Overwatch Megapatch 3.0 (balance suggestions)

i like doing these threads, i think their fun and i havent done one in a while, where i throw a lot of suggestions in an attempt to try to fix all the issues of the heroes in one thread

ill mention every single hero and then explain why i do the changes that i do, or why i dont do any changes, As well i want to mention one thing, all the changes written in bold are changes that im iffy on, but i want to pitch anyways for people to read and comment on, dont take those completly seriously, their more of a proof of concept,



  • i dont belive reinhart currently needs any changes currently, but i want to pitch one idea for the future

  • a possible R ability that gives rein some sort of CC resistance, or a passive that does the same, i feel like he will feel incredibly weak once the novelty of goats is out


  • Im very iffy on zarya, i feel like she is fine, but i do want to propose some possible changes for her kit

  • i belive zarya may be due for a overall damage reduction, her damage at the best potential is higher than almost all the DPS without taking criticals into account, and in my opinion, its easier to aim as well, the damage reduction can come in the form of less charge per bubble, harder to maintain charge, or simply a flat damage reduction

  • As a tradeoff for the damage however, i would like to increase zaryas tanking capabilities, it can come in the form of Bubbles with more health, bubbles that last longer, or less cooldown on bubbles

Explanation was done in the changes themselves


  • i dont belive dva needs any changes what sowever


  • Increase his Bubble HP from 600 to 800

Mainly the reason for this is that i belive winstons bubble, his main and only defense, has been struggling in beeing usable correctly, when diving snipers, some of them like hanzo or ashe can easily brust it down and render it innefective


  • Some sort of passive that reduces the ultimate charge people recieve from damaging him in 25%, to make him less of an ultimate battery

While roadhog isnt a bad hero himself, he suffers a lot in high rank play due to having a design flaw, he feeds too much ult charge, with this, he should be less feedy and more viable


  • Halt cooldown reduced from 8 to 6

  • Fortify now operates on a resource meter, can be triggered at any time with a interal cooldown of 1 second, and can be kept up for a maximum of 2-3 seconds

these two changes should help orisa control her own space better, as well as use fortify to defend herself more properly reactively


  • i dont belive hammond needs any changes currently,



  • other than fixing her bugs, i dont feel like ashe needs any changes


New ability, Personal Barrier

  • Acts upon a resource meter, sharing the same resource as his self heal, needs this to be used
  • Has 400-500 hp
  • Only covers bastion
  • Instantaneous
  • Favors defender
  • No cooldown
  • Bastion cannot fire while barrier is active

The point of this ability is to give bastion a skill based defense ability to make him less team reliant, and more independant on his team, Despite this, The barrier has been designed to have multiple limitations, Limited health, damages your healing resource , limited uptime and bastion cannot fire while its active to balance it out and not make bastion a psudo-tank, This ability is meant to be used to bait and block important cooldowns like a hook, a helix a pulse bomb,etc or just important attacks like junkrat/pharah primary fire to help bastions defend themselves, or simply just cover his retreat


  • I dont belive doomfist needs any changes right now, Maybe pherhaps some sort of re-design to his ult since its kind of Meh, but for now, he is fine


  • Genji is fine at the moment, he really needs no changes


  • Hanzo is in an odd spot, where statistically, he is normal, but in game, it really feels like he can do too much, i dont really feel confortable suggesting something for him because i dont know quite what could be changed,


  • Projectile size increased from 0.2 to 0.3

his projectiles still ghost through hitboxes, and his weapn is way too unreliable

  • Let junkrat hold two mines active at once

Having two mines but beieng unable to put both limits junkrats utility a bit, where as, he may want to put a trap and a mine somewhere, but if he does then he is unable to use it as mobility or as a way to defend himself, rendering the trap-mine combo almost unuseable, when detonating the mine, you detonate the one that is closest to your reticle

  • Give junkrat a 2nd trap charge
  • let junkrat hold two traps at once

junkrats traps arent really that useful anymore, giving him two helps him furfill his role as area denial a bit better

  • Projectile speed buff reverted
  • Bouncing changes reverted
  • Junkrat primary fire damage reduced to 120

with these new buffs i proposed, i belive these three changes are unecesary and dont solve his issues at all


  • Let mccree Roll in the air
  • Let mccree roll while using deadeye
  • Give mccree 50% damage resistance, or total damage immunity while rolling
  • Increase distance traveled of roll from 6 meters, to 8 meters

While mccree isnt a bad hero entirely, he suffers from beeing too stationary, and really not having the defenses to hold his own without beeing babysat, these changes help mccree hold his own more easily, and have some sort of defensive ability to utilize that can double as an escape

  • Increase Flashbang explosion range from 3 meters, to 4 meters

flashbang is too unreliable due to the way its thrown by mccree, and its extremely buggy, increasing its range should make it feel more consistent


  • Let mei reload while on cryo-freeze

a simple quality of life buff that would make meis kit flow a bit better


note: these changes arent for console, only pc

  • Pharahs health reduced from 200 to 100
  • Pharahs shields (or armor) increased from 0 to 100

this should help pharah be able to hold her own a bit more without needing to be pocketed that much, armor could help hold herself more in the air, but it would encourage pocketing her more, so i prefer the shields to make her more independant

New ability: Aerial manuvers

  • Tapping space twice while flying, similar to genjis jump and hanzos dragons agility, will cause pharah to boost herself 6m in the direction she currently is flying at
  • 6 second cooldown

This ability should help pharahs juke their enemy hitscans a bit better, and increasing her aerial mobility a bit more


  • The Reapening passive life leech reduced from 40% to 30%
  • The Reapening passive now has a new effect: Reduces healing recived on the target reapers attack by 50% for 1.5 seconds

This gives reaper more utility, making him a stronger pick overall, and helping him counter tanks in a way that doesnt make him a free win in certain situations against them, the self heal reduction was done because reaper is still problematic in lower-ranks because of his self healing

New ability, Smoke dash

  • Reaper turns into smoke, and travels 15m forwards over the next 1.2 seconds

  • Reaper is invulnerable while dashing

  • Cooldown of 8 seconds

This gives reaper an engage / disengage ability that he really needs, while keeping it limited enough so that he does not turn into a psudo tracer dashing arround everywhere and one shotting people

Soldier 76

  • Biotic field range increased from 4.5 meters to 6 meters
  • Biotic field duration increased from 5.1 seconds to 6 seconds

this helps soldier be able to move more while his biotic field is active, and makes it more viable to use on allies that need healing, giving soldier more overall utility

  • Let him reload while sprinting

Simple QoL fix that makes his kit flow better


  • i dont think sombra needs changes


  • Teleporter duration increased from 10 seconds, to 20 seconds
  • Teleporter cast time reduced from 2 seconds to 1.2 1.5 seconds

This makes her teleporter more viable, as this is her primary utility, and faster to deploy overall, increasing both its proactive usage, and reactive as well

  • Turret max Quantity increased from 3 to 4
  • Turret chages increased from 3 to 4

This helps symmetra turrets to cover more areas of the map putting it more in line with old symmetras map coverage


  • Overload duration increased from 5 to 6
  • Overloads initial animation duration reduced from 1 second to 0.4 seconds

Overloads initial one second duration is taken up by the animation of torb rising its arms, reducing its total effective duration by 1 second. as well, the last second if using all his right clicks will be spent reloading, this makes his overload have less limitations overall

- Turret health increased from 250 to 300

This helps deal with some interactions that make the turret a bit weak overall, like hanzos two shotting it, and now junkrat doing the same, tracer one clipping it, etc

  • Turrets “cooldown on destruction” mechanic removed
  • Turret cooldown is always 12, activating when the turret is thrown initially
  • When looking up, show a hologram of where the turret will land

This smooths out the turrets new placement mechanics who seem extremely clunky, making the turret really weak overall


  • She does not need anything currently, she is fine


  • Nothing, i dont think she needs any changes



  • I dont think ana needs any changes at the moment


  • Regenerative brust cooldown reduced from 15 to 12

Regenerative brust is a really weak ability that heals just as much as a repair pack, but is on double the cooldown, and is bap himselfs only way of self sustain, reducing its cooldown makes it a bit better overall


  • Repair pack reworked into having two charges, each charge applies 40 50 armor and heals for 80100 (works the same way it does now), both charges have a 4 second cooldown

  • Inspire healing per second reduced from 16 to 12 (on teammates, self remains at 16)

this makes briggites healing less passive, and more active, making her a better support overall for DPS since her healing is more spread arround


  • i dont think lucio needs any changes at the moment


New ability bound to F, Fake Soul

  • Mercy places a soul where she is currently looking at that she can use guardian angel to

  • Utilizing resurrect on the fake soul will make it detonate and apply a regen-over time buff to everyone 12m arround it for 6 seconds (20hps), resurrect cooldown is reduced to 8 when used on the fake soul

this abilty makes mercy less team reliant and letting her take care of herself more often, while giving her a bit more healing so she doesnt struggle as much


  • Damage orb applies a 25% healing reduction on all the targets that it hits for 8 seconds

this gives moira some very needed utility to increase her viability at the higher ranks, forcing her to choose either healing her team or reduce the enemies


  • I dont think zenyatta needs any changes atm

And there it is, feel free to discuss, i may edit the thread if someone gives me a good reason why to do so

You´ll also notice a lot of my patch notes center arround the idea of “making them more independant” Which i feel is a need on a lot of heroes, as a mayority of the cast is designed to tear everyone apart on their own, and another minority require teammates to do the same or less impact, and this needs to be adressed


Might wanna specify if this stacks per shot, because this will be pretty OP if it does.

Revert his projectile speed buff, IMO.

no, there was a reason for that, keep it.

make his sutpid ability more stupid.


no, no mobility changes and def not survivability changes.

CC hell incoming, no

No, makes her to mobile, mobile creep incoming :slight_smile:

This idea of reducing AOE healing for single target is good but it’s not actually helping Brigitte with healing with your current numbers. She’d probably heal less with these changes.

So I fixed the numbers for you so Brig would still be usable.

  • Repair Pack reworked into two charges, each applies 100 healing or 50 overheal armor (the armor caps at 50), both charges have a 4 second cooldown.
  • Inspire for teammates reduced to 12 hps. Self heal remains at 16 hps.

She could also get an overcharge for the heal orb, if you held down the LM while choosing the orbs. So she can increase her healing output and less spam her primary resource out because of any situation.


Yeah they should add cross-play in your theoretically perfect plan.

wouldn’t that trigger both the mines though?

I like reading these long posts and I like most of the ideas here, I wonder if the people at Blizz read these too?

Doesnt stack, it just refreshes the duration

that makes turret too strong :smiley: Your really throwing out the garbage with 0 game knowledge or.

stupid out of char lore.

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Could be, like i said, i dunno what to do with hanzo,

What would you change though? i dont see what else is there to change

The CC hasnt changed…it just actually works correclty

ill have to read into it a bit more, i ran some calculations with my numbers and i think it increased her HPS of repair pack from like, 25 per second to 40 per second, but maybe thats a bit too small

I think this wouldnt work beacuse generally with moira you dont have time to do that, your m1ning or m2ing hard almost all the time, you just throw the orb and forget about it

i generally only touched of character balance

i forgot to add this in, but it would trigger the one that is closest to the reticle

it makes it less clunky

the lore of this gameis non existant to be honest, i dont see why that matters


its not clunky, its perfectly fine.

he stuns even more that he didnt deserve and low effort fth them. don’t buff cc on him, remove fth, no right click ability, he just does after stun 25% more dmg. Or even 50%.

exactly that’s why she should get that. it’s more “planing” and anticipate what could happen. that also would make her a bit more interesting to play because you have to chose between the overcharged version or a simply heal orb and her playstyle get at least a little bit more strategical.

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i dont agree, tbh, my reason why it feels clunky and generally why i dislike deployables whos cooldown is on destruction, is that you have to say on when it goes on cooldown, the enemy controls when your ability is on Cooldown, which is something that is actually very annoying, the enemy shouldnt decide when your ability is on cooldown, you should

No no, He actually is able to stun what he is trying to, Not stunning more that he diserved

I mean, landing a headshot on a stunned target isnt really that much harder tbh, i suggested before a potential fan the hammer replacement ability, but i figured that reworking it was not necesary, so i avoided it,

going back to the old torb but with even more power? tbh i consider torb to be op right now, yet his turret stops him from being a god, so u cant just buff both aspects

grapple bugs need fixing

unless u remove the damage then i disagree with it completely, dps moira is already enough of a chore
besides i have a better idea
damage orb can be detonated to apply the opposite of immortality field, if u hit your 20% hp u instantly die

Well i wouldnt say its “going back to old torb” old torb turret was much much stronger because it commonly had torb very close to it, and torb could repair it from long range with his Q, it also didnt have a cooldown, and it doesnt have level 3,

The current turret needs the health to be able to hold its own a bit more since torb is generally now more busy doing other stuff to be going back to repair it constantly,

Why would this make dps moira necesarily better though? Reducing the healing on a target doesnt make you deal more damage

The explosion thing is a nice concept for sure, but randomly causing a tank to die when he has 120 hp left does seem a bit too much, id actually be better for DPS moira than my original idea because its reducing her TTK

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I like this idea, but just the healing reduction would work too. But Moira needs something with utility, and the idea is probably going to be used for a later hero down the line.

the healing reduction is also the game needs a lot, we have means to control damage creep by ourselves, barriers we have means to control defense creep, ´torbs ultimate, brust damage, or mobiltiy to skip the barriers in the first place, or just hack to disable them

but we dont have means to control healing creep, which in my example we now have three, Reaper, Moira and Ana, Just run a comp with those three and you essentially got a anti healing comp