3TankorDPS,1Tank,2Healer with required RoleQueue (i.e. Can Swap heroes between Tank and DPS midgame)
3TankorDPS,1Tank,2Healer with optional RoleQueue
Yup it’s not 2-2-2.
And if it had RoleBaseSR, you’d probably only have 2 of those.
(One for Healer, one for Tank/DPS).
But it would work without crazy high queue times.
Would have a lot more composition variety than 2-2-2.
Without a large redesign to gameplay balance. (Except for Brig).
I like the idea of it, but how likely is it that one of the dps will play off tank? If no one does, I will not be having fun on main tank. I prefer no change to comp, or all the way 222. I can already get 222 in almost every comp game without any role queue, but having 3 confirmed flex roles just gives an excuse for them to all be dps, as there would be no sole dps queue for them. Right now, we have to work together as all 6 of us can pick anyone, but if we don’t fully enforce 222, it just leaves open the door for the trolls and people who can’t work as a team
I have a solution for high dps qs.
If you cannot find enough tanks and supports for both teams, leave the tanks and supps in the q(eventually you would have enough of them for a match ) and place in the match, bots.
Normally it would be a Mercy+Lucio bot for healers and a Orisa and Hog for tanks.
Now we have less qs, all the roles are filled, and no one can call fowl play for not having a human tank/supp.
I always play main tank, but my job would suck with the 3 dps if no one would off tank. I’m saying, with no dps only queue, I am not guaranteed a second tank player, as I could get 3 dps mains who can’t tank. That sounds like not a fun game for me, and isn’t anyones fault, as they have no seperate queue. Your role queue set up leaves that hole in it, so I prefer full 222
That sounds like dogmatic thinking which ignores reality.
Also the Healers would be capped at 2, so that’s not an issue.
And as mentioned above if they really need to. They could chuck on a 2 hero-limit for Tanks. While still atleast maintaining the option for TripleDPS.