Why is DM a problem for people?

The reason it was made longer, was so people had more time to play around it. Because she effectively always had it ready to go.

Yes in our games, Dva holds is and uses it all in one go.

But remember, it’s wasn’t changed because she was a problem in our games. It’s because she had been a must pick in pro games since the game came out.

1 second is what you had, 1 second to get damage in. A lot harder to bait and play around than a defect on the long cooldown.

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The problem with that comparison is that it is like comparing apples to oranges. Genji’s Deflect is powerful to be sure, but it has its weaknesses that are similar to DM (lasers and freeze for example), but Genji’s Deflect is on a cooldown that can’t be canceled until you use Swift Strike. D.VA’s DM is not on a cooldown, but on a resource meter. She can manage using that “infinite damage sponge” for so long to the point where she is basically the gatekeeper to so many damage heroes, particularly Junkrat and Tracer who basically can’t shoot at all for 4 seconds if D.VA feathers her DM correctly with Tracer’s reloads. (4 seconds is way too long for a Tracer to stick around in a fight trying to kill one target.)

Regardless of this nerf, D.VA’s pickrate isn’t going anywhere because nothing changed about what makes DM amazing and she’s the only Tank of her kind. It’s just now there is a realistically punishable window for heroes to take advantage of.


I mean it can be baited though… Like how are you not able to bait the ability it really isn’t hard to do at all, hell just hit her from alternate angles. Make her choose between trying to counter more than one ult. This is pretty simple stuff that can be done to make a D.Va use DM.

Even in pro games the ability can be baited though, they are more than capable of using the same tactics we use, and probably do with greater affect at that. If you can’t bait it out that’s on you though


Because once genji uses it. You know it on cool down for a while so you know it time to use your cool downs to delete him.

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I’m thinking it’s more like bad D.Vas can’t reliably block most ults. At higher levels, you absolutely don’t use most offensive ults at all unless D.Va isn’t around or she’s out of her mech. Good D.Vas know where to be and know when ults are coming up so they can be ready to eat them.

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Session 2 meta.
Triple tank.
Quad tank.
Dive meta.
Double sniper.

90%+ pick rate. For 2 years straight. All because she has DM.

Nerf needed.

EDIT: 98% pick rate.

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that shouldn’t be a valid reason tho. yes those player matter too but why is it fair to balance around the top 1% instead of the other 99%? its not fair at all.

even if 1 second is harder, that doesnt mean its impossible to play around. it being harder makes the opponent have to learn and improve their own play to over come it. the devs increasing that to 2 seconds denies people that possibility to improve. and it had a 1 sec cool down but on a resource meter, so even if the dva knows how to manage it, their either going to eventually run out, or the window between flickers gets longer than a second.

D.va’s issue isn’t matrix. They’re just choosing to nerf that to try to address the real D.va issue. That is, D.va doesn’t have any areas where she’s really weak. So she’s always run because she’s never not useful. I’ve never been unhappy to have a D.va on my team after season 2 or 3.

Rein and Zarya also have a lesser version of this issue, and Mercy use to have this issue, but they at least have team comps where they aren’t good. D.va has no such restriction. She’s good in any comp. That brings the debate of weather nerfing matrix was the right way to give her some weaknesses while keeping her strong in a lot of situations. (I think no), but that’s another debate entirely.

Honestly I just wish they’d pick someplace for D.va on the power level totem pole and keep her there. I never actually bothered to relearn how to play her after she got missiles because relearning her twice was enough for me. This makes me think that was a good choice.

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I can reliably eat most ults, but the thing is that most DPS I run into in plat are complete garbage, which limits my actual time to eat ults since I have ro do the killing by myself.

67% win% on D.Va though on my main in this season (out of… 40 or so games?).
Couldn’t be considered that bad, could I?

You honestly don’t sound like you actually play on higher levels.
People there know how to play around DM and they can pretty much focus her to force full DM duration or demech her, especially with discord.

I play a lot of D.Va, too. You could at least check my profile before you assume that I don’t. She’s my third-most played this season with a 71% win percentage in masters+.

You should open your profile first or at least post from your main account.

DM has more up time and several dozen times the area covered


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remember when people were mad that dva was mainly used for dm (as in mainly for defense) and said that she needs more dps? now people are saying shes too good at too may things? sooooo maybe we wouldn’t be in this spot if people weren’t crying about matrix in the first place?

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98% pickrate is literally wrong lmao

DVa is the squishiest tank in the roster and is heavily counterable by beams. Her DM depletes faster now than ever before that if she actually eats your ult, you’re not using your gamesense that will tell you do get her out of the mech first. If she eats your ult because you didn’t de-mech or deplete the DM first, that’s bad ult management and poor gamesense on you and your team’s part.

They are 3.9K SR. On PS4. As far as I know, most console players are at least 2 tiers lower than their PC counterparts.

With my mechanics on mouse and keyboard I could be high masters/low GM on console if I were to play OW on console with a mouse and a keyboard.

And yet in OWWC she was picked 98% of the time. The game was centered around who is the better dva. They nerfed dva to make it A.) More fun to watch and B.) For dva to fill a specific niche no other hero has

Not rankshaming, but this account he’s posting from is in silver last time it was played with almost no Dva time on it.
Talking about how Dva can block most ultsis not true and laughable too.
He makes it sound like people in higher ranks who play against Dva don’t know what she’s capable of and just throw all ults in her DM.

Because people are stupid and forget beam heroes are a thing.

Well, that and ever since D.VA got missiles, her kit got super overbloated.

That’s not true. I agree the D.VA nerfs were necessary but there was always a timing to throw in a grav or pulse bomb in between DM, you just had to be able to react fast enough (most GM and Masters players can). Mei can as well she just has to throw her ult down and not in the air, but a competent D.VA with new DM will still be able to eat that ultimate and most high level Meis don’t throw their ult like a madman anyways. And then last, storm arrow, well if you are dealing with a D.VA new or old DM this ult can still be eaten, but most hanzos shoot their ults through walls even when comboing if they have good map awareness.

The new DM nerfs were necessary but to act like there was 0 chance to get anything through is absurd.

D.VA before missiles was even better there. 4 seconds of DM was completely broken

I have no problem with DM before the nerf too. I don’t play in OWL and don’t care if she’s used too much there.