⚡ [Quickplay] 3DPS Limit, not 2-2-2

At this stage any help for qp would be good.

I basically figure make only one composition in LFG that qualifies for RoleQueue. Then leave it at that.

The 5-10% of other compositions can do whatever they want, but those groups have to be joined manually.

The first role to have 3 heroes picked gets their section greyed out.
The next role to have 2 heroes picked gets their section greyed out.

I think that solves like… everything.

That sounds like 3 autolock dps every match

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Isn’t that better than 6 autolock dps though?

I’d rather them wait longer in a role queue then race to pick dps in match and the rest leave

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Thought about that, but I almost think it’s “healthier” to have 3DPS-3Tank or 3DPS-3Healers and wait for someone to get frustrated and switch.

Rather than forcing someone onto only tank or only heal.

Yeah. But where do we draw the line? At the end of the day it’s a game about teamwork. We already have the gentle suggestions “only 1 tank” “no healers” on the selection screen. Even if you force someone into 2-2-2, or 3*-2*-1*, they can pick a support and refuse to heal while they Moira-out on the enemy’s back line, etc.

Like I said, I think 3DPS max would be the only line needed.

If you got 3Tanks and no Healing, that can’t last for long.

If you got 3Healers and no protection, at best that’s only going to work with something like Moira,Lucio,Brig (maybe a Mercy). Which could still be somewhat competitive.

Otherwise at worst you got 3DPS, two offtanks, and a solohealing Mercy/Lucio/Moira/Baptiste. Which is still a huge upgrade by quickplay standards, instead of 4-1-1, or 5-1 comps.

Agreed on all counts except some people want to see GOATS completely dismantled via nuclear option, this would not allow 3-3-0 at all.

That’s unnecessary though. It was always a balance issue, and it’s in process of being dismantled by that means.

Yeah, and they are doing a decent job so far, it just hasn’t quite worked yet. I’m glad they try to keep the hero’s individual power at the same level and give small nerfs to what they bring to the team for overpowered synergy

Also if they gave Roadhog some team protection abilities, having Dva with Roadhog wouldn’t be such a problem.

I.e. The capability to bodyblock an earthshatter or Dva bomb.

I’d much rather have 2-2-2/role queue in quickplay as well when they implement it for comp. For starters it would provide consistency for transitioning into competitive. It would also make quickplay more bearable to play. Since it’s currently treated like DPS deathmatch with teammates instalocking DPS and running off doing their own thing.

Like the hero limit I see 2-2-2/role queue as a necessary addition for the game. It will allow the devs to more easily balance the game even buffing heroes that would otherwise be “broken or OP” without 2-2-2. And you don’t have to worry about a team full of DPS in quickplay. Or in comp having a team full of support or tank or dps mains all on one team and having people flex to roles they’re bad at.

If people are that bothered by 2-2-2 I don’t see why there can’t be two versions of quickplay. They could just make a new version call Unranked which is 2-2-2/role queue and keep the current quickplay for people who want to play DPS deathmatch.

I think this a wise idea, since we limit the risks of running a quadra/penta DPS comp (those usually don’t work), but we need to address another problem: the comps could be potentially made only by tanks and healers, making DPS a less common pick.

So, i think that putting a cap of 3 for every hero could be a good idea, but if there are space for other heroes from another role: in a team there should be always at least a tank, an healer and a DPS, then there is the cap of the 3 heroes per role (“3 healers, then pick 2 dps and a tank or two tanks and one DPS”, “3 DPS, then pick two tanks and one healer or two healers and one tank”, “3 tanks, then pick two healers and one DPS or two DPS and one healer”, 2/2/2).

Normally “quickplay” is chill and relaxing. They are very random so they are better suited to casual play rather than competitive. They are also way less toxic compared to competitive. Because it has more freedom and less limiting.

Forcing limits in “QP” will make games more toxic. More leavers, less creativity, less hero synergy and more frustration.

I have never seen 3-3 in quickplay and I don’t think I ever will. People are going to play DPS there. I also rarely see it in comp in masters+. Not even once so far this season. 3-3 is barely a thing outside of pro play and even there it’s in decline.

I agree. The problem, as I stated before, is that the devs continue making balance decisions aiming at nerfing 3-3.

3-3 still affects us all in the long run.

3-3 affect us because people continue to complain about something they don’t (or rarely do) experience.

I rather play 3-3 than having to deal with 4+ DPS on my team every match.

No. It affects us because the devs keep wanting to nerf it. If they didn’t, it wouldn’t be an issue at all.

The problem is that they don’t want 3-3 in OWL, so screw everyone…