You've Screwed Up Balance for Years, So Here

D.Va is not; the fact that powerful projectiles like Grav and Nade only answer to DM is the balancing issue.

Brig was before she was nerfed into relative irrelevance on the ladder.
She’s the least-picked healer in most tiers, third least-picked in GM just above Baptiste and Moira.

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Buffing Orisa? Yeah, let’s not.


Glad we have devs to do this instead of random people. This stuff is honestly just broken, either for the hero, or against them. Balance has been steadily getting better over the years, people just have a skewed view of past balance. The game is so well balanced now compared to initially it isn’t even funny.


“Complain about devs balance”
Suggest some even more broken balance suggestions


Wait… You want to buff Widow… But you think Machine Gun McKelly is broken? How is a McCree hater fine with Widow? I thought hitscan was broken or something.

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I like some of these, made a similar thread before this patch

personally, i dont think she needs a nerf…

im ok with this but i think the anti-cc is better reserved for another tank, Orisa is in a good spot atm


Does winston need buffs, Though? i dont think he does

This is creative, i like it, but i dont really think ashe needs much buffs atm

Yeah im fine with this, i really mostly use it for the shields so i guess

my idea was to put this more on his primary fire, but works too.

Sombra has a negative winrate even at GM.i dont think she needs nerfing

i like this, This is fine for me

i dont see whats the point of stunning the turret even?

No, Just no, This would lead to a literal perma infra sight.

I dont like these changes, For repair pack, i prefer something like this:

eh its okay not what i would have done to her but at this point i dont even know what to do to her

i tried to be as concise as possible lol


Hey I like the Mercy change, just wanted to say that. I found the Reaper and Ashe suggestions way too much.

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  • Reaper
    • New Secondary Fire: Plague Aura
      • Creates a 12 meter area in which all enemies who enter are healed at 50% the normal rate. Duration: 6 seconds. Cooldown: 18 seconds.
    • Wraith Form can now slowly float upwards if Jump is held.

Reaper can sometimes feel very simplistic. These changes help give Reaper a role in decimating certain strategies involving close-knit positioning and large amounts of healing.

He definitely needs buffs in regards to how he plays but this would just be insanely broken, he alone could shut down entire team comps with just this ability.

  • Roadhog
    • New Trait: Rawhide
      • Attacking Roadhog now only grants 50% of the normal Ultimate Charge granted for attacking other heroes.

Roadhog is a great tank-busting off-tank selection, except that as a damage sponge he often does more harm than good by building enemy ultimates far too quickly. This change should remedy that problem.

This is an insanely good idea, Roadhog really doesn’t have much going for him other than he can heal and kill people, there’s really nothing special to him, this wouldn’t do too much since he can self heal so either way they’re getting the charge back that was lost from the initial burst, but this is a good idea.

  • Brigitte
    • Repair Pack heal amount decreased from 150 to 100. Repair Pack cool down decreased from 6 seconds to 4 seconds.
    • Shield Bash stun duration decreased from 1 second to 0.5 seconds. Cool down decreased from 7 seconds to 6 seconds.

The main thing that keeps Brigitte from being a true support, while simultaneously making her the enabling force for zero DPS comps is how much burst healing she can give to massive health pool targets. These changes fix that, while keeping her total healing potential the same. Simultaneously, because Brigitte is only truly strong in that sub-optimal strategy, her Shield Stun has been adjusted to be available more often but with a significantly smaller effect.

She would be unplayable at this point, and not in a good way. There would be absolutely no reason to play her. In order for Brig to stay viable her stun needs to be where its at in order for her to shut down key targets and get the healing off on her attacks. 90% of the time your health kit wont even be used but when it is used its normally for quick saves…

You already lost my interest. has been nerfed too many times, she should be buffed or left alone.

Better idea:
Primary fire is reverted back to 2.0 version
Teleporter stays as it is now, but shield gen comes back as an alternative to it, with less range than before. Both are permanent like you suggested. The voice lines for when the enemy has a teleporter / shield generator are brought back as well.
Let sym hold 4 sentries but still only have 3 placed, or make them recharge faster.
Add a debuff to enemies that walk through photon barrier.

Now that would make Sym interesting again.

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Sometimes I think the devs are bad at balance but when I look at these threads I realize things could be much much worse.


don’t need ult-tracking as a skill when you can just play sombra.

Eh not all, some people can have good ideas… My ideas are good, not biased at all Some ideas on this thread are good, some are really unecesary. I personally dont think Ashe needs a buff for example…

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The point in the turret being stunned is to prevent spamming the ability. It would lead to unwanted cheese instead of a limited vertical mobility option.

Just give it a cooldown then?

I feel he already has too many icons at the bottom, so this might be a cleaner way to do it.

You’ll also note that many people mistake these changes for straight buffs or nerfs. For example, people will say “I don’t think Ashe needs a buff”. But often these are recalibrations to improve the flavor of the hero without moving their power level. In the example of Ashe, Bob would stay longer and get multiple charges (thus he’s a pet tank), but to compensate he does 20% less damage. This then gives Ashe an identity separate from “she’s like a mix of Widow and Mccree but not as good as either”.

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i dont think your turret getting stunned for you jumping upwards is necesarily a cleaner way to see it

id just say give it a cooldown, Might as well,

But even then, i dont think he needs this at all…id just rather we fix the turret placement system that is incredibly awkward

I’ve played hundreds of hours on Torb. I can tell you, one of his greatest weaknesses is that he can’t scale vertically. It prevents you from reaching high ground so that you can perch with a turret and fire down. I can think of Numbani Point A, Anubis Point A, Nepal, etc, where once I drop down into the fight, my journey back to where I need to be is a very, very long and slow walk.

i also play a lot of torb, not as mcuh as you but i do, But necesarily his weakness is also the fact that he doesnt have mobility, Thats like, giving hanzo a close range tank busting ability oh wait thats like, giving bastion the ability to fly,

He already has given the throw turret to make up for that, and has great survivability to make up for his stationaryness,

Why did you just make dva worse? What kind of balance is this supposed to be?

I need my lower cooldown far, FAR more than extra 0.5 second distance. She’s not very fast in the air.

Oh wait you just wanted to nerf dva more, gotcha. Stopped reading there. And from the comments, doesn’t seem like there’s any sort of clue here how this game is supposed to be balanced either.

Glad you’re not a dev.