Top 500 Support Pick Rates in NA

Despite all the complaints, the data has never really supported Mercy being powerful outside of right after rework.

Her stats are typically subpar.


That is correct. Moira has no toolkit

But she was Meta until last patch; in both Ranked and OWCS

You think if I watch one of their games they’ll look like Arx kind of gameplay?

Players will always pick whatever has an advantage

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Holding your shield and hiding behind corners is alright too… :weary:

This is the optimal Rein playstyle. Rat Rein is the only way

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I don’t be surprised at all
After thinking, I’m not surprised about OTP mercy : they reach diamond and below, and stop play comp to wait the end of the season to get ranking point

Now, good speed to you, if you make DPS rates in NA

I just did. Check it out.

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Not to mention it’s Tracer, Winston dive meta. Zen’s are being eaten up for breakfast in high elo with Brig being mid and countered by Winston now.

If Brig was buffed to be able to properly counter Winston, I’d imagine Zen would get picked more with the ol Brig/Zen comp.

Currently, Kiriko can suzu self and fight, or TP away from dive, Bap can immort self, heal self, and jump to better positions while fighting off the aggressors.

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Moira is ‘OP’ in lower ranks against people who can’t aim. This has been common knowledge since her release.

I never saw GM’s complaining about her even in s9, always the metal ranks.

If you’re in metal ranks, Top 500 stats don’t mean anything and have zero impact. And vice versa.


I don’t think that’s true. Just aim a mm higher than you used to. Some heroes have wonky posture like Junkrat, headshotting from behind was kind of hard. And with the kiriko mirror, kiriko has her hand in front of her face. So the projective size buff helps to headshot easier by simply, aiming a little bit higher. And you can headshot more people from behind easier too, like Junkrat.

Just don’t aim at the shoulders anymore.

WInston I feel was overbuffed. I feel like the armor change he got is fine in principle specifically since it affects so few match-ups against dps/supports to let him duel other tanks more sufficiently, but his increased dmg rate from 60 → 75 was completely unwarranted for the strength it had. He really needs to go back down to 65 or 70 dmg.

I still think there was no need to buff the 30% → 50% knockback passive either and completely leave all hard CC against tanks unchanged. Knockback is the healthiest form of CC in the entire game and one of the least debilitating against tanks already.

If that got reverted and a little less dmg, then winston is instantly solved.

I agree, but there were a number of people claiming to be Diamond and up who complained a lot about her… although to be honest, the intensity and nature of their complaints made me struggle to believe they were honest about their rank.

I thought Kiriko was terrible? Her winrate is so bad though!!

It is pretty bad until you get to GM. She’s got a 51% win rate in GM. It’s the only rank she is 50% or higher. She’s pretty balanced.

Perception is a big part of it. If people perceive something to be good they’ll use it even if they are wrong. You would have to nerf her into oblivion before the perception of her would change. Which I hope the devs don’t do.

Better to top down balance

Doesn’t matter if gold players suck with her, if she’s unanimously too good in higher tiers she needs nerfs

Tired of them catering to noobs. It’s the reason they’ve kept Sojourn so disgustingly broken all this time and even buffed her. Her winrates suck at every noob rank but no one says she’s bad. We have to start applying this logic of bad winrate = overpowered to every hero.

Keep in mind GM win rates tend to be above 50% in the first place. Kiriko is “ranked” #7/10 in terms of GM win rates.

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No, but you did. :joy: Regardless, Soldier at least needs to aim and has to reload and has disgusting recoil to compensate for. If you can’t aim as Soldier or control you recoil, you get no value, trust me I know. I try playing him when my supports are trash but I can’t land my shots and am pretty useless so end up switching to Mei.

My point wasn’t against top down balancing. It’s about bias and perception. I think even top players over value her. Because even in situations where she ended up getting buffed top players though she was good. They’ve talked them into her being good no matter what. And I’m not saying she’s bad. I’m saying she’s over picked especially considering other supports do have much higher win rates at that Elo.

Masters players suck with her. Her win rate there is bad. And they just said in the AMA that they balance around masters. Which is nice actually.

They don’t. Again, they balance around masters.

So does moria?

We havnt had a no aim damageing hero since sym noodle beam

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what does this even mean? is she picked this much because she’s “fun”? like ana used to be

She’s picked more based on perceived value than actual value. She’s a psychology pick.