OWWC 2018 Finals stats: Dva 98% pickrate

Edit: also see this thread, it was 7 min before mine FML: Overwatch World Cup Pickrates

Methodology: sit there, fast forward 2 minutes at a time and record the picks in a spreadsheet.

Original source: u/Teddyman on r/COW https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/9u247j/hero_pick_rates_world_cup_finals_nov_23/

Personally I’ve always thought that Dva was continuously overpowered since S3, but seriously, if buffed Hog doesn’t absolutely destroy her pickrate, we have a problem.

Also we’re seeing very different stats compared to ladder numbers or forum narratives. Maybe it’s that a guaranteed Dva on both sides warps the stats, or that DPS mains refuse to play goats, or possibly that Rein+high heals is needed because everyone takes a lot more needless poke. Really hard to say tbh.


Tjorb and Sym 0 to 1%. Successful reworks.

“bUt MaYbE pEopLe DoN’t kNoW hOW To PlaY tHeM yEt” o_O

edit: compare to hanzo rework. He’s much more present now.


The thing about D.va is that she’s very much like Tracer in the sense that she can play around her counters and still get incredible value as long as the meta where she’s favored.


Symmetra was used, just less than 1% of the time.

So technically it’s progress.

Except she’s in literally every single comp.

She’s been in every “meta” since Season 2. It’s because she’s too strong, not because of the meta.


She wasn’t really played much during the Dragonball meta


That was never a real meta, it was a solo queue meta.

It never existed in an organized environment.


There are three off tanks

One is trash
Two are good
The most popular pro meta uses both off tanks at the same time, and D.Va is not nearly as map dependent as the other viable off-tank.

What’s the point here, especially when her ladder stats are perfectly normal and most are outperformed by Zarya (including pickrate)?


Interesting that Doomfist is so OP, that Sombra bascially doubles his pick rate and Widow has higher pickrates than him.


No, D.Va is OP.

Stop making excuses for OP heroes.

And sadly he’s probably going to get a Rocket Punch nerf.

You’d think that if they needed a nerf they could’ve just nerfed the duration of his air lock on Uppercut, but apparently not.

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WELL WHAT DO YA KNOW? Lucio and Brigitte pickrates DESTROY Ana’s. Who would’ve seen this coming? Every Gold Mercy main on the forum says she’s a must pick.


But she is not meta in pub games. In fact she feels terrible with brigitte and mei around but I can smell the nerf coming from a mile away. Reaper and hog are already coming for her.

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So… here comes a D.Va nerf? xd

DVA has never not been meta in 2018. People convinced themselves she’s unplayable because of Brigitte in season 10 because they forgot how to fly to high ground. Brigitte is still in the game and DVA’s pickrate has only gone up since season 11.


Why do non-pros care so much about pro pick rates?


Because maybe there, players play the game how it is supposed to be played?


if you have to run away from her all the time, then you can’t really do what you are supposed to.

Not to mention rein right now is much more meta in pub games than d.va will ever be.


Ladder =/= Esports. I can’t honestly tell how many times I have to repeat this. We play two different games people.

I mean sombra is practically useless on ladder, but used all the time in pro games because she requires far more coordination. Then Ana is a must pick in ladder and not a must pick in esports, cuz nobody plays a succesful dive, ana’s counter, in ladder anymore.

And honestly, what do you guys expect them to replace Dva with? Hm? Roadhog? Roadhog cannot fly and Zarya is already in the team. Orisa cannot peel nor fly either. Wrecking ball does not have peels and Winston is already played with Dva because they can both dive.

Peeling is very important in OW games because of multiple high mobilty chars harrassing your team all around the place. Especially because pros dive in as a team rather than uncoordinated mess, you’re going to need the mobile peeling.

You’ve had your micro missile nerf and booster nerf, what more do you want from a character that is obviously not OP in ladder? No, dva does not have positive winrates in OWWC either, even if she’s picked the most. Being versatile and uncontested in her niche does not mean OP. Just wait for some more offtanks to take her throne peeople.


Wrong, this is a casual game at its core.


Defense Matrix. She is the only hero that can eat ults.

She is there to make sure the Blob doesn’t die to Zyara ult other wise it would be a wipe every time she got her ult

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