Winston is so broken now

This. I just save Storm Arrows and then just dump them into his falling body as he tries leaping on us.

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You gagged him lmfao

I mean…she’s not. I see Tracer maybe every 5th game, and I’m at the ranks where she’s the strongest. It’s been back to basic hitscans for a while now, at least in my experience.

Tracer has something like a 20% pick rate, which is insane. She absolutely needs a hard nerf. Blizzard refusing to nerf tracer has caused a LOT of problems in this game. It’s how we got brig, which is how we got goats, which is why we got role queue.

A hard nerf to tracer and sojourn would be the best thing that could happen to OW. Most people are tired of tracer/sojourn being the default picks.

Right, and where are you getting that number from? I don’t see her often. She’s not the most picked DPS in ANY rank right now according to Overbuff either.

And most people are also not picking Tracer :man_shrugging:t5:

Leaderboards. Someone even summarized it around a week ago. Tracer and Kiri are by far the two biggest problems in the game that need nerfs right now.

So…T500. That has no correlation to the rest of the playerbase. Apparently that applies especially to Tracer, as GM level games don’t even have Tracer half as much.

Maybe try looking beyond leaderboards for a point.

I understand you’re a tracer player, but it’s odd not to acknowledge how strong she has been for months now.

Tracer is the strongest, arguably. Sojourn still exists after all. But to call her grossly overpowered you’re gonna need an actual source for that claim. You’re also gonna have to back up the “in every game” thing, because my own experience at the level where you see the MOST Tracer players says something very different.

Strongest = / = overpowered.

If it’s so bizarre to say that Tracer isn’t the super overpowered hero you think she is, you must have actual proof, right? It’s not bizarre to question absurd claims like “in every game”.

Any hero that has more than triple the pick rate of most other heroes in their role is overpowered. Tracer, Sojourn and Cass all need hard nerfs right now.

Tracer has been S tier for months now. I 100% agree most tracer players will say something different. They’re trying to gaslight us so that their hero stays OP. :slight_smile:

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She doesn’t though.

If you’re gonna talk stats, I’d take a look at Overbuff. Tracer doesn’t have triple the pickrate of ANYONE, not even the least picked DPS.

If you filter by comp, sure. But at that end it’s still not even close to being most. All but three heroes also have triple the pickrate of the lowest.

Tracer has been S tier for the better part of 8 years now. This is nothing new.

Back up your claims or don’t make them.

Winston and Tracer needed nerfs; but the devs weren’t allowed to nerf them

So we got launch Brig to deal with them

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To be clear, you’re trusting Overbuff over actual leaderboards. You’re cherry picking data that supports what you want to be true. You need to back up your claims with something less garbage than Overbuff. You know, like top 500 leaderboards. Where Tracer has dominated for months.

I agree. She should have been nerfed years ago. If Tracer was hard nerfed years ago, we never would have gotten brig, which means we never would have gotten goats, which means we never would have gotten role queue, which means we never would have gotten 5v5.

To be clear, I’m using stats representative of the general playerbase with a much larger sample size. The devs confirmed that Overbuff is mostly accurate, with the exception of very high ranks as of now. So yes. These are more relevant than yours, with a bigger sample size and more information. T500 leaderboards show WHO is getting picked, not WHY they’re getting picked. They don’t show anything but the meta.

Yeah, but the people in power disagree and so do I. It’s pretty hard to be overpowered when the game is actively balanced around you. Tracer aligns so well with the devs’ vision of the game that she gets compliments WHILE GETTING NERFED.

You’re fighting a losing battle, love.

Obviously you disagree. You’re a tracer one trick. You want your hero to be overpowered, even if that means the game overall is worse off.

If they nerfed tracer, Brig wouldn’t have ruined comp for years. You say tracer aligns with the devs vision. The devs vision is why OW2 is in such a terrible state right now. You didn’t really think that through before talking, did you?

Let’s be honest, you’re just another one trick doing mental gymnastics to keep your hero from getting toned down from S tier.

Find actual stats that show how overpowered she is. If she’s in “every game” it shouldn’t be hard.

No, you’re just upsetti spaghetti that I called out your lack of a credible source before using a credible source of my own to prove you wrong.

Cry harder :man_shrugging:t5:

She has a 22% pick rate in top 500. Excluding Cass and Sojourn, that’s over 3x higher than the next most picked hero. There are no mental gymnastics you can do to justify any hero being that overtuned.


This is a great reminder that the biggest proponents of 6v6 have zero interest in fixing the actual, long-standing issues with 6v6.


And T500 isn’t representative of more than 500 people. Even fully top down balancing doesn’t use a sample size that small. GM is the top 1% and Tracer isn’t anywhere near that here. Like it or not, the devs aren’t nerfing her because she’s fine.

Find a relevant source. No one will ever balance around 500 people.

Devs are absolutely going to nerf her, and people like you are going to cry about it when they do.