Please answer the pleas of Symmetra mains

The fact that Symmetra mains are being kept in the dark is somewhat ironic given that her weapon is light.

We’ve got something in common with Mercy mains. We will remain visible and not give up. Countless threads have been created for the past three months.

Sym got one buff and the Devs stated it was needed because Symmetra had potential to do massive damage with her beam but it was difficult to charge up because of the short range and slow charge time. “We’ll see how it plays out.”
That was what the community was told with the Developers Comment.

Now it’s time to address the slow charge.

Other issues she faces:
• Her survivability is still dire
• The base damage is not enough.
• The TP deploys too slow and it’s very buggy.
• Turrets take too long to cooldown.

She’s bottom three in pick rate and it’s pretty obvious why.

Many people who try to say Symmetra is balanced bring up that she needs good teamwork and if she gets it she is amazing. I find that pretty funny considering Symmetra has a worse pickrate the higher you go in game all the way up to pro play where she gets picked zero percent of the time. If good coordination is the key to Symmetra’s value you would think the Masters, GMs, Top 500s and Pros would be using Symmetra 3.0 the most but they just aren’t.

We know you read the forums. We know you’re our allies but the Sym community is frustrated, perceptions have not changed. We get verbal abuse for playing our main. Reported. Banned.

Things need to change. Please answer us.

Edit: 11/11/18
Charge rate buff should be coming to live with Ashe.
Now we must address survivability and this god awful tickrate she is being hindered with.

Has the tickrate been fixed? Something feels better.

Edit 24/2/19

She’s been used my LA Gladiators and SF Fusion and she’s not been seen since. Presumed dead.


Symmetra’s damage has been unnecessarily nerfed against armour at full charge with no compensation buffs. GOATS is still a thing.

Edit: 1/3/19
The Devs have finally confirmed Sym’s true damage levels after having it listed wrong for EIGHT months. Apparently she has always been doing 65/130/195 dps while we were told at them time she did 60/120/180 dps.

She’s been given a small buff to her primary fire. Not what I or many Sym mains think she needed but one which I welcome. Our issue was with survivability and a faster deploying TP with a bigger interact radius would have helped that. However, if Symmetra can do more damage faster then she can kill faster which should help with her survivability so we’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out.

One thing’s for sure, it’s exciting getting a new hero in a live game but it’s even better getting a buff to your main.


You’re not being kept in the dark because sym doesn’t need any changes. Pick rate is not a metric that should be used for balancing. It just means she’s either a niche pick (and more situational than other heroes), or that she’s not as strong as other heroes in the meta. She does extremely well across the board (nearly the highest winrate of all heroes in every rank).


Her primary fire desperately needs looked at. I’m not the only one who thinks so.


You’re not, but 95% of the people who do are just sym mains who want sym to be even stronger. Her primary fire is fine and is one of many tools in her kit. Just because it’s called the “primary” fire doesn’t mean that her primary purpose in life is to try and run up to the enemy and DPS them down. Sym is all about structured play. Her primary fire is situational and you just need to learn when to use it. I’ve played games against syms who have used it correctly and then proceed to murder the entire team. You just have to know when to use it over your secondary/turrets.


Which is why she shouldn’t have been reworked.


Her rework was not based on pickrate. It was based on the fact that she was considered a troll pick and didn’t fit well with the team. Her rework was by all accounts successful in solving the problem is set out to fix.


Um… When they rework her under the premise that she is a niche pick and they want her to be more general, and her pick-rate does not substantially change, I believe it even went down, like? Uh?

Beyond that, the “hidden” reason was to make her less of a troll pick as they would rather rework characters than fix their report system (terrible idea and they will eventually have to address reporting regardless as it only gets worse with time)… I would say, yes, there is a problem.

She ALWAYS had among the highest win-rate. Again, why rework in that case? The reason to rework would contradict your overall stance.


Lol. No. I have to persuade people to look at my winrate before they’ll play with me because they still consider Sym a troll pick.

At least with Torb’s rework he will be OP and everyone will gladly take a Torb over a TP bot. Especially if you already have a highly mobile team.


Pick rate is not a perfect correlation with where she is useful. The change in pick rate more likely represents her being more viable in more cases (although still pretty niche) but overall slightly less impactful in that broader range of things.


There are always off meta heroes that people will complain about. Sym will always be one, but I’ve seen far less hate for her recently. Also I don’t know how you can possibly try to argue that she needs buffs based on your own win rate. It seems like you’re quite successful with her.

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Honestly TP would be fine as a dcd if it took half the time to deploy. There’s no reason it should take as long as it does.


I agree. Love her rework but I wish they would address some of her changes. If they could at least reduce the deploy time on the tp then I’d be happy. Bonus points if they buff the damage ramp up from 2 seconds between charge to like 1 or 1.5. I don’t think that’s asking too much.


Then why don’t the pro use her primary fire.


Precisely. Even I can see she’s has issues. My win rate is great, my damage is sky high but so is my death rate. She has zero survivability. Her primary needs to charge faster so she can actually defend herself.

Yeah I do well with her but that doesn’t mean she’s balanced.


Because it’s situational and in pro play the team fights are often going to be coordinated in a way where it’s not going to be very useful. Granted I’ve never watched a pro sym play before so I couldn’t tell you. I’d guess most sym players try not to be in close range of their enemies.

Even the pros say that her primary fire is hot garbage so idk what this guy’s even on about.


That makes no sense. You do really well with her but since you die a lot you want a buff to her survivability so that what, you can do even better? She’s not yet OP enough?

What situation would you use it? They don’t even use it in close range. They use alt fire instead.


You have no idea what you’re talking about do you?


Yes…? Like, what kind of ridiculous question is that??? This wasn’t even directed at me but seriously what?!