Reaper: Still useless at high rank, still dominates low ranks

It’s so long past time for a rework.


no rework needed

this should fix him

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not every hero needs to be viable on all elos… he does not take a lot of skill, its fine that on high elo he gets outclassed…


It’s not fine to be too strong at low ranks to make up for it.

So fed up of these boosted Reapers.


It’s impressive that the Overwatch team took the time to rework Shadowstep and the end result was that it changed absolutely, positively nothing about the character.


But your suggested changes can be considered a rework:
You change the passive and give him a new ability. It is a rework…

a better shadow step would break him even more on low elo

Shadowstep on a resource with a shorter overall duration would fix him but no lets re-engineer everything.

Who does Reaper dominate at low ranks besides tank mains?

The thing he’s supposed to dominate

Reaper is a throw back to the early release state of the game where they needed a bunch of different hero archetypes. He is the land locked shot gun hero and if the game had gone in different direction in play style, away from mobility and CC, he would fit great into the game.
b…but goats is land locked
and it’s also 3 tanks and 3 support, one can’t really expect one DPS hero to just chop all of that down, none of the DPS can do it.

but there isn’t much the balance team can do to bring him back into a mobility and CC fest game. CC owns Reaper so hard that even his own team’s CC hurts his over all DPS output. As his team will pop up, boop, bump and knock players all over the place. Moving enemies out of Reaper’s prime kill zone of point blank range.

Reaper sits in lower SR ranges like a mini raid boss you have to learn to get past as a tank main to break into say plat and higher. I really don’t have a problem with that, even if it results in a whole lot of gold SR players in QP freaking out I’m going to run Winston into a Reaper based team.
Errrr I’m a meh 3k tank main, it still far from a wow SR range but I already know how to beat Reaper. The same as anyone else who plays tank at high plat+

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As long as both high and low skill heroes exist in the game, it’s never going to be possible to balance them all at every rank. There are plenty of other examples of heroes who get far more value in low ranks besides Reaper. Roadhog, Junkrat, Moira, Sym, Torb, Bastion, Soldier, Pharah, Mercy, Brig <- even though meta is still even more OP in Bronze.

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What the heck is up with people with that mindset? Let me guess, you’re one of those that also think that because soldier76 is the tutorial hero that it’s fine if he’s bad?
in a world of perfect balance EVERY HERO SHOULD BE VIABLE AT ALL RANK!


apparently you never played a fps before …there are always characters that are less viable the higher you climb… if you want to climb higher you cannot count on easy pick up characters. its totally legit that widow outclassed reaper by far on high elo.

This is why I say a rework. Give him a skill curve that can be better tuned. There are plenty of heroes that work across all ranks.

Same deal with Moira. They can’t be buffed in their current state because the lower players will freak out.

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i deranked from diamond to gold becaause i was sick and tired of the matchmaking … last game with moira i did 14k damage and about 8k healing…

would never be possible for me to do that on diamond without losing quickly… lol.

I found your problem. You should get at least 3x as much healing as damage.

yea i know but its fine… i do not want to play my main class anymore that often but learn new heroes so i dont care about my rank that much.

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He needs a top to bottom rework. Not changing some of his abilities, this would do almost nothing to his viability at high ranks and may just make him stronger at low ranks.

He’s good at high rank
