Please answer the pleas of Symmetra mains

When you have an opportunity to charge it on a large target like a tank. You can easily get it to level 3 power and then proceed to melt the enemy team. It’s more commonly going to be usable like that on CP/KOTH maps where the contesting enemies can be distracted with other things, rather than on a linear map like a payload map where you’re face to face with the enemy frontline.

She’s not OP by any means. I’m just good.


Her high winrate comes from the “I start with Sym. If we loose first point, I swap” players. And it was higher before she was ruined.


As a tank player, this isn’t common. Also, why don’t the pro players do this then? Do they just have to “git gud”?


So glad other people are on my wavelength.


I say Blizzard should give her another 50 hp and either increase the range, the damage, or decrease the charge time on her primary fire.

Pretty simple changes that would help her a lot.


And I have, a lot. Problem is I play casually in QP only and I’d wager that we’re discussing comp here. I doubt any self respecting team would let me live that long in even a semi competitive environment.

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So, essentially, never use it because those situations rarely occur and is a nerf from her old beam.


Being rarely useful doesn’t mean that it needs a buff. McCree’s FTH is extremely situationally useful and is hardly ever used, but that doesn’t mean it needs buffed.

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People need to relax. There are many issues that the devs are expected to reply to all at once. That’s not feasible.

Mercy players want a response.
Reaper players have pretty much given up on getting a response
Sym players want a response
Hog players want a response (I heard they got some acknowledgement, but I haven’t seen it myself.
People want to see Brig and Doom addressed.
Bastion players want a response.

Devs are busy people.


I’ve seen Mccree mains asking for it to be replaced so I don’t think this is an analogy that supports your argument.

In terms of effectiveness, FTH is still better because it’s near instant. In order to get Sym’s beam to level 3, you have to spend 4 seconds charging if you have perfect aim.


… a hairs width from Rein’s hammer


What are you trying to say?

the sym rework SPLIT the symmetra playerbase in half

people who liked her old kit, and people who like her new kit

now not only we lost half our playerbase of sym players, but no one new has picked up the hero because shes still BAD


That not only does it take 4 seconds with perfect aim to charge, but you also have to be in a VERY dangerous spot to do it. Unless someones barrier is protruding around a corner, you’re either getting shot by your target, or the whole team.

EDIT: Lingering memories of old Sym still have people terrified of her charging up so she’s a prime target lol


yeah, i agree with the MC mains asking for it to be replaced

its an usless ability that is only useful to cheese already stunned targets


Which can be done with his primary fire with more skill.

The analogy is not that “Hero X mains think the move has value and/or should be changed”. The analogy is that there is a move that is situationally useful. The moved also do not need to be functionally identical to be compared. Obviously I’m well aware that FTH is a quick succession move and that sym’s primary needs to be charged, so you obviously cannot directly compare them in terms of when they would be used. But they’re both situational and can be produce results. My main point is that just because you can’t walk around using it all the time doesn’t mean it needs buffed. You just use it in scenarios where it ends up being useful.

seriously. You’re just trolling now