✅[Draft Pick] 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal

I like this idea of RoleQueue which I built.
✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept

But an alternative to a RoleQueue would be a DraftPick.

I figure the flow for a draft pick in Comp, would be everybody joins the game, then randomly select an order who gets to pick their Role/Hero first.

Go down the order of who picks first. Each pick you get 5 seconds to select a hero. If you don’t pick a hero in those 5 seconds, you get bumped to the end of the line. (Or maybe just have a button that automatically bumps you to the end).

The comp used would be 2Flex-2Heal-2Tank, since it covers every composition besides 3-4DPS comps.

One can hold the Use button (defaulted to F) for 5 seconds to vote to unlock roles. 4 votes need to unlock roles. -1 vote needed to per disconnected teammate.
And these votes can be done at any time during the match.

And yes, I know Apex is also using draft pick, but I was talking about draft pick 2 months ago as well.

⭕ [COMP] Instead of Role Queue

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