✅ [RoleLimits] 3maxDPS+2maxHealers

Been thinking about what’s the most minimal approach to get the benefits people are looking for with RoleQueue.

And making it so that you have:

  • 3 maximum DPS per team
  • 2 maximum Healer per team

Would be the most simplistic solution, and take almost no time to develop.

RoleQueue will probably be great, but it might take 4-6 months to put in. And while it will work great for Comp. It probably won’t be a good fit for Quickplay.
And Quickplay has the majority of Players, and all of the New Players.
So making Quickplay feel less like “Solo Deathmatch” is important to maintaining a healthy playerbase.

As for reasoning why Comp can work with RoleQueue, here’s the population breakdown:


Roles Pickrate
Damage 45.3%
Healer 27.3%
Tank 23.8%

(Source: Overbuff, 4/23/19, PC, All Skill Tiers)


Roles Pickrate
Healer 34.5%
Damage 33.4%
Tank 32.1%
(Source: Overbuff, 4/15/19, PC, All Skill Tiers)

As you can see, Comp is almost exactly 33%/33%/33%, where as Quickplay has 2 DPS for every 1Tank or 1Healer (i.e. 4DPS-1Tank-1Heal)


Or we could just not implement locked roles.

Seriously; the reason this crap doesn’t even work in LFG is because people can’t swap between roles to help out the team in the way they can.

The ONLY way role-locking would work is if you could switch roles mid match but that will be abused by trolls and toxic people.


RoleLimits isn’t locked Roles.

It just greys out that Role if your team already has the max number of players playing that Role.
But people can otherwise switch freely.


tank is the most frustrating role to play … solo tank is even worse unless you pick Hammond and stop caring about your team


Solo tank, with 2x Healers, is a lot better than 5x DPS, or 4DPS-1Tank-1Heal.

The idea here is to make things better, quickly.
Without waiting months and months and months for “perfect”.

Especially since “perfect” might never be possible for Quickplay.
And if you don’t fix Quickplay, then Overwatch’s playerbase will continue to shrink.

Getting a zen and brig as healers and having no wiggle room sounds like trash

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Still drastically better than 4-5DPS comps.

… is it?
Main tanks can’t reliably survive off those healers.ouput is low enough that healing back something like a critical dva could take upwards of 18-20 seconds

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Brig+Zen is better than a solohealing Zen.

And if you think the heals are subpar, it would be easy enough for any of the 5 other players to switch with one of these two damage focused healers.

if there are a max number of roles, then people cant switch to help … thus it is ‘locked’. you will then need someone else to switch off in order for another to switch … good luck with that.

not to mention if i backfill and i cant play what i want since the roles are maxed out, im leaving. pretty sure that i wont be the only one to do that either …


You think it’s gonna be difficult to get people to switch off of Healer onto something else?


That’s one of the easiest switch requests.

And if you don’t have enough firepower with 3DPS, adding a 4th DPS isn’t really going to change anything.

I’m all for 3 max per role, but why 2 max supports?

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It prevents GOATs, and allow for devs to buff healers like Brig. But also buffs for Lucio/Moira etc. And generally because almost all metas are primarily defined by healers.

That said, it also basically requires 1 Tank pick, if you got 3DPS and 2Healer.
Where even if you only get 1 offtank, atleast that’s one hero you can trust to stand on the objective and sponge up a ton of heals.

you really think anyone has ever asked a healer to switch off ??

Okay, then what’s the problem if you don’t want the healer to switch?

Wouldn’t it be more interesting to lock 3-3 stacking then? If you have 3 of X role, you can’t have 3 of any other, nor can you pick a 4th.

Locking supports to 2 seems a bit like throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

I’d say 3 healer stacking is a problem regardless. i.e. SNOATs
And it prevents buffing healers that are underperforming in 2Healer setups.

Just add role-queue and let people wait their damn 30 minutes jeeze.

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  1. That’s gonna take about a half a year, not a week or two.
  2. Great way to kill the game.

Role limits would kill the game for me.