OWWC 2018 Finals stats: Dva 98% pickrate

Primarily because they show problems that can’t be solved by git gud and better teamwork.

Hundreds of millions in OWL contracts suggests that it was engineered to be an esport before beta. Don’t like how they went about doing it, but it was very deliberate.

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Just because you think so and it is your preference it doesn’t mean it is for others.

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Ehh… D.Va is fine, we just need more beam heroes that can reliably counter her.

The only change I’d like to see would be her self destruct indicators made more clear. It can be hard to tell where it’s coming from at times.

Maybe increase the cooldown on boosters by 1 second so it’s identical in cd to Winston’s leap.


D.Va is close to balanced, but still a little too good at everything. She needs 2 seconds added to the booster cooldown, then she’d be fine.


DVA has been OP for as long as I remember, but for some reason people won’t admit that tanks are overpowered.

Tanks are basically DPS with over bloated health pools tbh


I was literally just about to make a post about it after seeing it on reddit.
this is ridiculous,and has been going like this for pretty much ever,some new tanks that can actually compete with d.va and not just roll around in a ball and feed the enemy team have to be added,or a simpler solution would be to just nerf d.va for a couple of months to intentionally drop her out of the meta,and maybe buff her after that period if she really does die out and fall of the meta.


And why would you do the mercy treatment to a character that is obviously balanced?

Fotm balancing (flavour of the month) is very bad form of balancing.


Torb and sym at 0 - 1% pickrate

But “the rework made them better! You just have to aim now!


But that almost never happens in pro games because Zarya’s know how to play around it.

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Because if the pro data matches with whatever agenda is trying to be pushed it will be cited ad nauseam.


Yeah at least she has to wait to play around it. Giving your team a chance to win if you do it better.

What happens if no dva is there??? Free Team Wipe

FOTM - Been meta for 9 Seasons.

Even if the Grav isn’t eaten, the threat forces Zaryas to throw their ults in worse positions.

Plus, D.Va can generally eat whatever followup ult is coming (except her own ult fo course, which is just another reason she gets mirrored.)


I know and I don’t like it either,but it really does seem to me like the best solution for this problem (any hero being at a 98% pickrate is a problem,at least in my eyes)
at least as a temporary solution.
A permanent solution would just take too much time to make right now,especially with the 3 new heroes per year plan that blizzard has.

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my girly Moira 11 % :beer::beers:

Lucio at 70% pickrate?!


My baby is growing up. ;~;


Did anyone seriously consider D.Va to be so OP she was the deciding factor in the games played? Because I certainly never saw her outshine any of the other picks to any significant degree.
D.Va has mediocre damage and is fairly easy to burst down, while also being so weak out of mech that she’s used to stagger teams. She’s also got some good utility skills that work in every comp without being overly powerful, which is why she is picked by pros - she’s good at complementing other characters without being too map specific.

If you use nothing but pickrate in pro games as an indicator at a character being too powerful, you’re not analysing the character in any meaningful way.


What follow up ults?

Like, obviously ignoring Zarya, none of the most played heroes can even get their ults eaten. Hanzo could, but we’re already at 9% of a pickrate, and even then I don’t really remember a single dragon getting eaten because, again, they know how to play around D.Va. The only offensive ults I remember getting denied were Rocket Barrages, and the one lucky Blizzard, neither of which happened enough to justify her sort of pickrate.

D.Va is not getting picked for her ult-eating ability. Besides, a good support nullifies the need for it.


pRo PiCkrAtEs = BaLaNcE


Ok you tell US why D.VA is 100% pick rate?

I guess it must be for here DPS if it not for the DM


I’ll take the liberty of posting my receipts on the more relevant ladder. Sorry for losing trust level 3

GM this month:
Pickrate: Zarya > D.Va by 4.86%
Winrate: Zarya > D.Va by 2.12%
Elims: Zarya > D.Va by 1.96
Obj Kills: Zarya > D.Va by 2.94
Obj Time: D.Va > Zarya by 10 seconds
Damage per game: Zarya > D.Va by 3,204

GM this week:
Pickrate: Zarya > D.Va by 5.8%
Winrate: Zarya > D.Va by 4.2%
Elims: Zarya > D.Va by 2.84
Obj Kills: Zarya > D.Va by 3.11
Obj Time: D.Va > Zarya by 13 seconds
Damage per game: Zarya > D.Va by 3,986

All ranks this month:
Pickrate: Zarya > D.Va by 1.57%
Winrate: Zarya > D.Va by .11%
Elims: D.Va > Zarya by 1.41
Obj Kills: Zarya > D.Va by .99
Obj Time: D.Va > Zarya by 12 seconds
Damage per game: D.Va > Zarya by 497

All ranks this week:
Pickrate: Zarya > D.Va by .84%
Winrate: D.Va > Zarya by .12%
Elims: D.Va > Zarya by 1.68
Obj Kills: Zarya > D.Va by .96
Obj Time: D.Va > Zarya by 11 seconds
Damage per game: D.Va > Zarya by 746

Basically, when D.Va does eke out a higher stat than Zarya, its margin is significantly smaller than the margin between Zarya and D.Va when Zarya outperforms. In GM, D.Va only outdoes Zarya in objective time. But no D.Va is vastly usurping her peers.

Ladder will always be more relevant than pro play.

I can count on one hand how many gravs I saw get eaten in OWL and I was around for the majority of games.

Winston’s leap starts cooldown on button press, D.Va boosters starts cooldown on duration ending. That’d make them line up less than they do right now.

Of all things, why mobility? Mobility is the one thing she has that other off-tanks don’t–why are you nerfing what should be her niche? There’s never been anything wrong with boosters.
Besides the damage, apparently

Balanced heroes shouldn’t be punished for being balanced.

From what I observe, she’s not the lynchpin of GOATS