Bring Back Bastion's Shield PLZ BRING BACK

Yeah let’s also bring back 150HP zen and 150 damage bodyshot widow and damage over time genji dash.

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Bastion needs help. The shield isn’t the way to do it. Straight buffing him will destroy the lower half of players, he would need a nerf in return.

THANK you peeps for reading this post i really like Bastion as a Character and i think they should also Make his Tank mode last longer and should make it 12 sec at least

his winrate is under 50% in low ranks and his pickrate is dropping even in the meta he’s supposed to be in. So yeah, straight buffing him will be complained about but that doesn’t make the complaints true.

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This post sends me. You act like bastion isn’t strong already… I have to laff

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THe beta Bastion could only and i mean only killed by a Beta Bastion that fired first. That monster rates as high as the Ironclad monster.

Let the monster remain in the mists of the past.

That’s how most 1v1 of the same hero works. If you’re identical, then you’re identically powerful. That was why Moira and Sym were disabled in that one identical 1v1 mode awhile ago.

im talking about in normal games 6v6, bastion was a monster and a half, i still have nightmares of games i played in the Beta.

1000 HP was too much but how would you feel about a lower value?

it should, i belvie this would fix his issues, But it has to come in some form

i came up with a updated version of that shield to work in the current version of OW

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bastion is already very op and if they put that stupid barrier in bastion put back and the old mass rez for mercy the old symmetra and torbjorn

Bastion’s pickrate and winrate is horrible. If he were OP he’d be used in bunker comp which massively benefits him. But he’s not. He’s not in bunker comp. Now how is it that people aren’t using this massively OP force you are referring to?


You’re so right, the lowest pickrate in all ranks is oP.
Please open your eyes and see that Bastion is not meta at all.

all people are goind bastion orisa and baptiste only for just 1 reason to climb and dont lose the game in diamond anyone does nothing for this

If he essentially isn’t played, how are “people” using him to climb? He does lose in diamond, and I already stated his pickrate hasn’t even gone up in a bunker meta so he’s not even being used in it most of the time.

could work but you would have to get rid of ironclad, but expect some seriously salt on anything based on the beta monster. even with all the nerfs bastion has had since then,

but something that might make it more palatable would be if the shield was on regen meter shared by repair. i know it sounds like a nerf, I only suggest this remembering the reaction from when ironclad was first introduced.

thats because they dont like bastion and his kit and i saw MANY TANK OR HEALER MAINS WHO THEY DONT EVEN TOUCHED DPS AND THEY’RE USING THE COMBO BASTION with orisa and baptiste or rein and mercy and others. he only works with teamwork

Regardless, Any buff that we do to bastion will be met with complains, So i wouldnt sweat those very much

i really like my idea because it can be still countered and its not as passive,

if anything i think having a more active shield woudl be better not only because it means that you have to manually activate it aka requiring player skill but you also get to choose what damage to block

Ask team for barrier.

You’re trying to read the minds of every single player that hasn’t played him. I’m not going to listen to that.