Top 500 DPS Pick rates in NA

Mei is a pretty short range character and has to put herself into dangerous ranges to do her job

However she doesn’t have the damage output to actually do that

And with the changes to health pools, her alternative fire lost a LOT of its strength and one of its big draws of being able to 1 shot Tracer.

Think of it this way; Why would I play Mei, who has delayed projectile damage at range, and mediocre damage at close range… When I could play someone like Tracer, Cassidy, or Sojourn who can all do WAY more damage, at WAY safer ranges AND be more generalists without map weaknesses


Thank You!

Top 3 dps as usually aimbotting. Tracer and cassidy like 99% of my game play are sus. Sojourn only use auto railgun. But still…

Higher ranks more aimbots. Starting at gold. From diamond its a cheatfest.

Riiiiight. So why can normal players like myself roll lobbies where it’s a “cheatfest”

I’m literally half asleep, about to pass out, and absolutely blasting Theory of a Deadman through my headset. And I just rolled an entire squad of Diamonds. Literally spawn camped them for half of the game. But sure, they were all cheaters. Guess I’m just that good, that my skill surpasses their cheats…

Or I’m not some god, and they weren’t actually cheating :man_shrugging:t5: which sounds more reasonable to you?

I want her double-jump ice pillar from the april fool’s mode. It won’t make her much better but it was fun :slight_smile:

Torb is surprisingly popular in the top500, rest of the ranks he has a pickrate more in-line with the rest of the defense crew.

It’s Torbing time



thanks for this ^^
Quite freakly, I am not surprised for this 500.

If you complain about : why Mei is trash, or Sym is OP, it’s just skill issues ^^ But in the end, it doesn’t change at all (maybe nerf sojourn, tracer and Cass ^^“”)

I think choice actually decided to take a break from Reaper this patch from the looks of his uploads.

He did decide to play mostly mcree and genji for the rest of the season. He does bring out reaper once in awhile, but its much harder to use him than the other two by a long mile

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But why? Reaper is actually good this update. My sweet summer child says that Reaper is not that bad. I would be playing Reaper all the time if I believed that.

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Casually exposing AKJ’s massive skill issue


I don’t know about “good” but i have seen him as a backline assassin on occasion. Its just one of those things that need somethings to align. Like have a tracer pull attention long enough for the reaper to get close and then they tag team a squishy.

Thats a really flawed view though. In order to play him, you must have multiple things fall in line on top of map selection and hero compositions of both your team AND the enemy team. Why would you be at the mercy of both teams to be able to play when you can hop on venture and sombra for the exact same play even more reliably and cleanly than on reaper

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Supposedly the season 9 changes ruined the game for him so he’s not playing anymore


According to him I’m only at my rank because I ‘crutch Sigma’ even though I have 16 hours total on him since the hero was released.


Apparently he’s coming back. I don’t think he quit to begin with tbh, he just wanted to avoid fighting me

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Who’s your sweet summer child? Even flats said he was F tier, for once

My only other guess would be KarQ the certified Reaper despiser.

Translation: He got stuck in gold.


All Cassidy needed to slip into the meta was 50 more HP and logs god bless :pray:

I was talking about Choice because he refuses to admit that Reaper is a trash can. He always does this every patch. He pretends Reaper was not nerfed and then quietly plays him and Overwatch as a whole less and less.

It does more damage than good because casuals be like, “wow, look, an authority on Reaper says he is fine, guys!” I am not saying he needs to whine as I do. But he could stop pretending that Reaper is not embarrassment, at least.

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