Top 500 Tank (All Regions): An Update

A couple of days ago, I posted the top 500 pick rates for the Americas region. Some people wanted info from the other two regions. Since tank is my main role, I went and got that data too. In a future post, I’ll provide info on support and damage pick rates.

So, here are some interesting things I learned before we get to the graphs.

  1. There are 5 champion players in NA, 3 in EU, and 4 in Asia
  2. Top 500 starts at Masters 3 in NA, Masters 4 in EU, and Masters 5 in Asia
  3. Each region had 6 tanks that were 1-tricked, but it was different in each region. The most 1-tricked by region were: Rein in NA, Doom in EU, and Doom in Asia
  4. Ram and Queen were consistently in the least played tanks in every region.
  5. Winston was by far the most played tank across all regions. Hog was up there in NA and EU. In Asia Hog is replaced by Doom.
  6. D.Va’s most played region by far was EU which coincidentally was also the region that Zarya saw the least play also by a lot.
  7. Asian players favored a single tank more than other regions. Even though they had the least number of actual 1-tricks, the difference between most played and second most played tended to be more dramatic.
  8. Total 1-tricks by region: NA = 34, EU = 28, Asia = 21

Without Further Adieu, the graphs

Overall Pick Rates

Most Played tank ONLY pick rates

Number of 1-tricks for each tank

Overall Pick Rates

Most Played tank ONLY pick rates

Number of 1-tricks for each tank

Overall Pick Rates

Most Played tank ONLY pick rates

Number of 1-tricks for each tank


Thank you for your hard work gathering the data


I have seen a couple of high level players say dva is very strong right now but also there’s a lot of people saying she’s bad. I can’t really tell if the armor changes and headshot changes were overall good or the worst thing ever tbh

I play a lot of sigma and queen so the benefit there is pretty obvious but don’t play a lot of armored tanks so idrk.

Edit: it did just occur to me mid season was barely a week ago. Pickrates probably will shift over the next couple weeks

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Personally, I think that the armor changes were a net negative for D.Va. She’s worst now than she was a week ago.

And yes, these represent mostly pre-patch. Not enough time has passed for things to be very different on the leader board yet.


Thanks for your work.

They really love dive in Asia it seems, especially Doom and Winston.
The pick difference with other tanks is staggering.

Most one tricks by a mile are Reinhardt players.
Live with honor, die with glory!

Hog on the rise after midseason changes, is no surprise.
Especially now that Orisa that was gatekeeping him was nerfed and he is harder to kill with the headshot reduction. His damage reduction during breather could use a little nerf.

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I guess this just proves American superiority. As if that was ever in doubt…

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Been saying Doom needs a nerf. He’s been busted since S2 but felt very balanced S1 (when it required skill to play him)

I find it funny you can look at these results and be like, “Yeah, doomfist is the one that needs a nerf!”

Doomfist isn’t top 3 picks in EU/NA. He’s 6th/7th NA/EU and 2nd Asia. Hardly the hallmarks of a hero who needs nerfs.