strong but like, not the be all end all. For the most part if you catch her after her mobility goes down she is relatively easy kill. At least in the same vein as widow is.

The good thing about top500 data is that it’s public and we dont need to rely on Overbuffs partial data.

You’re just wrong.

…Widow does not have fantastic mobility, doesn’t have 250hp, she needs to scope in, doesn’t have a top 3 ult and doesn’t have decent spam damage.

Widow is broken on her maps but Sojourn is Widow without the downsides. Almost everywhere else Sojourn is in another league.

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Were do think Overbuff gets it’s information from my dude, it litterially scrubs your account data and pulls from public sources on top of that.


Grapple will get you into more places then the sojourns slide jump. And further away in most cases.

Only benefit is that sojourns is on a 7 second cooldown while widow is 12.

Yet needs to charge her shots via damage, and needs to maintain los to do so. While widow can completel cut LOS peek and get a full charge shot.

Wall hacks is free kills in the right hands.

You shouldn’t be do spam damage my dude, that just feeds the enemy support ults.

Sojourn doesn’t have widow’s range, and in many cases has to play in close to mid range engagements a lot more then widow ever has to.

Open profiles. Not all profiles are open and when discussing a such a small pool of players that heavily impacts the data. Why are you so against using the full data instead?

Slide is faster, less predictable, is instant, doesn’t require a surface and has a shorter cooldown. It’s a much stronger ability.

Please tell me you aren’t actually trying to argue that scoping in isn’t a disadvantage compared to firing rail with no downsides. Please tell me you’re really not.

Scoping in hurts awareness, is very inaccurate at closer ranges and severely limits movement. Sojourn needs to deal with none of that.

Overclock is a top 3 ult and regularly kills 3+ people. Widows ult just makes everyone not peek until it ends. They are not on the same planet.

It allows her to consistently apply the dps passive whereas Widow may as well not have it at all.

Just stop. Sojourn is the best dps in the game and has few to no weaknesses. Widow while broken on her maps has huge weaknesses. Sojourn is what happens when you remove Widows weaknesses, give her a great ult and only slightly weaken her at long ranges.

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Are just talking Overwatch Classic at this point?

The problem with Overbuff in higher ranks like Diamond+ isn’t just a lack of public profiles. That is part of it. But statistically you can probably overcome that except for the second problem which is selection bias. Which profiles are open isn’t random. Certain types of people are more likely to have an open profile and this biases the data. D.Va mains for example, on average, tend to be proud and open profile. Mauga mains not so much. And players who are more proud of their stats are more likely to show off. These things bias the data when the sample size is low.

Also, unfortunately, Overbuff seems to have bugs. Besides the fact that they haven’t added champion rank yet, I can get 3 different win rates and pick rates for the same hero over the same period of time at the same rank on the same platform. It’s not crazy different, but it’s different. And that alone erodes confidence.

And at least for GM you can easily disprove the Overbuff pick rates by doing the math yourself. Top 500 goes from Championship all the way into high masters.

Give Widowmaker Ashe’s kit. Ashe gets something completely new, I don’t know what, point is we no longer have to hinge Widow’s entire power budget on having a primary that can instantly kill people from ludicrous range.
Damage boosts no longer stack and only the highest damage boost is applied. Same for damage reductions, probably.
Tracer regularly receives meaningful balance changes (so would everyone else, but Tracer rarely ever even gets touched).
Don’t even ask me how to handle Brig launch differently.
OWL has a hero ban system, whether that’s pick/ban related or “every tournament has XYZ heroes” banned. Shakes up the OWL meta without drastically changing the rest of the game because 0.05% of the playerbase got a wacky Twitch clip.
Actually, nix OWL entirely and just support grassroots tournaments.
Sojourn railgun has reduced crit multiplier, or something, and address problems from there. I don’t know.
Mauga gets a new kit that does not revolve around “hold M1 and M2 on the enemy tank for 15 minutes”.
BPs are purchaseable whenever, but are half-off during their respective season, and only one pass can be worked towards at a time. I understand a live service game is going to need consistent revenue but perma-lock FOMO sucks and if we HAVE to include any FOMO at all to appease our corporate overlords then I’d rather it just be discounts.
Keep loot boxes, but they are not purchaseable and are just level up rewards.
If we move to 5v5, Ball and Doom move to DPS, or get similarly-playing heroes in the DPS category. Solo tanking as these guys feels simultaneously imdividual-reliant AND team reliant, and it feels miserable a lot of the time.
Venture now has dialogue referencing things other than rocks.
Illari gets lore and no longer feels like a ChatGPT fan hero concept out of complete left field.
Just as an experiment, remove SBMM and instead base MM around best network quality, and let the better players win. Even with SBMM in place it’s not like you don’t run into frequent stomps, so…
All OW2 hero releases get a dance emote you can purchase with credits.
Symmetra loses team-wide TP (can only use it for herself) and is thus no longer kept at a certain power level because OWL teams do funny taxi tricks maybe once a month but D.Va bomb teleport stays because it is absolutely hilarious
Jetpack Cat is playable.
Fortnite Default Dance is added as an emote to all characters.
I now have a self insert in the game’s lore who is married to Junker Queen and…

Over buff has access to that “full data” to. If it’s public it can be scrubbed via simple URL request.

I’m guessing were playing in the vacuum of space where theirs no buildings for widow to connect to. Because like it can connect to anything including the floor. And you can cancel it mid pull to maintain her momentum.

that and well you can hook mid air, you can’t jump out of a mid air slide. You need to be on the gound to do that.

I’m saying widow can by pass that downside in many cases using highground and corners to break los. So she can scope and charge without being shot at or seen by the enemy. Sojourn needs to maintain that LOS to charge her rail with damage.

Only if your deaf, you can hear were and what is going on around you. You will know if a genji is double jumping up next to regardless if you can see him or not.

hehehe I remember when everyone was talking about genji in the same way. press DM and missiles onto a sojourn and chase her with some rockets. And watch how little she actually gets to kill things. Or god for bid attempt to break LOS sight then punish her if she tries to push via tank tools, or just counter ulting.

They only use profile data. If a profile is private it’s not included.

The abilities are not comparable. I’m sorry to be rude but this is just silly.

If Widow didn’t need to scope for her 1 shot would she be buffed or nerfed?

No my dude they have access to anything that is public. You can get the get the spread sheets the official sites are providing simply by opening into them. Anything presented in the site is free game.

Because one is tide to a long range hero that only needs to be in the fight for short snippets of time. While the other is mid range fighter that needs mobility more consistently to not die because she needs to stay in LOS to get her best damage tools.

Eh yes to both. She needs to scope to get her long range shots consistently, without it hitting heads would be lot harder if not near impossible at her effective ranges. At the same time hitting short range head shots would be a breeze, be it her health pull and long cooldown mobility isn’t built to work in these scenarios.

tracer is the onyl thing i can in reality play effectively like her personality is just lovely while im in dps mode that is

Overbuff tracks profiles. If profiles are private they cannot pull data that’s why it’s incomplete data.

This entire thing is ridiculous. Sojourn is the best dps in the game with only Tracer being the other option. That’s why they’re the #1 and #2 in top 500. Widow, while must pick on her maps is not as strong as Sojourn overall.

Sojourn is simply a stronger hero outside of specific maps and it’s because her entire kit is stronger along with being less punishable. Accept it or don’t but that’s the reality of what the game is like in high ranks.