Now that D.Va got nerfed

Honestly they should have just made it the instant she gets rezzed, shes already getting in the MEKA. Like she still has the invul frames when she gets in.


Where did you get that from? Overbuff says apart from Bronze Silver and Masters (49.80% wow that 0.20%) she has a positive winrate. And still the second most played tank on most ranks. Often being one of the top 7 hero’s at any rank.


“Because Mercy isn’t a mechanic” or so I’ve heard the anti Dva brigade chant for far too long.


Second most played tank can’t be right. For whatever her power in OWL and in general, she cannot possibly be more popular than Rein/Zarya, and I’m almost positive the last set of numbers I saw put them leagues ahead in playrate.

I’m always for improving QoL in this game, but I don’t think D.Va mech really needs crouch; it’s kind of flavorful that she always clunks around loudly, it’s not like you should be able to easily sneak big tanks around. I don’t think it makes sense that nanoboost should transfer between mech/baby-dva just because it’s lame to throw it away with bomb as they are separate entities.

Reviving straight into the mech-animation I can buy as a good QoL improvement, though perhaps the invuln should only protect baby and not the mech. She’s not the only tank that gets screwed by revive, since Zarya’s long cooldowns and wet noodle dps without charge can be a big bummer too. Only reason not to change the rez for D.Va is that it removes one of the ways that the pilot/mech stuff makes her distinct from other heroes.

I don’t see any problems here.


Well we haven’t seen her in pro play after the nerfs. So you definitely haven’t seen those league numbers yet.

And before that she was the most played hero with 98% pick rate in pro play. Beating Rine and Zayra in the world cup.


You are not wrong:

(I think this was the reason why she was nerfed.)


You’ve not noticed these forums are so anti-dva that they’d rather clamour for more nerfs to underpowered hero that got a nerf purely because of pro metas while other heroes that are just as meta for just as long like zen coast around, than allow dva any qol buffs?

Just fixing the highlight saving bug that keeps happening on dva would be nice, because I got a triple baby dva kill and I could not save it for reasons.


Do some actual research next time instead of making up false statistics. Dva has a 52% winrate this month, and is the 6th most picked hero. She’s still extremely powerful.
Make sure to set the filter to Grandmaster.

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The jury is still out on why the third most picked tank who had probably only a little more than half the most picked tanks pickrate needed a nerf RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATELY

I mean we been knew that this was literally only due to owl viewing lets be real but… Hello? Reinhardt? We’re just gonna let him do that?

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Just revert the DM nerf. It’s clunky AF and the armour nerf did more than enough.


24th place in Diamond, last place in Master, 24th place in GM.
If that isn’t trash tier then NO hero is trash tier.

52% is pretty low for GM.
Even the average win rate you need to STAY in GM is higher.
So yes, YOU should do some research.

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Extremely powerful hero by being bottom winrate character in masters. :thinking:

Extremely powerful heroes title belongs to chars like Ashe who still needs a nerfbat.

Dva players outside of the GM 0.1% of playerbase are getting utterly shut down by a single hero, Reaper. Same goes for her dive buddy winston. But even he can somewhat operate in GM because he’s a main tank diver. Zarya is just ten times better than dva and continues to be.


No no you don’t get it

Hanzo and Ashe aren’t even meta!!! Why would they need nerfs!!! Silly :^)


They’ll just run triplehealers and zarya/rein and ashe/widow/genji. =p

I mean bob is practically a tank, staller, contester, better dps than dva but doesn’t give massive ulti charge unlike dva and definitely makes mincemeat out of random “goats counters” like pharmercy. And damageboosted/discord assisted ashe alone takes care of pesky pharahs. And they have some nasty widows there too.

Who needs dva anymore anyway? Wrecking ball is far better versus snipers and her peels got dumped on.


Are you actually serious? For a single person, yes they need to maintain above 50% winrate to stay at their rank. But we’re not talking about a single person here, we’re talking about how the entire player base of GM plays Dva.

With how much Dva is picked (basically every game) there are always going to be Dva players who are losing. The fact that she is very close to 50% winrate, but slightly above it is highly indicitave that she is still very powerful. And guess what? She is. The more a hero is picked, the closer that hero will be to 50% winrate.

You can’t expect to deflect my own words back at me with that short-sightnedness.


What you say should be true of Zarya and Reinhardt who have close to 70% pick rates, so one will always lose. Yet they both, and Ana, maintain better win rates. That is the sign of a strong hero.

Sitting last on the stack ranking at Masters, or 3rd last for the month in GM, is not a sign of a good hero. 52% looks good, until you see the median is rather higher than that.


No, the DM nerf was needed. Her DM still had far too much up-time with very little counterplay. Dvas now need to actually manage their resource meter, and their cooldown. Her previous 1 second cooldown between activations was of little to no consequence to Dva.

The nerf to her defence matrix can only be good, as it punishes overuse of DM, but does not impede those who already had good DM management.



hell no

Isn’t that already the case?

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As someone who has to play against Dva in Grandmaster, I can tell you that she is still a highly impactful hero, even after her nerfs. The reason for this is that no other hero can fulfil Dva’s role as well as Dva herself. She is by far the best off-tank in the game.

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