Venture needs buffs

Elaborate how venture doesn’t take skill. Ventures weapon does 80 dmg and has trash range and two long cool downs that you have to use just to get one elimination. You have to have great map and spacial awareness to succeed with venture. Especially when you go up against highly skilled players. I just think you don’t know how to play against venture so you have to use that pathetic “skill” excuse


There is only ONE hero in the game that has a one shot combo you don’t have to aim. She has a much more oppressive 1v1 than Tracer despite taking no skill in comparison.

You’re just defending a braindead pick because you can’t play a skilled one. Venture is weak, not hard.


It’s not a one shot. It requires multiple actions… and did you just say that you don’t have to aim with venture…? Yeah based of that sentence alone I can tell you don’t know what you’re talking about and debating with you is pointless. Calling venture a braindead pick is hilarious maybe get out of bronze.

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If you don’t have certain abilities, there’s no way to avoid it. It’s an effective one shot.

If I can play Echo in a GM game, copy Venture and one shot combo someone with ZERO hours on her, there’s a problem.

I’m a GM. Go back under your bridge, little troll.


You’re a grandmaster player complaining about venture…yeah I don’t buy it. You probably got carried by your team mates to get to grand master if you really were in GM but clearly you are not. Venture was a low B tier hero and that was before they got nerfed. Lower your ego and try touching some grass you mole. Just because you so happened to do good with a hero you never played doesn’t mean they’re braindead. Also I would expect GM players to know how to deal with and watch out for venture so you pulling off kills with echos ult as venture is fishy. You aren’t GM.

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Venture is the 4th most represented dps in top 500 after the nerfs:

Arguing the hero is anything but very strong is laughable. They do not need a buff and if anything need a further nerf.

Qrow is a gm Tracer/Echo/Sojourn player.


People wrote off saying Venture being strong as a low-elo skill issue, but we just saw they were one of the most played damage heroes at OWCS LAN. Venture is probably fine, and if they need any more changes it ought to be nerfs.

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When did I say venture wasn’t “strong” show me where I said that.

Low B tier pre nerfs doesn’t = strong after nerfs. Venture was S/A tier pre nerfs and is A tier now. Minimum. Anyone arguing otherwise is denying the reality of what we see on ladder.

The end result is there for everyone to see: This hero is very, very strong. Arguably too strong when compared to anything not Sojourn/Tracer/Mccree.


Anything in B tier is considered strong. Not weak. So no Toast I never said nor am I trying to argue that venture isn’t strong. Venture has very obvious counters and horrible range. A well coordinated team completely shuts down venture and makes them useless just like Sombra. So I’m not going to take your or his word for being GM if he’s struggling with venture. Also Mcree shuts venture down and stops them from playing the game with hinder. I struggle to believe that “GM” players are having a hard time against venture. Perhaps diamond and master players are better than GM players.

People saying Venture is strong. Haven’t seen one as of late or all season.

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Perhaps. I would assume GM players to make easy work of venture but apparently GM players struggle with venture….or so I’m told by the two gentle men above me.

No it isn’t. B tier is average and that representation is not average.

Until they learn how to play the hero.


I don’t agree with b tier being average but to each their own. Like I said well coordinated teams make venture useless. Venture thrives by killing targets that aren’t with their team or out of position. I’d expect GM players to know that. If you’re out of position or not with your team and you know they have Venture or Sombra than that’s your fault and you deserve to die to them. Doesn’t make either two of those hero’s brain dead or oppressive or massively strong.

Don’t see why play Venture over Tracer, Widow, Ashe, S76, Sojourn, and Echo.

Me neither. It’s a miracle how those two made it to GM.

I am not sure what game you’re playing, but Pharah has been wrecking my lobbies now even harder than before, largely thanks to the projectile speed increase + armor changes

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Just to confirm that Toast and QrowxClover are both GM DPS players. So you actually are talking to two people who play at that level.

B-tier is average. It’s very mid. A-tier is above average, strong. S-tier is meta. C-tier is below average, weak. D-tier is bad. F-tier is completely unplayable near 0% pick rate. Most tier lists don’t even include F-tier anymore.

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You generally wouldn’t. Tracer is stronger but much harder to play.

Widow is map specific. On her maps she’s the best hero in the game but outside of those maps Venture is almost always better.

Both are ok. Neither is relevant when your next hero exists:

The best dps in the game. No, you wouldn’t really ever play Venture over her unless you’re a 1 trick or building an entire comp around Venture.

Significantly harder to play and easier to punish for misplays. Echo is stronger but is the extra skill floor worth it? Sometime it is, sometimes it isn’t but for most players it isn’t.

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So now we have two GM players complaining about venture…that is laughable, a pity but I digress. Play with your team and venture is useless. That’s all it takes. You two are GM you should know that.