Overwatch World Cup Pickrates

OC by u/Teddyman on Reddit (originally posted on r/cow)

Unsurprisingly, D.Va remains a must-pick, Sombra is still strong, Lucio is still the #1 Support (Ana is actually behind Zenyatta!) and Brigitte is the most picked DPS (she is almost exclusively run in Triple Support).

It’s also worth mentioning that Mercy did get some playtime, (more than Moira) so she’ll probably be in a decent spot when the PTR changes come Live.

And of course, Reaper, Soldier and Tracer were all made useless by Brigitte and rarely played, Symmetra was used for TP by Linkzr once, and Australia used Torbjorn, yet they did it in places where 1.0 probably would have been better.

Luckily though, the rest of the DPS class (aside from Brigitte of course) was fairly well balanced. McCree and Hanzo had similar pickrates, and Sombra was the most picked DPS (not counting Brigitte), followed by Widowmaker and Doomfist.

So, an we please stop saying “just counter Brigitte 4Head”? She’s an unhealthy addition to the game and she now encompasses the majority of “DPS” duos.

In fact, using Zarya’s pickrate as a basis for how much GOATs was played, D.Va-Brigitte was the most common DPS “duo” in the tournament.


rip symm and reaper.

On another note, who the hell played Bastion?

These forums be like ‘Buff Sombra’
I’d delete Sombra.


D.VA will always be must pick because of how good defense Matrix is.

I was happy to see that a lot of the heroes people complain about were played. That being said, with the addition of Ashe and Mercy’s PTR changes things might be different!

Really worrying that Moira was down as low as 11%. When it first appeared, Goats was her meta, but the only one to get any value out of her was Boombox. None of the other 3 Semi finalists even tried her, it was always either Ana or Zen for the Flex Support.

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I think you’re giving Brigitte too much credit. Sooo many teams leaned on GOATS comps way too heavily in this world cup. The strongest counters to that are Sombra, Snipers, and Doomfist, which is why they got played much more heavily than Soldier, Tracer, or Reaper. Brigitte doesn’t enable that comp on her own. She’s picked in that because she’s sturdy and her AOE healing combined with Lucio’s is great for keeping up a tightly-knit group. She was often easily overwhelmed outside of triple-support comps in the games I watched. That’s just the meta right now.

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Because this translates to the main game 99.99% of the community is playing so well. Youre neither facing Sombra as often nor do you face her as coordinated and successful as in pro play.

Pro play means squat to us.

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China on their Gibraltar push.

did it go well?

At least Boombox on Junkertown for solo support pirate ship, there might have been others.

They only did it once and Korea won the map.

aight thanks!

Here is essentially how the three GOATs comps work:
Moira GOATs is best when you’re playing GOATs against not-GOATs.
Ana GOATs is best against Moira GOATs.
Zenyatta GOATs is best against Ana GOATs.

You can see from this that Zenyatta GOATs is really just the conclusion of counter-comps.

Yes she does. The comp did not exist to the same extent before Brigitte and it would instantly become super niche (Quad Tank) if she was nerfed enough, reworked or removed.

They basically lost the tournament because of it.

Don’t know if they would have won playing normal though regardless.



Not particularly well, though Boombox and I believe also Crimzo ran Bastion on Junkertown

Edit: Just remembered, it wasn’t Crimzo, it was one of Agilities and Surefour with the other on Sym. That got shut down fast by Kyb on Mei as well though

Bastion was used on both side of Junkertown in one game set. But I might be mistaken. I recall defense teams pouncing the pirate ship comp under the bridge to dismantle it because of the rotation on the stairway with the high ground advantage.

Made my thread on this graph 7 mins later, FML. That said this thread lacks the original sources:

Methodology: sit there, fast forward 2 minutes at a time and record the picks in a spreadsheet.

Original source: u/Teddyman on r/COW https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/9u247j/hero_pick_rates_world_cup_finals_nov_23/