Symmetra: Bring back the support. (Fully fleshed rework idea)

I have so many iconic looks, gurl

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The dozens of threads are started by the same 8 people. Seriously, average people dont come to the forums to write “Just wanted to let you know, I am partially satisfied”.

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This I agree with. The major argument against this ultimate originally was the existence of Mass Rez, but since that’s a thing of the past the old Teleporter could have some real utility.

No it wasn’t.

The only thing bad about Symmetra is the tick rate of her primary fire.

The whole point is to make her less map dependant and a more viable pick.

She doesnt need to be strong in certain maps and game modes, she needs to be viable as a whole, thats why she was reworked in the first place.

Ib4 you say “not all heroes should be viable always” im sorry, but every hero should be viable in all situations, this is the main goal of this game, no more meta picks and niche heros.


So sort of like brig but shields instead of armor and no healing…?
I don’t see the point. I never thought Sym was a support and I think she fits better in the DPS slot.

Especially now that solo healing simply doesn’t happen.

Hm… maybe toy with the HP as needed, but I honestly don’t have any problems with the suggestions made thus far.

I, personally, don’t really like the idea of a support that doesn’t have any way of healing. However, since the class isn’t called “healing” I guess there isn’t much issue.

The only other issue I have with this is that she seems to have a lot of overlap with Brig.

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Maybe started by the same 8 people but by the number of likes here a lot of other Sym mains agree.

If we aren’t vocal she’ll be left to fester in the state she’s been already been left in thanks to this half arsed rework.

And Papa Jeff can give a throwaway line about Roadhog but can’t answer this? :broken_heart:

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The passive that you suggested would be useless. It would need at least double the range to be viable.

I am lovin them. I mean they are rustroadinary

There are too many DPS heroes for there NOT to be map favor. The side effect of making each work everywhere is that there will always be 3-4 “best” choices, and if those 3-4 “best” were universal on all maps, a whole lot more heroes would see a whole lot less play time.

So, when you are oversaturated with DPS heroes, a better design is to foster map based favoritism, giving a wider range of heroes more playtime overall.

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No thanks. You try to make her more like 2.0, but she sounds like Mei and makes the idea of playing a tank into a literal nightmare.

The problem with old TP is that it only really helped a team that is already winning. The only time it was worth picking was on first point defenses but even then, Shield Generator could sometimes be better.

Wait for me.

Youre just assuming that “making each work everywhere is that there will always be 3-4 “best” choices”, you dont have any evidence to prove this

That is literally impossible

With the current dev team? Yes, sadly.

Yes, a meta that forms every single season is plenty of “evidence”. The only thing that even allows some hero diversity is map variance.

It doesn’t matter who the dev team is, it’s still impossible unless you massively change the game to the point where it’s a new game.

Actually metas are formed because the heroes that are part of said meta have great synergy together

Let’s see…

This is kinda underwhelming, honestly. What it does is make her a weaker lucio, except even less interactive since you can’t buff it up. But that’s just me hating on passives in general, ignore.

So… A weaker mei with moira damage. That doesn’t sound right at all. While I do agree that removing or reducing ramp up on damage is the way to go, 60 DPS with a low slow is even less rewarding for going melee than her current beam. This one perhaps you should look at once more. You’ve called it the same old beam, but in fact, it is even more not wanted by old symm lovers really

So, you know… I heard people love getting cced, especially with something on low cooldown. I like the idea, but man, that is so unfun to play against.

I like it. Turrets should really be consistent source of slow that will set up kills for her allies. However, no damage is an overkill. So is 200 hp. If you want those turrets to be more durable, I suggest giving them smaller healthpool, but with armor. This way it would be durable against those multi hitters who had no problem deleting them without overpowering them for slow hitters.

Photon barrier was a good skill that rewarded for reading the fight well. This one feels to gimmicky, and honestly, too easy to use.

I am not sure if I like this. It does make her feel more of a support, but I feel like its power AND cooldown makes it almost ironically put and forget.

Ults were always interesting mechanic so no comment here.

Jesus Christ, live in denial if you want, just dont ever get a job in game design.